
And so it begins...


"Hey what was that?" said a teenage boy in a fright. "What?" said another teenager next to him. "I heard something.... Must've been the wind." "hehehehehe" "Bro Iʻm serious, I swear I heard something." the teen boy said in a panic. "That wasn't me laughing." said the other teen with a clear fright. As they both look towards the park, they see a shadowy figure eating something on the ground. They immediately ran up the street, but unfortunately, the figure had caught up and attacked. Then in the dead of night two boys scream, and loud tear noise could be heard. As the noise started to fade, more hyenas like laughter and high pitch grunts could be heard from different directions.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

ʻOh shit, I overslept.ʻ

"Apocalypse has started, System wished Host the best of luck."

ʻFuck okay, let's start with checking with my family.ʻ Well, it seems no one is home, great. Though I donʻt want to it seems I have to look for everyone. "Nainoa whatʻs going on?" Oh? I guess someone was here. "Blue, it seems the Apocalypse has come," I told him with a bit of a smirk, knowing that he probably wonʻt believe me. "Why are you smirking? I believe it, just look outside, there are already monsters outside mass-murdering people." Fuck, I may have overslept to much. Let's take a look outside. *gags* "Thatʻs a lot of dead bodies..." I regret looking, but it is something I must get used to seeing. If Iʻm going to live in this world any longer I must adapt. "See there is so much blood...." I should probably comfort him, though he is smarter than most kids his age, he still only 10. "Hey, look as long as we have each other, the world canʻt be all that bad." "F*ck, we are gonna die here." This brat. "You know I trying to cheer you up." "Yea, yea.... What are we gonna do?" Hmm, good question. "I think we should scout the area around our house. Make sure there arenʻt any monsters around and possibly look for others." That is the most rationable answer I can give, though looking outside it seems our whole neighborhood been wiped out, but still worth checking. "Alright, let see who had caused this mess." As I look outside I see a couple of dead bodies that look similar to goblins from Goblin Slayer. Well, at least I know someone fought back at least. Looking around there are a couple of goblins with rusted swords. They started to approach our house, seeing this I look at Blue, and with the exciting expression "Grab the mattress, we are going to trap these two goblins." As the Goblins enter our house, we wait upstairs ready to drop the mattress on top of them. As soon as the Goblins come below us, "Push!" The mattress falls and lands directly on top of the goblins, not killing them but trapping them. I run downstairs and using the force to grab their swords. Using one of the rusted swords I thrust into the goblins head, killing one. ʻ+20 EXPʻ A blue screen pops up in the corner of my vision. I then use the force to hold down the next one as it starts to crawl away. As its starting to struggle more I strike it in the back of the neck with the rusty sword and cut deep into its neck. It seems the sword use strong enough to cut through its neck but it still got the job done. Seeing as it's not completely dead I stab through its head. As it went 4 inches deep, ʻ+20 EXP Host has leveled up.

Nainoa Nakashima

Level: 3 Exp: 10

Health Points: 20/20

Action Points: 55/55

Magic Points: 20/30

STR: 6>9

AGL: 6

DEX: 7

STA: 8>9

INT: 6

Stat Points: 15


Off-Road Running (Lvl: 6) 'This skill makes running on paths that are not paved easier, and cost less Action Points (AP) for the Host'

Minor Stamina Recovery (Lvl: 3) 'This skill recovers AP when Host is not using AP'

Throwing (Lvl: 4) Increases accuracy when throwing any objects.

Tracking (Lvl: 1) Increases the Host's ability to track animals.

Force Sensitivity (Level: 3) youngling Jedi level.

-Force Powers: (Telekenisis: Lvl 4)

Store Credits: 5

'I can assume what stat points are, but store points? System can you explain?'

"Store points can be used in the system store. Every item, martial arts, cultivation, weapon, even summons from every dimension, or fantasy can be found in the store."

'Wait so I can get a cultivation technique to make me immortal? Is it similar to those in Chinese fantasy novels?'

