
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · アニメ·コミックス
89 Chs

Chapitre 56

Chapter 56

By: Thriller



in the guild.

Taking off the unrecognizable long skirt that was beaten, and covering his body with sheets, Miraj, who was lying on the ground floor, was receiving treatment from Irene.

Lucy and the others, who originally wanted to stay and watch the fun, were all asked by Chi Yan to go back to sleep.

"The degree of injury is not serious, and it will take a few days to cultivate."

Erin retracted the plain hand that was placed in front of Miraj's eyebrows.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chi Yan Road.

"Have you used blasphemous words against this little girl?"

Irene, who fought side by side with Chiyan the most times, quickly deduced what happened.

"This girl has to do this. Fortunately, although it is not satisfactory, it is within the controllable range."

Chi Yan replied.

"You really have the guts, is it to avoid repeating the accidental mistakes of your brother, or is there any other reason?"

Erin didn't have a deep smile.

As a woman, as early as in Stella Kingdom, she noticed something was wrong.



"Uh... um!"

His eyelids twitched violently, and he only felt that all the cells in his body were aching. Miraj slowly opened his eyes.

What caught my eye was the familiar ceiling.

This is... my own room.

Feeling a sharp pain in his brain, Miraj barely stood up and rubbed his temples.

What's wrong with yourself?

I just remember that at that time, it was so painful to absorb the dragon blood of my own president, and I couldn't remember anything because of the pain.

Miraj, who was rubbing his temples, didn't know that the quilt that had been covering his body had slipped off.

"This move is listed as a forbidden technique."

Hearing the voice next to him, Miraj turned his head to look, and said in astonishment, "President?"

"Sure enough, it's a little early to give you this, and it's your luck that nothing beyond your control happens.".

Chapter 72

After the Elfman incident, Miraj's past sister-in-law style gradually disappeared, and the obedient female personality gradually took shape in the hearts of everyone after the passage of time.

The scenes where she and Erza could be seen fighting each other every day in the past are gone forever, which makes Chiyan feel a little pity.

Miraj also took over Layla's job.

During the guild, stay at the bar counter and in front of the mission board.

And during this time, whenever she was on a mission, she was accompanied by Chi Yan-.

Because the blood of the dragon, which is extremely unstable and may riot at any time, needs someone to watch.

If Erin is excluded, Erza should be the member who follows Chi Yan to perform the most missions.

Now Miraj can basically be said to have come from behind.

At the same time, it is different from Elsa's heroic and aggressive character. Miraj, who takes the initiative to help Chi Yan, beat his back, massage and pour wine from time to time, shows all kinds of initiative.

Not to mention Erin, even Lucy, Erza and the girls noticed that something was wrong with Sao.

"President! Drink tea."

Although because of Chiyan's request, he did not become the representative of the photo model like the original book, but Milajie, who gradually developed towards Kanbanniang, brought a cup of black tea to Chiyan with a bright smile like the sun.

"I don't want such a thing, and I don't like tea."

Smelling the fragrance emanating from the teacup, Chi Yan glanced at the smiling girl in front of him and replied.

After the previous incident, I thought that this girl would return to her previous personality in a huff.

But I didn't expect to recover after a few days.

Aren't you angry?

Seen by myself.

"Always drinking is bad for your stomach, so you should pay attention to your health."

Miraj still had a sweet smile on his face.

Unable to refuse the girl's kindness, Chi Yan could only take a sip from the teacup.

"Hey! Miraj! Let's fight!"

Elsa raised her eyebrows and took the initiative to invite Miraj to fight after many days.

She couldn't be able to serve tea and water with a smile on her face like the other party, but seeing Miraj's inexplicable anger, she couldn't help but want to vent in this way.

"Don't make trouble, Erza, you can't talk to her now."

Chi Yan replied.

The reason why he took Miraj with him on his mission during this time was to watch her avoid running wild when she released the power of the dragon.

Although it is slightly better than the first transformation, it is always on the verge of running wild.

Fighting with Erza, if Miraj gets excited, I don't know what the result will be.

It would be fine if Miraj rejected himself.

But it was Chi Yan who spoke first, causing Erza to cast a resentful look at the other party in anger.

"Heh~ It's really a familiar sight."

Seeing this scene, Leila, who was sitting gracefully at the back, couldn't help but laugh a little.

In my mind, there was only Chi Yan in the past, and the picture of myself and Irene getting together.

And the sight of him liking arguing with Erin.

"Aunt Leila, I have a mission!"

Erza didn't choose to fight with Chi Yan as she did when she was a child. With an increasingly mature and queen-like personality, she knows very well that even if she makes trouble, she will not be able to make trouble with the other party, but will be fooled around.

That being the case, let's just use the task to vent.

"Ah, Erza, don't have to work hard, Aunt Leila. When I was in the guild, I could just take over this kind of work and leave it to me."

Miraj smiled.

Elsa's forehead jumped with a blue cross.

She hadn't gotten used to the 180-degree transformation of her old enemy's character. Whenever she heard Miraj speak to herself in this tone, she felt unaccustomed.

And now it's even more unpleasant.

"Uncle Chiyan, something seems to have happened outside!"

Lisanna, who was sitting closest to the main entrance of the guild, pointed out the door.

The crowd looked away.

I can see from a distance that many people have gathered in the central square outside the guild gate.

There were also a few old acquaintances vaguely seen.

However, Chi Yan's attention was focused on the person standing at the forefront.

"That guy..."

Chi Yan's tone had a hint of contempt.


Miraj said softly.

"Come out to see the monkeys."

Chi Yan got up and walked out.

"Monkey play?"

The women looked puzzled and looked at each other with puzzled eyes.



Outside the gate of the [Dragon Guild], many townspeople and wizards of the [Fairy Tail] guild have gathered outside this castle, which has become a landmark building in Magnolia.

And stand at the forefront of the crowd.

A man who seemed to be in his early twenties, with long brown hair tied in half like wings, wearing a magic robe.

He was holding his arms in front of Yuexiong, and he was full of confidence as he walked towards the main gate of the [Dragon Guild].

This person is impressively the man who just reached the top of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar - Selene of the [God]!

Rebi stood beside Makarov and whispered: "President, why is the head of the ten holy mages come here?"

With a troubled expression on his face, Makarov explained: "That guy, I heard that Chi Yan defeated the other three Ishgar Four Heavenly Kings more than ten years ago, so in order to prove that I am the strongest sorcerer in Ishgar, so I have come to challenge."

"Huh!? Has the president of the [Dragon Guild] defeated the Four Heavenly Kings?!"

The younger guild members such as Rebi and Kana were shocked.