
The Tragic River

Natsu's face turned a stunned statue and his eyebrows frowned, twisted in utter confusion. His looks weren't cogent to Happy And Sai. The ecstatic feeling they had faded.

"What has mar our ride" Sai Latha asked to Natsu while having her left hand rested on her chest. The cadre was running in confusion.

Their eyes were on the river that stopped their way.

"Where did this river came from?" Happy asked to Natsu.

"Ah, it's in the way to Sabertooth" Natsu answered to Happy in a serious tone.

"Soory sir I cannot drive you any further" The carriage apologized to them.

"Ah, you can go" Natsu said to the driver. He was quite surprised.

"How do we cross this river Natsu? " Sai gently tugged Natsu's scarf.

Natsu punched his fist and said, "We'll just burn the river!"

Happy and Sai Latha screamed when heard Natsu say this.

Natsu filled his lungs with air and flamed out, "FIRE DRAGON ROAR" on the river. The river was put on intense flames all over. It was like river was put on fire. The flames quickly grew louder each second, engulfing every possible bit. The water itself was on fire but....

Not even a single drop of water vaporised!

Natsu's eyebrow twisted. Happy and Sai were gazed at each other in surprised.

"Why doesn't it worked Natsu" Sai Latha asked Natsu.

"The river should have been dried up by Natsu's flames" Happy said to her.

"Guess, we have to fly through the river" Natsu smiled looking at them.

Sai was surprised to see the change in attitude Natsu got. From a serious dragon one to a cheerful salamander.

"But I can carry only one person". Happy sprouted his wings.

"Don't worry about me I can fly". Sai Latha waved her hands and large white angelic wings sprouted from her back.

Bright intense light sparkled from her wings and she her vision appeared to be an angel. Natsu and Happy's jaw dropped. She smiled at them and within a second flew out in the sky.

"So fast?" Happy muttered to himself.

"That was cool!" Natsu smiled and was carried up by Happy.

"Let's go Natsu San". Sai smiled looking at Natsu.

"So fast!" Natsu looked her flying.

Natsu soon enough joined her to cross the river, "You're awesome, how did you do that!" Natsu asked her.

Sai blushed a little and said, "It's just one of the tricks..."

Sai Latha grabbed Natsu palm gently while crossing the river. Natsu didn't even noticed and kept smiling looking at the end of the river. (And the fun he is having)

Sai Latha looked at him and blushed.

"I am watching" Happy whispered and mocked Sai.

She felt embarrassed and let go her gentle hold on Natsu. But suddenly her wings dissappeared and she was about to fall in the river. But Natsu grabbed her waist in time and landed her safely on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked to Sai.

"Ya, I just ran out of magic power" she smiled.

"But it's not even ten minutes" Happy looked at her.

"Ya, I know but I am too weak" she muttered.

"Guess we'll have to walk now" Natsu started walking.

"Aye Natsu!" Happy followed him.

They walked together crossing the river and looking at the map for direction. They weren't any far away from the Sabertooth Guild.

"Should we pay a visit to Sabertooth?" Happy asked to Natsu.

"Ya, but after we complete our job"

"Are you guys friends with Sabertooth?" Sai asked to them.

"Ya!" Happy answered in joy.

"By the way Sai, what kind of magic do you use?" Natsu asked.

Sai Latha hesitated and answered, "I don't know... "

Natsu and Happy glared her.

"You don't know what kind of magic you use?" Happy asked her.

"No... " She muttered.

"Well it's fine. Atleast she can fly, maybe she uses magic same as you happy" Natsu asked Happy to show his wings.

"So, that means you use Aera just like me" Happy sprouted his wings.

Sai Latha groaned and looked down, "I think I shouldn't hide this from you guys.... "

Natsu with a curious look on his face asked, "Hide what?"

"Actually I am prohibited to use Magic...."

"What! And who prohibited you from using magic?" Natsu grabbed her shoulders softly.

"I think the magic council prohibited her to use magic" Happy said to Natsu.

"But why would magic Council do this to her?"

"Well maybe because she was like you (Casuing trouble and destruction) so the magic council.."

"What, like me.... What do mean Happy" Natsu death stared Happy.

"Well, it's not like that..... The wise men of our village did" she said looking at them.

"But why did he..." Natsu asked to Sai but somebody pointed finger on his back (Natsu thought it was a gun)

Natsu felt something sharp and asked, "Who is it?"

The fingers moved on Natsu's Shoulder and another hand moved at his neck.....

Hey, Reader's its your handsome writer. Are you guys just reading the stroy and thinking to yourself, "Oh man, this kid and his thoughts... Or he is great? Tell me in the comment box😁😁 Also, if there's some mistake, plz forgive this little child ❤️