"Well Host is correct, but the cultivation techniques are expensive and could be dangerous. Especially since the power, or ki within Host is different compared to those who used them in those fantasies."

'Is it possible to change it to be more suitable for me?'

"It is possible, but System recommends buying force training manuals instead."

'True that would be easier. Also, you said fantasies what do you mean?'

"Every world has a basic rule, though maybe slightly different, the same rule applies, everything must die eventually."

'Is it possible to prolong my life, but immortality is impossible... It does make sense since it is basic knowledge that nothing is eternal.'

"Hey, how long are you gonna stare like that?"

Ahhh that's right my little brother. "Not that long, Okay here's the deal, you can stay here and hide in your room till I come back, or you come with me. I'm only going around the neighborhood." Looking at Blue I see that he is staring at the dead goblins. "I'll stay... Someone has to get rid of these bodies as to not attract anything unwanted. Even though I don't see anything else like huge dogs. It never hurts to be safe I guess." He's lying, he knows I'm going to make him fight if he goes. "Are you sure? I could always have someone watching my back and fight side by side. Like brothers in a hero shows and stuff." See how far I can push him. I don't want to go alone, but it is better to go alone than with someone unwilling to go. "Look, I don't know nor want to fight at the moment, so just go already." At least he told the truth. "Alright, I'm gonna start packing some water, hurry and clean these bodies. Use bleach to clean the bodies, also wear gloves too. Maybe bury the bodies in the backyard. Also wears our dog?" I just remembered that my dog Cooper should be home still. "He wasn't doing so good, so I put him in the kennel." Hmm, maybe this is a good time to use the system store. "Okay. I'm going to check on Cooper." Cooper is a half beagle, quarter German Shephard, and also Quater Wolf. He was found him when my dad's friends had bought a house. At that time we found the mother, with all the pups. There were 12 of them, and each looked different, some taking more from the wild wolf side, other German Shephard, and ours the Beagle side. Cooper though is a little smaller than a German Shephard but is the kinder than any dog I had met before. He kind of looks like a Jack Russel breed just a lot bigger. "Hey Cooper, how you doing bud?" *whimpers*

'System can I buy medicine to help Cooper.'

"This being is going through an evolution process. Because of his bloodline being tied Great Plaines Wolves, and Silver Wolves. Being is being evolved to be able to survive the new environments."

'System what is Cooper going to evolve into?'

"System is not able to detect because of other bloodlines mixed but is most of the possibilities are Silver Wind Wolf or Great Iron Wolf."

I have no idea what these types of wolves look like... Hopefully, he still will listen to me. I need a partner in this world. 'System is there any way to help the process.'

"Yes, Host can use store points to buy the Evolution potion. It will complete the process immediately without pain."

'System buy the potion' As I said this a blue screen confirming my purchase, sadly it would use up all 5 of my store points but it is needed. 'Accept' A vial filled with a rainbow-like substance falls into my hand. Instantly an instruction on how to apply the potion pops into my head. Surprisingly all you have to do is just pour it on him. As the liquid touches Cooper it starts to form around him, almost like a cacoon, and immediately starts to crack. What comes out is a Cooper, he looks the same, still has his tail that goes into like a semi-circle, Still has his white diamond on his Copper like fur... It's almost as if his fur has a silver shine to it. "Cooper?" Cooper looks at me and immediately jumps on me and starts licking my face. "hahaha, okay, okay, Good boy. Now get off me." He obediently walks off of me. His eyes have changed. Before it was a black or dark brown, but now this a bit of green surrounding his pupils. They look almost human. 'System has Cooper gained intelligence?'

