
fairy tail: tundra wolf

died while playing a guild building fan game and end up in that very games world what else to do then become number one follow Leon as he leads his guild to be number one

The_Abyssal_seer · ゲーム
7 Chs

chapter one: The start

Many people would wonder how I got myself into this and even I myself wonder that too. So let's begin by explaining how I end up here in the first place I was playing a fan game then you would be in the world of fairy tail and begin building up a guild of your own you got to name it choose its location you even got to choose your starting magic that would be for your character The guild Master which I chose my preferred magic which was ice dragon slayer magic a custom magic made by the game devs which you had to pay for which since I was a maniac when it came to ice magic typically I chose to pay for it which got me it as I was playing it on my computer I didn't realize it at the time but my computer start over until it exploded and killed me then I woke up here in the middle of a damn force with a blue screen in front of me.

And on the blue screen it said 

"welcome guildmaster ??????? I am the system that has been assigned to you when you died now choose your new name and the name of your guild"

Not that time I was completely surprised thinking I was dreaming though I knew very likely I wasn't. I chose the name Leon and for my guild name I went with my typical one that I used in every RPG in MMO I ever played and that name was tundra wolf. Which typically played homage to me being an ice user and having a wolf mount. Then the next moment I received a notification.

"Well Master Leon, pleasure to make your acquaintance your first step amongst three to get past the tutorial of the system is to find a location to build yourself a guild the system will construct these initial buildings."

I quietly thought about something. If I have crossed over I wonder if I was in the fairy tale universe. If so I wondered if I received my magic for when I was playing that fan game and the system answered me.

"Yes Master Leon you have received ice dragon slayer magic and to ask your previous inquiry yes you are in the fairy tale universe and to preempt your question you are currently in the area where Gray fullbuster his surrogate brother and surrogate mother lives."

Hearing this I quietly not in my head because now I look around I notice I was in a frozen tundra type area but there was a forest around me though it was heavily covered in snow. I also noticed I was in my characters clothing which was very much akin to agnologia's in human forms clothing. Which is what I liked though my color palette was different being pure white with red lines where the blue would be. And my long white hair that was just like freshly fallen snow crimson red eyes and snow white skin which I realized I basically designed my character to be similar to agnologia's human form though being my own color palette to represent my element I also realize I'm basically in albino. Which I was entirely cool with.

As I tilted my head I looked towards a nearby mountain as I made my way to it after all I plan to build my guild at least halfway up that mountain since it gives a secure position to fight against other guilds regardless if they are dark guild or not and it gives a lot of advantage to overlook the area around the guild given we would be in a high position to oversee it. I began rubbing my chin as I made my way quietly up that mountain. Within a few minutes by the time I reached three quarters to the peak I looked over the edge to overlook the area. I noticed immediately that there were a couple of towns dotted throughout the place of the forest and beyond it. I thought in my head as I looked at the Cliff face next to me I spoke to the system.

"This should be a suitable location if it's possible build the guild here and as well as dig out a sizable cave in The Cliff face if you can"

I didn't receive a reply from the system all I saw was a giant Spike of what my sense of smell was telling me a magic that carved out the side of the face to reveal a giant cavern though it all looked natural so you couldn't tell if it was carved out or not then a building appears in front of the opening then I finally received a message from The system.

"Choose your guilds icon it will help anyone recognizing your guild just from your logo"

I nodded my head as many different images appeared in front of my eyes on a blue panel. As I looked through them I noticed some of them are from other anime like for example the icon of Black coffin a murder guild from sword art online. And Vera icons from Earth's personal history such as the images typically related to clans of ancient Japan. And other icons representing Noble houses from different countries. But I ultimately chose to create my own icon which was simply a shield with two Viking axes over it and in the background behind The shield is a dragon skull. After that I received a notification.

"Congratulations guildmaster you have taken a step on the road to raise your guild to be number one."

I couldn't help but smile a bit but then I noticed the message continued onward.

"You have completed step one now it's time for step two. You must first establish your guild reputation. Are you a dark guild or are you an official guild who will help the people? You received two different tasks depending on which you choose the first one will be to complete several commissions of helping the people around your guild Hall if you choose to be an official guild to help the people if he choose to be a dark guild commit one crime or more depending on the severity of the crime."

After hearing this I seem to give it legitimate thought I played the fan game countless times resetting and restarting countless times of course I always picked the shoes the ice dragon slayer magic for my guild character but I had played both the hero and the villain part countless times and both have their own bonuses and drawbacks. Like for example the dark guild you could take any job and there wouldn't be any consequences though you cannot take it in good conscience and expect your employer to always pay you and not try to stab you in the back by riding you out to the officials which then in those situations you had to either fight the official or run and typically the official would be pretty strong so early game you just had to run and hope you were lucky enough to escape. But if you did manage to defeat them official you could obtain pretty substantial rewards from the loot you could get and it would prove a point to anyone who wants to not pay their debts because after that you would automatically kill your employer who ratted you out.

Of course this typically had a bad impression on people but most people didn't care for such things when the employers stabbed you in the back it was standard protocol to deal with loose ends. And those were the pros and cons for being a dog but being an official guild you could still take anything but assassination missions for your guild and employees also drawback the magic council could order your guild to disband and if you refused you would be automatically branded a dark guild regardless if you committed a crime or not. But getting disbanded by the magic council would take a lot and I do mean a lot of collateral damage to make them think disbanding you is a good idea. Like for example the fairy tale guild regardless of being the guild of the protagonists still took a lot to get disbanded and that not just because one of their former friends of the current guildmaster was still on the council or not he could still get voted out by everyone else. But fairy tail did not hit the council's bottom line which would force them to get disbanded until much later in the series when they've already caused enough trouble.

The pros are being an official guild there is a lot more people to post jobs for your guild and they have to pay it or they could get blacklisted by other official guilds meaning they will have to deal with the dark guilds that they want something done which the dark guild would ask a much higher fee compared to the official guilds. Because for the door guilds risking a chance of getting caught by officials would cost a lot more for missions for them to take the risk. And those are the pros and cons of both being a dark guild and not. So I ultimately choose to be an official guild because it's guaranteed to always get paid when you get a job and you don't have to constantly deal with watching over your shoulders like you do if you were part of a dark guild. Though I did remember back in the game you get to create three custom guild members for your guild because you're starting out and you need a bare minimum and the lore of the game of four people to make a guild And just like that the system responded to me.

"Guildmaster is correct, you will be creating three custom guild members so that your job can be seen as a true guild. And you have received the task to complete 20 commissions for your guild for it to be recognized as a proper official guild."

I'm out in my head with a smile as I look at what popped up on my screen next, which was the character creation for the three guild members. Typically for them I designed them all to be women but I didn't know if I should go with that or not.