
Chapter 1

"What a wonderful day! Wait am I really thinking this? What's wrong with me?" I mused to myself as I was sprawled on my bed after just waking up. I did my morning stretch and gazed at my reflection in the mirror. My long brown hair looked as if I had just been through a battle but I couldn't help but smile because my exams were officially over, hence the good mood in the morning. I had successfully completed grade 10th and I had a whole month of vacations to enjoy myself.

"Emily! Come eat your breakfast honey." my mom called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back and quickly freshened up before heading downstairs for breakfast.

My mom smiled at me as I grabbed some chocolate chip pancakes for myself. She seemed to be in a great mood which was surely about to be ruined.

"Hey mom! I wanted to ask you something." I began cautiously.

"What is it sweetie?" she replied calmly.

"So as you know my exams are finally over. I wanted to go on this trip....."

"Where are you going? With who? Who's organizing this?" she interrupted me and started questioning me all at once.

"Woah calm down mom! Me and my friends have organized a trip to a few exciting places in the state itself. So can I go please?"

I waited eagerly for her reaction but she stared back at me expressionless.

"Certainly not!" she said firmly after moments of suspense.

"But why?" I whined like a child.

"You can't look after yourself and besides its too dangerous." she shrugged nonchalantly.

I was dumbfounded by her reply.

"Mom I'm 16! I can look after myself easily and I won't be alone! All of my friends are coming as well. Their parents agreed easily. Why can't you give me permission?" I started ranting.

"No means no! No more arguing with me or else you're grounded." my mom replied sternly.

That was enough to shut me up but I wasn't giving up so easily. It took a few days to finally convince her that going on a trip with your friends is not scary and doesn't have a risk factor. She finally decided to consider the idea and said that she'll talk to my dad before taking a final decision.

The next day I received the news I was praying for. My parents had agreed to let me go on this trip. I was beyond thrilled and immediately texted my group chat that the trip was on. We were leaving for the first destination after two days so there was a lot of arrangements that needed to be made. As I was falling asleep that night, I couldn't help but think about how this trip has been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl. I grew up reading adventure books and have always wanted to experience one with all of my friends and I was hoping that this trip could just be the one I've been waiting for. I hope that it is just the way the books describe them: thrilling, exciting, mysterious and most importantly adventurous!
