
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · アニメ·コミックス
89 Chs

Chapitre 39

Chapter 39

By: Thriller

"Thank you, please accept this."

Saying that, Erza took out several valuable gold coins from her pocket and gave them to the other party.

The doctor hurriedly bowed and thanked, and kept saying in his heart that he hoped the monster could leave quickly.

Just as Chi Yan and Erza were about to leave, the doctor suddenly remembered something and said:

"Lord Sorcerer, in the church to the west of our village, there are three children possessed by demons. Could you please deal with them?"

"Demon possession?"

Chi Yan raised his brows.

"Yes Yes Yes,"

The doctor nodded hastily and explained: "Just a while ago, a demon appeared in the church in the west of our village. Many young people tried to attack but were killed.

One of the little girls went with her younger siblings, but they turned into demons and came back. Now we don't drive them away. Could you please help and drive them out? "

Erza heard the words and doubted: "If they really turned into demons, didn't they do anything to you?"

"This, no, no."

The doctor was embarrassed.

Erza's suspicion instantly turned into righteous indignation, scolding: "They helped your village to solve the devil, but you want to drive them away?!"

"They are no longer human. We saw with our own eyes that the little girl's hands have become exactly the same as those of the devil. If we don't drive them away, we will definitely be killed!"

The doctor looked frightened, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with what he and the other villagers were doing.

She was not good at arguing with Erza for a while and was speechless.

Chi Yan, on the other hand, was simply too lazy to talk to these country bumpkins.

The overflowing trace of dragon prestige caused the other party to faint in an instant, then walked out of the clinic, "Let's go."

Erza followed behind Chi Yan, hesitantly said: "What that person said just now..."

"Well, let's go have a look."

Chi Yan Road.

"Huh? Are you going?"

Elsa was surprised.

According to her understanding of Chi Yan, he never liked to care about things that had nothing to do with him.

"What are you surprised about? If I didn't care about you back then, you would have been thrown into the mountains to feed the wolves."

Chi Yan pressed the top of Erza's head and said.

Throw it in the mountains?

Did she do it?

When Erza heard the words, her heart trembled again.

What the hell did you do...?

I will let my mother treat me...

The Lord realized that he had accidentally said this to Erza, Chi Yan shook his head secretly, and changed the subject:

"By the way, it's almost the age of Dai Yuexiongzhao, right? Did Leila teach you?"

Thirteen years have passed, and he already knows how to trick Erza Chiyan.

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, the sadness on Erza's face suddenly turned to shame and anger, and she said angrily: "Why can you discuss this topic with girls so plainly?"

He and the original work were imprisoned by the Dark Order since childhood. Under the precarious situation and the possibility of dying at any time, Erza hardly cultivated a normal sense of gender.

Under Layla's education, Erza's character is more restrained than that of the original book.

At least not to say "What's so strange about men and women living together?"



To the west of the village, in a dilapidated single-family house, the moonlight in the middle of the night reflected through the cracks in the cracked windows.

In the corner, two women and one man were huddled in the corner, wrapped in a rag that I got from somewhere as a quilt, curled up together, and fell asleep.

All three have silver hair, and it is possible to guess the relationship between them.

Among them, the girl with slightly curly silver hair in a ponytail, about the same age as Erza, had her right hand slightly exposed under the rags.

It was the arm of a demon covered in black scales.

"Is this the so-called demon possession?"

The unfamiliar voice caused the three siblings who had been expelled by the villagers during this period of time, and the three siblings, who had been in a tense state, suddenly woke up.

Looking at the tall figure at the door not far in front of her, the eldest girl with silver hair and ponytail showed a ruthless expression.

Without thinking, he jumped up suddenly, and with that "devil's arm", flew towards Chi Yan and grabbed it.

"If you want to bully my brother and sister, pass me first!"

The girl roared.

Chi Yan let out a sneer.

In the next instant, the silver-haired girl only felt the world in front of her turning around.

When she came back to her senses, she found that her hands were raised uncontrollably, as if they were handcuffed. The man in front of her grabbed her wrist with one hand and lifted it up high.

"You, you bastard!"

The silver-haired girl shook her body violently, her feet kept swaying forward, trying to kick the opponent in vain.


Chi Yan smiled again and shook her like a doll, causing the girl to lose her balance.


The silver-haired ponytail girl shouted angrily: "What's going on at me! If you shoot at Elfman and Lisanna, I, Miraj Strauss, will never let you go!".

Chapter 52

"I advise you not to mess with him, the consequences are terrible."

When Mirajie finished saying these words, Erza, who was behind Chi Yan, came out and said to her.

Miraj, who was still being carried by Chi Yan, shouted angrily:

"I want you to take care of it? Ugly! You and this guy are in the same group? Wait a minute and I'll take care of you together!"


A cross jumped out of Erza's temple. It was the first time someone called her ugly!

"Do you think you look good? Flat girl!"

Erza immediately turned back.

"What did you say? Girl in armor! Come here! See how I clean up you!"

Miraj continued to struggle, and frantically kicked Elsa with his legs.

Seeing the familiar sense of sight between the two of them scolding each other, the scene from thirteen years ago suddenly appeared in Chi Yan's mind.


Suddenly, Miraj was thrown out of his hand, and Erza, who was opposite, was unexpected, and the whole person collided directly.

"It's so noisy, both of them are half a pound, what's so noisy?"

Chi Yan contemptuously said.

"You bastard!"

Miraj placed his palm on Erza's head and got up in a huff.

The next moment, Erza patted Miraj's hand on top of her head.

Before Miraj could make the next move, she and Lisanna and Elfman on the other side of Chi Yan were stunned at the same time——

Behind Chi Yan, a huge dragon wing rushed out from the back, feeling that it would burst the dilapidated house at any time.

"And, like my sister..."

Lisanna stared at her huge eyes, unable to believe it.

"You, you...also, also possessed by demons?"

Miraj was stunned beyond words and said inarticulately.

Seeing that the other party is in the same situation as himself, unconsciously, the hostility to Chi Yan has been reduced a lot.

This is also a type of suspension bridge effect.

"I hate explaining troublesome things the most. All in all, your hand is just caused by magical awakening."

Chi Yan retracted Deathwing's dragon wings into his body and said to Miraj: "As long as you learn to control and harness this magic, you can freely switch between human and demon forms."

"Uncle! Please teach this method to my sister!"

Before Miraj could respond, Lisanna, who was about the same age as Lucy, couldn't wait to run up to Chi Yan and pleaded pitifully:

"Sister is really pitiful. I went to defeat the demons for the sake of the village. After I came back like this, those people kept hitting us with stones and didn't let us go home. Obviously... My sister is not wrong, it's just to protect us... …"

Speaking of the back, Lisanna twitched her nose, trying not to let her tears fall.

"Please! As long as we can help my sister, we are willing to do anything!"

Elfman cried out in pain.

Mirajah clenched his fists and stared at the toes of his shoes with his face drooping, holding back his tears.

Erza next to her shouted in disgust