
Fairy tail: Magic General

John Osborne is your average teenager that loves anime and novels. Unfortunately? or Fortunately? He got run over by the truck himself truck-kun, Reincarnating him in the world of fairy tail with a cheat and a non-mainstream magic. All the characters here except my OC are the property of Hiro Mashima and all related franchises. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ENhyK5Ff Image is not mine, just found it on internet

Xenodia · アニメ·コミックス
109 Chs

Chapter 31: R.I.P. Gildarts

*Earthland, Ishgar, Fiore*

*April 16, Year 772*

* Morning *

We chatted for a few minutes inside Gildarts house before heading home.

At the start of this new day, I and Sebastian ate another serving of pancakes. Like what else can I cook? I usually never cook in my previous life.

it's not that I hate cooking, it's because I can't afford to cook. I mean the price for fresh ingredients in my previous life is through the roof!

So I can only wait and experiment when I have time to try to cook the food in my previous life. Although the memory now may be blurry, when I start learning archive magic I should be able to recall it all.

We then headed to the train station to send Gildarts off to his decade quest, arriving just in time to see Gildarts and Cana hugging each other.

I walked towards them and heard Cana saying.

"Dad, be careful okay? It doesn't matter if you don't finish the quest as long as you are alive that's what matters the most okay?"

Gildarts smiled and patted his chest.

"Isn't it just a decade quest? Like I never did it before, don't worry your dad will be fine. I'll bring some souvenirs from my quest to you guys."

Gildarts then stood up as he was leaning down to hug Cana, he stood up just in time to see me and Sebastian walking towards them.

"C'mere John brat, I don't know what kind of souvenirs you want?"

Hearing him say this, I suddenly thought of a good idea, I took out a soul lamp made of ironwood from the space and handed it to Gildarts.

Gildarts hold the soul lamp and then looked at me with a face saying ' The heck do you want me to do with this?'.

I laughed for a few seconds then explained the use of the soul lamp.

" Gildarts you can just grab me a C-class monster and kill it with the lamp near you storing the monster's soul inside the lamp."

"And also if you can do it, can you keep the corpse for me it's extremely needed for the research of my magic."

Gildarts nodded.

"But shouldn't I just catch a living one for you? would that be okay?"

Hearing him say that my eyes lit up and I nodded like a chicken pecking on rice.

"It's okay! The fresher and stronger the better."

Gildarts nodded then asked.

"Is there anything else you guys wanted? I mean I'll be out for probably a year or two since the quest this time is a hunting mission."

Cana jumped up and down excitedly and requested.

"I heard that the cakes and dresses from the capital taste good and looked beautiful, Can you buy some for me?"

Gildarts picked up Cana from the ground and tossed her into the air and caught her again a few times while laughing.

"Of course! If it's something my baby girl wants I'll surely get it for you. Even if it's the dragon and fairies that only exist in legends, your father will find a way to get it for you."

Cana laughed.

" Thank you, Dad! You are the best!"

Gildarts then turned toward us and asked.

"You guys, are there any other souvenirs you want?"

"Well, don't blame me for being shameless, but can you pay attention to any magical plants you encounter on your journey and bring it back to me."

Sebastian thought for a few moments then answered.

"If you insist then you can just get me any recipes about the food you encounter, more preferably pastry books."

Gildarts then patted us on our shoulders.

" I'll make sure to pay attention to it, Don't worry about your request being a bother. Since you joined the Fairy tail guild we're already part of a big family."

We were about to chat when suddenly an announcement was made.

"Those who bought the ticket for Hargeon Town, Please board the train."

Hearing the announcement Gildarts smiled and bid farewell to us.

"Well looks like my train has arrived, Don't be sad that you brats won't be seeing me for a year or two."

I snorted in disdain.

"Who would miss you, a smelly uncle that has a face full of beard."

Before Gildarts could react, I quickly hid behind Cana and continue to provoke.

"Right Cana? Who would miss this guy that loves to go to brothels."

"Cana don't listen to him, I stopped going to that place years ago."


This guy is dead! Dead I say! I can faintly feel that Cana is rumbling!

Cana raised her head with a sweet smile that doesn't look like a smile and asked.

"So, you admit that you go to brothels when my mother had me and raised me by herself?"

Gildarts froze in fear.

It was at this moment that Gildarts knew that he fucked up.


To be continued ------------->