
Mystery Zero: Proto

Fallen Stars

Mystery Zero


[Love? Money? Power?

Which Do You Truly Desire?

Strange Beasts, Trolls, Monsters, Savages, and Freaks.

Listen! They Are Lurking Around!

Gods? Demons? Rivals? Heroes? Villains?

Which Title Is The Most You Want To Devour?!

"The Stars Rule The Cosmos."

This Phrase Drives Every Thing From Around The World.

All Fighting To Be Recognized!

Not A Single Person Is Sitting This Out!!

The People Fighting Are Known As Stars.

They Say, Stars Are Always Evolving...

While Everyone Is Searching For The Guiding Light.

God Is Working In Mysterious Ways... HaHa....]

[It Finally Begins!!]

Mystery 0 Fin

Stars? God? Mystery? And the guiding light?! FINALLY, IT STARTS!!

Messiah22creators' thoughts