

Ten years ago the O'brian family moved to my neighborhood, they are a small family of four, Mr. and Mrs. O'brian, their eldest son Alex, and their youngest daughter Alice. Since the O'brian family moved to my neighborhood, I've always had a certain attraction towards Alex, that is, since I was 7 years old, but he doesn't even know that I'm his neighbor, when I take my cat Kisha to the vet I pass by his house , I always wanted to see it but it doesn't happen, instead there is always Mrs. Laura and her daughter Playing in the garden. When we started high school I still had that attraction towards him, in fact today we start the last year of high school tomorrow and my attraction continues, I can say with certainty that I have liked him for five years; or so I thought when this boy Isaac Carter arrived, he changed everything, he turned everything upside down, it was a mess of emotions, they were something like Spring and winter. Two totally DIFFERENT guys.

Alenny_1814 · 若者
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Senior year of high school. another year with Alex. Don't get confused, he and I are nothing and when I say nothing I mean nothing, not even friends, I know it's sad that the person for whom you feel an attraction since you were 7 years old doesn't even know your name.

But well, as I said, this is my last year and I hope that this is the year in which I dare to talk to him, all in all a mystery with his air of a bad boy, cold gaze, authoritarian you, and a great body...

Well we ignore the part where I tell you that I took a shower and blah blah blah

Already with my uniform on, yes, as you read, we wear a uniform, but well, ready and everything goes down to breakfast, usually mom is not at home, she is a surgeon so she is in the hospital almost all the time, and my dad lives elsewhere with his new wife and my two year old little sister Allison.

I have a quick breakfast, brush my teeth and take my backpack to school, some go in their cars or motorcycles, but simple mortals like me, we have to walk, although I'm not complaining, it's only a 15-minute walk.

Arriving at the high school I distinguish my best friend Jane from afar, I walk towards her and greet her.


-honey long time no see

- you are an exaggerated we saw each other yesterday - I said laughing

- Damn don't take the emotion out of my drama

Together we walked to the room that corresponds to us, she sat in the front and I sat in the back, and that is how our first class began.

- Good morning students, I am Professor Julia and I will be your teacher in charge of the group and your Literature teacher.

As you know, this is his last year and our Institution does not allow many new entrants, but this year we were surprised and we have a new student, Mr. Isaac Carter.

We were all speechless when we saw Isaac come in because Damn what a smile he has, well rather all the girls, the Gorillas that I have as companions only saw each other.

- Well Mr. Carter - continued the prof: Julia

- You can take a seat in the chair next to Miss Ossi.

Did I hear wrong?

she said ossi?

I am ossi!!!


Well after that embarrassing scene, the class was normal.

After the dramatic moment in which I didn't even know my last name, Alex entered, yes MY Alex, well not mine but you understand.

Now we were in sports classes, yes my favorite class!!! (note my sarcasm)

Well, as I said, it seems that this teacher hated us doing 5 laps around the field, it's torture and that's only the first day.

-Come on Alissa - she told me jane

"I can't" I said whimpering.

I felt that if I kept running, at any moment my legs would betray me and I would fall to the ground.

- come on woman move those legs

I was about to answer when I felt something hard crash into me, and no, it wasn't something. it was someone.


This guy is hot, I'll bet all my books that under that shirt there are six squares, giving him a sweet appeal like that of a chocolate bar.

- I'm sorry but I didn't see you coming

- Eh..and I..Yes..Mmm, Don't worry

"Well, I didn't mean to make you fall, baby," he said, showing his perfect teeth in a smile.

- Yes, I'm sorry I should have been more focused

- No problem, did you hurt yourself?

- No, not at all - I said feeling a pain in my nose

- Your nose says otherwise baby

- Yes, stop calling me baby- I said taking my hand to touch the sore area

- I don't know your name, I'm Isaac, you?

- Alissa

- Well, Alissa, let me take you to the infirmary. I don't know if you've noticed, but you've started to bleed from your nose.

I knew it, it hurt a lot and I didn't know when the bleeding would stop, God, what luck you give me!

- No, that's fine, it's just a little blood- I said trying to give my best smile, but by the expression on his face I'm sure, what rather was a horrible grimace of pain.

"Come on, let's go" he said almost dragging me.

On the way to the infirmary I cursed Jane internally, for talking to her, I'm in this situation and it was very bad when she saw me leave the field with Isaac she just laughed, it's an injustice, besides I didn't want to come because I'm a crybaby and I hate being healed.

- We arrived

- What?

- to the infirmary - he said sounding obvious

- oh yes of course, but look there is no one, we better go, the nurse is not there - I said trying to escape

- don't even think about it, I'll cure you

- What you what!!

- come on, I can do this, it's easy

- Ouch! is fine

He made me sit on the stretcher while he looked for what was necessary to clean the already dried blood, it was not until I was sitting that I realized that the bleeding had stopped, it still hurt but it was bearable.

- Well here we go

- please do it quickly - I said seeing the time on the clock in the infirmary

"Are you scared?" he said with a certain mockery.

- No, I just want to get home early, I want to rest, it's been a long day.

- quiet it will be fast

I smiled at him in response and watched as he was getting closer to clean the blood, I felt him close, too close, I could smell his perfume and look at his face, he looked very focused on what he was doing, and I was also so focused watching him I didn't even notice when it ended.

- ready - he said looking at me

- oh yes Gracais, although you didn't have to.

- Don't worry, it's always a pleasure, beautiful.

I blushed, shit I blushed!!!

Alissa calm down, he just told you pretty, nothing more.

God what am I doing with this boy, I'm being unfaithful to my Alex, well we're nothing but it's still infidelity, I'm crazy I know.

- are you OK ?

- Hmmm, why?

- you were in an astral trip or something like that - he said laughing

Damn but what a smile!!

- no, no sorry I have to go

And I got out of there like a soul from the devil.

If this guy kept smiling at me like that and calling me "baby" or "pretty", we would be in trouble, why God!! Although I would not like to admit it, this boy made me nervous.