
The Beginning 2

In the vary starry space, A commercial spaceship escorted by three space frigates and one space destroyer. The travel towards Tokyo from Yokoshima is about 4-5 light years but with warping system the travel will only take 2-3 earth days. People are using Earth day as unit to calculate travels by default when traveling from space since humans comes from planet Earth.

Speaking of Mother Earth, The origin of humankind. That world is now the largest capital of Humankind, That's also where Japanese Empire born into. The world of Origin, Eons have already passed and the Earth's Condition deteriorated because of the foolish humans in the past. It's already beyond saving at this point. That is why the Milky Way officials decided to abandoned or just temporary left the mother Earth to heal by Itself. Though, Eons have passed since the last visit on Earth.

No one knows what happened and only the higher officials knows what's in there and what is happening.

Because Solar system is no-travel zone. If you go there you'll be punished severely. Many questions popped up from people's mind. They wanted to know what's is happening but they know they cannot force the government they could only hope and pray for their gods to protect mother Earth.

We call the Planet mother since that's where Humans born into.

Around the perimeter of Solar system, Countless frigates and battleships patrolling around it. Guarding the solar system from intruders. Such heavy security made everyone shocked. Many news station wanted to passed inside the system and see what's going on, hoping to get some interesting article. Unfortunately, The Government unhesitatingly shot down the ship without warning.

People where furious about it but what can they do? They were already warned not to cross the boundary.

Most of the population didn't really care about it and blamed news station for not listening. Why? Welp, How can people blame the government when the government gave them to live a good life. Of course people unhesitatingly supported the government. It's not like it's governments fault, It's already a capital law to not illegally trespass the solar system or they will be shot down.

So many years had passed since that incident and the government still hid the condition of the Earth. No one knows why?

Is there are Gigantic Radioactive Titan in there perhaps?


Commercial Ship, Haliya.


Akuyama Shin and Anohana Anna sat facing each other while feeding each other sweetly. Those who are single can bit there lips in frustration while those who are experienced smirked watching the duo.

The two are oblivious on what's going on around them and was lost in their own world.

"Sigh, Youth this days are really unconstrained. They are not even minding others around them."

"Well, If I had a girlfriend as beautiful as her of course who wouldn't?"

"You having a girlfriend? are you even dreaming?"


"You what? You are stupid and dumb."

When the old guy commented about the duo he look towards the next table and saw two another duo who bicker with each other and click his tongue and muttered.

"Really youth are unconstrained."


While the Commercial spaceship group was warping through space. In another part of space a group of frigates and destroyers positioned behind a big asteroids.

Space Pirates.

Even if the government gave everyone a good life. There are always people who ungrateful and dumb enough to just appreciate what they are given. A group of space brigands stealing and raiding space commercials in hopes of looting some resources and money.

Such disappointing individuals always existed since eons ago.

"Boss! We discovered a commercial spaceship passing through this route. The ship is escorted by few frigates and one destroyer!"

A man reported to the bearded man who was sitting on the captain seat.

The bearded man smirked.

"Well boys it seems we will have another loot today. Hahahaha, Order everyone to intercept them."

The other people inside the deck smirked and laughed hideously.

"That's boss for you! Hahaha Money and Women here we go!"


Space Destroyer escorting the commercial ship.

"Captain! We found a group of unlicensed ship coming on our way!"

A man reported towards the captain of the ship as the man in question frowned watching the radar.

"This is a trouble... I thought this route is safe so I brought a few ships with me but to think there are pirates in this area."

"Okay, Tell the HQ about this matter. It cannot be delayed. Also, Contact some authorities near this area and tell them we need reinforcement."

The Captain ordered his men as he was thinking about a plan to counter this trouble.

"Tell the commercial ship to stop and hide behind the asteroids to prevent casualties."

The warping ships stopped close to empty planet with a asteroids belt sorround around it.


Commercial Ship deck.

"What's going on why are we stopping?"

The Captain of the ship asked.

"Captain the The captain of the destroyers said a group of space pirates are intercepting our group."

When hearing the report the Captain frowned as he watch the radar and saw a few dots entering the area of the radar. He clicked tongue.

"I order you to calm the passengers first. Then hide behind the asteroids as per the Captain of Destroyer said."

"Yes captain!"



Shin and Anna stopped from wandering from their own worlds when the ship came to stop. A group staff entered cafeteria and told them to return to their respective rooms.

Shin felt the situation a bit suspicious. He hold Anna's hand as the two return in their rooms.

"It appears we are encountering some problems on the way."

"What problems Shin-kun?"

Shin didn't answer her and just walked towards the window and pointed towards to space. Anna came next to him and look towards he pointed and felt confused because she can't see what he is pointing.

Seeing her confused expression, Shin smiled wryly and slap his head for being stupid. Of course a normal person cannot see such that far. One needs special technology to see that far.

But for him, It's different. Why would he be accepted in one of the most prestigious University? It's because of his ability and knowledge.

Though, The University only knows he is very smart and talented. Because his Grades are over the top. Scoring perfect every test even on physical test. The University of Tokyo was also dumbfounded of his knowledge and ability that is why they accepted him willingly.

Akuyam Shin, His ability to see far away is one of his abilities he gained through out his life. No one knows about it but himself.

He told his parents about it when he was young but they didn't believe about it. So as he grew up he decided to keep it a secret because he didn't want to become experiment subject.

He also have a photographic memory and fast comprehension when it comes to academics. Strong and Agile to win every worldwide Olympic.

He was shocked because as he grew older the stronger he becomes and he didn't know why. Even in bed with Anna his vitality didn't even make tired as Anna laid on bed tired from their night session. Though he was also satisfied from it, it feels like he can do hundred rounds without being tired. Unfortunately, Anna cannot do it after 8-10 rounds.

As time passes he became 18 years old he just ignored his colossal power from growing. Though, He practiced to control his strength everyday by zen meditation and other stuff that can help him ease his mind.

Akuyama Shin is not your normal adolescent boy. He is someone destined to reach the peak as I said before. No one can hinder his path.

Shin grab Anna's shoulder.

"Ah, look there if you look closely you can see it."

Anna scrutinize where he pointed and and found a flickering light and was shocked when that flickering light getting close. She covers her mouth with her palm.

"Space pirate?"

"Yeah. It's a space pirate. It's the reason as for why the ship stopped."

"Are we gonna be okay?"

Anna worriedly said as she lean close to Shin. Shin wrapped his arms around her tightly and said assuring her.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

He said seriously and stare towards the incoming pirates. Their escorts also intercepted the pirates and started the battle between them.

Shin clenched his other free hand tightly and resolutely muttered. 'I know how cruel these brigands are and they hideous enough to make me sick. If they dared to touch Anna I will make them pay a heavy price.'

As he said that. The space around them trembled. The vase on the nightstand cracked slightly. Shin calmed down as he controlled his emotion. He can't lost control know or else something bad will happen.

As for Anna she was oblivious on what's happening because she was happily snuggled on Shin. She wasn't affected by Shin's sudden lost control because he was intending on protecting her not harming her.

As the battle continues. The commercial ship finally arrived next to a large asteroid enough to cover their ship. Also because of the asteroid Shin and Anna couldn't see what's happening.

The two decided to lay on the bed and wait for the battle to end. Anna prayed their safety.