"Host is correct, this being has evolved into A SIlver Wind Wolf, which is known for its speed and intelligence. They can run faster than this world's cheetahs. They have also been known to work with humans from time to time to take out goblin villages or other things that threaten their territory." Huh, so they can work with humans. And they natural kill goblins, which is even better. Also considering that Cooper is a quarter, then that means he still mostly dog, so he can work with humans even more so. During my thoughts, I start to notice that Cooper is eyeing out the goblins. "Blue, let Cooper eat the goblins." Maybe Cooper should be able to since Silver Wind Wolves hunt them naturally. "What? Are you serious." What's with that look, I'm not stupid! "Just listen to me. He is part wolf, its like eating a monkey. The Goblin blood isn't even red so it's fine." Hopefully, he takes this excuse. "Well alright then. Cooper come here." Cooper does a light jog towards Blue and starts to stare at the goblin bodies immediately. "Go, its all yours." As blue says that Cooper starts ripping and chewing the meat, green blood starts to cover his mouth as the sounds of breaking bones and ripping tendons could be heard. Blue's face starts to go green, and not from the Goblin blood. "Blue, go upstairs and hide for now, while Cooper is eating I'm going to check the garage area and see if there are any goblins inside." While trying to stop himself from puking Blue barely gets out an "Okay" and immediately runs upstairs. I wish I could enjoy that sight more often. Well, I just hope he doesn't throw up. Even though it would be funny, it also would be a waste of resources and energy. 'System if I remember correctly I still had Stats points. How do I use them?'

"Host just has to pull up his status board and choose how many points go into whatever stat of your choice."

'Alright then, link'

Nainoa Nakashima

Level: 3 Exp: 10

Health Points: 20/20

Action Points: 55/55

Magic Points: 20/30

STR: 9>15

AGL: 6>10

DEX: 7>10

STA: 9>10

INT: 6

Stat Points: 0

Immediately after confirming the stats, pain shoots up my body, fatty parts on my body start to become more muscle and my arms start to gain a lot more muscle. As soon as I feel like the pain is starting to get worse, it immediately disappears, its almost as if I never felt in the first place. As I start to get used to my improved body, I think up a plan, on how to kill more levels. Since I do plan to start killing gobli... A blue screen popped up interrupting my thoughts and I almost shout from joy.

--Kill 10 Goblins. 2/10: The host's current neighborhood has 10 goblins inhabiting it. Kill 10 goblins.--


x50 exp

x1 random weapon

x1 mysterious box

A mysterious box huh. Sounds interesting. Well, I could only guess what it is. I don't want to waste any more time. Okay, let's head to the garage. The garage and my house are divided by a small walkway that goes to the front gate and the garage entrance. As I peak through the curtains I see that the front door to my garage is open. I open the door to my house and slowly walk outside, I hear a high pitch laugh. Though I only hear one I can't truly tell how many are there. Looking at the door I can tell the hinges are broken, and the door has multiple scratches on it. Slowly walking inside I can hear shuffling, preparing myself, I use the force to make a spray paint can fall. I hear a grunt, then a small figure walking towards where the sound came from. I wait to see if there are any more around. Seeing that there are no other signs, I walk up slowly to the goblin and immediately try to use the force to snap the goblin's neck. Feeling something choking it, the goblin starts to scratch its neck. Soon after the goblin body goes limp and its face pales out. Releasing it, I grab a screwdriver and stab into its neck confirming the kill. *ding* A blue screen pops out saying -Kill 10 Goblins. 3/10- As I was looking at the screen I hear something shuffle behind me. Immediately my body moved on its own and stepped forward. Feeling something cut the air behind my neck, I roll forward and see a goblin with a rusty sword, standing getting ready to strike again. As the goblin swings his sword I strive and grab his wrist, immediately I move behind the goblin and hits its neck, while kicking the back of its knee at the same time. The goblin falling to the ground and dropping to the floor, I immediately start pounding its neck, trying to break the adam's apple, as I punch the goblin then tries to squirm it's way free. Seeing this I grab its head and just start punching as fast I can on its face. After a minute of taking punches straight to the face, the goblin had passed out. Grabbing its rusty sword I swing as hard as I can towards the neck, which created an inch deep cut. *ding* -Kill 10 Goblins. 4/10-

As the goblin blood starts to spill out, I see a Cooper pop his head into the garage with his nose in the air. "Cooper, the goblin is over here."