Finally her wish to become a solider was coming into reality. All of a sudden the dream was crashed after having a one night stand with a mystery man. Jess a 22 years old lady's life will take a huge turn when she finds out she is pregnant with twins for this mystery guy
Winter was fast approaching , alot of people stay home to keep their body hot. The following day was going to be Christmas .Jess paced around in the room fidgeting with her pen. It been two months since she submitted her forms but she hadn't heard anything. Her friend Mark got dizzy watching her pace around like a lunatic. He was a doctor five years older than her. He understood her.' Your blood pressure will shot up again, if you don't take care you will go back to the hospital' he said . At the word hospital she stopped she hated hospitals it made her feel like puking.' But l can't stop' she replied continue pacing around in circles. ' I know an exact way to help you' he said dragging her to his car.************************************************************In the bar Mark got down from the car and went to open the door for Jess. She just stared at the place. This was the Stars down bar one of the biggest wealthy bar in the country. One drink could feed her for a month. But here she was standing right infront of it. Mark snapped his fingers at her. 'Let get in girl' Mark then tossed his car keys to the chauffeur . They both walked inside the bar. The loud music almost could make her deaf. But this didn't bother Mark he was a party person and this was his regular bar he comes to. Jess took the sit beside a man while Mark zoomed of already to the dancefloor dancing with a blonde girl . The man who was busy on his phone turned it off and smirk . Such a beauty beside him could make his night a memorable night. The bartender came to her' what would you like to have Miss' he asked. She just stayed silent. The man beside her just smiled and answered ' A whiskey for the lady' . The bartender went back to get the whiskey. His words finally caught Jess attention.' Hi am Anthony' ' Hi am Jess'. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💔🌹