
Final stand

Skipping a few days ahead of where we left off were in the middle 0f a battle our main charecters are behind sand bags only the rail road was left. Both sides had few resources andvthe predwyn could not provide suppprt but the BoS had one more trick up their sleeves as the prewdyn flly away a mass metal man fell down to the ground,LIBERTY PRIME as it fell down it yelled 3 words DIE COMMUNIST SCUM! as it landed everyone in a 10 mile radius felt its fall. break somes legs even the ones in power armor were fine bit thry all fell to their knees. Levi immediately got up and pulled donteup with him. As they demolition battalion rushed the enemys as the liberty prime threw nukes killed most it started to become a one sided battle a true blood bath. But as they thought they were going to win liberty prime fell because it wasnt fully repaired . Levi and donte noticed this secons after killing some of the railroad off. This provided for a tactical reatreat of the railroad forces regrouping with the minute men at the castle. Tune in to war news next time

I know this chapter wasmt so focused on levi and donte but the nect one well and yes it was aplot twist and you thought a war could end in two chapters

Xedruscreators' thoughts