
Bad idea

Rihanna was quick to shower.

in five minutes she had finished using the bathroom and had begun to put on her clothes for the day.

"Hurry the fuck up Anna" Paul yells from down stairs.

His words is followed by gasps, Rihanna knew quite well her mom would react.

"Paul...no cursing!" she says making Rihanna roll her eyes.

Rihanna puts on a white jump suit and wedge shoes before getting her backpack and running downstairs.


The moment the car screech all head turns to the direction of the sound upon realizing who it is their eyes widen in amusement...

Rihanna and her family always had a way of getting attention but did she care about the eyes watching her every movements? No.

Waving her father and telling him a good bye she walks into the school premises as her eyes search for her one and only bestie.

Vanessa Scott.

"Is that my unholy friend?" Vanessa yells from among the crowd.

It wasn't hard to see her as Vanessa was a badass through and through.

Her dresses made her stand out, people feared her and didn't want to have any issues with her because she was a roaring Lion looking for who to devour.

How she became friends with Rihanna is still a mystery..or maybe fate bringing to relatives together...

People believed Vanessa was a bad influence to the rich classy and we'll reputable Rihanna but they were wrong.... Rihanna had always been a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"You know I have warned you to not say anything about Unholy....Christ! You make me feel like am in that movie!"

"And you freak out anytime you remember that movie?" Vanessa mocks

"I wish" Rihanna says unable to hide her smile.

They both burst out into laughter as the crowd that had gathered for her dispers.

"Those freaks are gonna make hell on Earth for me" Rihanna sighs loudly.

"Not while your Nessa is here" Vanessa says hugging her Friend.

Instead of walking further into the school premises they both turn and walk in the opposite direction...to the school's parking lot.

"I didn't bring my car today"Rihanna says pouting.

"I know,I saw your Dad drop you off you know...He couldn't even stay a little to see me" It was Vanessa's time to pout.

"It isn't his fault am sure he was quite late, besides mum was supposed to drop me but hers was over lateness" She says assuring her.

If everyone thought Vanessa was a bad influence,Gladia and Paul didn't.

Infact they where happy to know that their only child had someone to comfort her and turn to.

"I know they love me too much to just leave without greeting" She grins widely.

"Whatever,where are we going to today?" Rihanna asks her eyes shinning with mischief.

"The forest, I've got more training techniques for you"

It was said people had usually taken that particular forest to kingdoms which people didn't think still existed but for fearless Vanessa,it was a place to train.

Vanessa thought her friend to fight with ancient equipments so as to enhance her and make her strong...only she knew why she intended so..

"Couldn't we just stop at a bar to smoke and drink at least?" Rihanna asks visibly frowning.

"We will if you do well in today's training" She promises making Rihanna's eyes lit up.

"I hope this isn't a bad idea?" She asks just to be sure.

"Of course not Anna,now are you in?"


Getting to the forest took an hour or so.

Rihanna was beginning to think it was really a bad idea until the car came to a halt.

Plus, Vanessa was a terrible driver,she had made sure to break all the road safety and traffic rules.

"Finally" Rihanna mutters under her breath.

Shaking her head she steps out of the car with Vanessa and take positions after removing her shoes.

"Hold on" Vanessa suddenly says after handing over a weapon which looks just like a sword.

"it's heavy" Rihanna protests.

"Shsh"Vanessa says.

Rihanna follows her friend's eyes to deep inside the bush.


"I could have swore I heard noises" Vanessa muses.

"What noises Nessa? it could always be rats or wild animals and we have guns to kill your training won't go to waste" Rihanna says chuckling.

"it's not funny Anna,I was here alone yesterday" Vanessa chokes out.

"You did what" Rihanna yells suddenly.

"I needed to practice you know"

"practice what? it's not like we are going on a war" Rihanna retorts.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I saw yesterday?" Vanessa asks.

"Sure what did you see?"

"A Werewolf"