
falling in love (secret billionaire)

she was taking a sip of her coffee and was enjoying her playlist when some jackass as she likes to call bad driver made her spill coffee on herself. jackass she yelled while horn. she speed off and followed the driver and the horn again when she got slow to the car. "hey, jack ass" she wasn't going to let this go not today. she wanted to talk to the driver but the back sit window open "hi, am.." the stranger want to introduce himself but was interrupted by her. "a jackass" she interrupted him and drew the remaining coffee at his car and zoom off while her middle finger up telling him fuck you. feisty, a smile formed on his lips, I like that" ringing his phone was ringing, he look at the caller's ID, it was Jimin, he picked up the call "Hello" sir, we have a clear aim at the driver with your order we can make it an accident, right now. Jimin said "why so serious, boy," he said and hang up. Jimin look at his phone to be sure he just spoke to his boss.is he joking

queenpink5 · ファンタジー
54 Chs

chapter 27

business deal part 2

we use Williams car. Luke sat in the driver's seat while I and Williams sat in the passage sit. I wasn't comfortable in this position, I was in. Luke kept staring at me and so did Williams.

"why are you looking at me like that" I decide to ask Williams

"Nothing, I just thought you need to change your cloth. driver" he spoke seriously

"No, thank you, sir. Am comfortable in what am wear. I was dressed like a flight attendant. wore my black suit with my white glasses and heels. I met business.

a few minutes later we arrived at the restaurant.

"Mr Williams what a pleasant surprise" a man in his 40' greeted

"thank you, sir"

"I thought you were on your honeymoon with your wife"

"We had to cut it short, I plan to make it up to her"

"Mr. Williams sure like business, "a young man stood up, he looked the same age as Williams.

"I am Isaiah Mars CEO of Bruno mars enterprises". he introduced himself

"A pleasure to meet you" Williams extended a handshake to him which he accepted with a smile, printed on his face.

"the pleasure is all mine"

"These are my assistant Luke and Sia"

"good evening sirs" we both greeted

"let's have a seat"

"thank you"

"what will you like to order" a waiter came to attend to us

"We can't talk about business on an empty stomach". when he noticed the frown look on Williams's face, he spoke up.

"boss, Mr. Williams may not want to eat because of his wife. which newly married man would want to miss his wife cook. How about we order dessert or light food".the elderly man spoke up.

"Sure, why not".

I will have black coffee and a cookie" he orders first

"Me too," the elderly man said

"Me too, but put a lot of milk in the black coffee". William's said

"I will have juice and a cookie"

"I will have ice cream, strawberry, and packed cake with strawberry juice to be precise." I gave out my order which got weird looks from everybody

"Okay ma".

while we wait for the dessert, let's talk about business. Williams said


"Our company wants to work with yours, as you know we are planning on opening an entertainment industry and your company is well known in the entertainment industry. partner with you will boost us and also increase your income". the server enters with their dessert. thank you.

Sia immediately focused on her ice cream.

"Mr. Williams am sorry but we can't partner with you guys"


"you all are starting, what if something goes wrong"

"not can ever go wrong in the Williams enterprise. Partner with us will help. you and help us. It is a win-win on both sides".

"but as a start-up business, you are bound to face challenges, and our company hates bad publicity".

"Sir, with all due respect our company is not a start-up company. and problems make us stronger. Have you heard of a problem Williams enterprise faced and didn't solve? this partnership is quite an excellent idea,". Luke spoke up

"indeed mr luke what you said does have a point but we still can't partner"

"Mr mars don't you think, you are a little dumb" I spoke up

"Excuse you". the elderly man spoke up

"the problem with you people, is you can tell the difference between a question and an insult. I asked a question. You can say yes no, or keep quiet".

"miss sia has heard a lot about you".

"I hope good thing, sir".


"Mr mar partnering with us will do you more good than us. I heard you all are facing some challenges and will soon go out of business".

"Who did you know that"

"am trying to live up to my name sir,

we the Williams enterprise have afforded money to sponsor your company ten times but we need something from you.

Although you can help us financially you can help us by selling and lending some of your artists".

"you all have a good point but I still can not partner with"

"Even at the level, Mr mars is he is still stubborn"

"am not stubborn am just afraid of the losses".

"no big company in the entertainment industry will like to partner with you guys".

"Am keeping my fingers crossed"

"if you say so" they all quietly enjoy the dessert knowing fully well that they lost the deal.

I know I have been doing my best as the author of this book, but I hardly keep my promise or update all the time. I sincerely apologize because of that. please don't stop reading because of this.

chapters will be dropping 2 to 3 times a week.

thank you all for your love and support. keep reading. keep liking, keep commenting, and keep supporting.