
Chapter One - An Argument

I was walking inside the guild, when I saw a kid run out crying 'isn't that romeo' I thought to myself, I continued to walk into the guild "hey everyone!" I said "hey Xee!" everyone said in unison "why was Romeo here?" I asked, "Macao hasn't returned yet," Makarov said, "didn't he say he would be back in a week?" I asked "yea, but he is a fairy tail wizard, he can handle himself," Makarov said "…" I looked at him "would you say that about me? Natsu? Gray? How about Erza?" I said looking at him "what if he's dead and no one knew?!" I yelled, Natsu walked into the guild "What's happening here?" Natsu asked Gray "Xee is mad because Macao hasn't returned and Makarov hasn't done anything" Gray explained, "who is she?" Lucy asked Natsu "That's Xee, she's a dragon slayer, no one knows her slayer magic, but people say that the dragon that raised her was the dragon of death" Natsu explained "wow," Lucy said, "so you're telling me that Maraco could be dead and your not gonna do anything about it!" I yelled "just give him a day, then go looking for him," Makarov said "Fine! But if he's dead it's on you" I said walking past Makarov and sitting down at the bar, Makarov walked away.
