
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Episode 8

(the dawn of the next day)

(walking by the sideways)

[thanks to those fanatics, I hardly got any sleep last night because of their endless chatter in trying to get on my good side! But I can rest easy now that they will do everything to protect Cal while he's having his treatment back in the cathedral's hospital. Thank goodness I remembered most of the part about the return of the Glutton Overlord in the first volume. Though, the high seats of the most prominent religious group are mostly held by fanatics of the Glutton Overlord, no wonder this world is doomed…] (Arnel)

(dong, dong, dong!)

"Its almost five in the morning… I should hurry to the train station." (Arnel)

(pacing up)


(fifteen minutes later)

(train station)

[good. There's still time before the train depart. But where is…?] (Arnel)

"Arne! Over here!" (Charlotte)

(wave hand from a distance)

[oh, there she is.] (Arnel)


"Brrr…! Its cold. Aren't you cold?!" (Charlotte)

"I am. But this is the only clothes I got with me. Using the clothes the fanatics gave me will only draw attention." (Arnel)

[the priest did gave me a change of clothes, but all of them were priest's robes and luxury clothings. And taking stuff from them will only raise suspicions since the apostle is a being who don't need worldly stuff, such as written in the novel. This is why I manage to tricked them that I am one… though I'm not.] (Arnel)

"…. Right. Its a good thing I did some shopping yesterday, here." (Charlotte)

(hands over)

"What's this?" (Arnel)

"Your new clothes, of course! Wearing those bloodied ragged cloak will get you kick out from the first class, even if you managed to to get on board the train." (Charlotte)

"First class? Why did-…" (Arnel)

"No time to talk! Go and get change already! Naiah's already on board the train, hurry!" (Charlotte)


"Alright, alright! Stop pushing me…!" (Arnel)


(inside the men's bathroom)

(change clothes)

[I got to hand Charlotte for buying this clothes. They fit me perfectly… how did she knew my body size…?] (Arnel)

"How much longer…?" (Charlotte)

"In a sec… and can you please wait outside…?" (Arnel)

"Why should I?" (Charlotte)

[is she playing dumb or she don't know how to read the sign…?] (Arnel)


(change complete!)

"Whistle~…! You sure are one good looking bastard. They did say the clothes really makes the man." (Charlotte)


"its "clothes make the man"… and stop grinning like a creepy old lady." (Arnel)

"Whaa~…? How should I know? I only repeat what people said." (Charlotte)

[she's really a piece of work… but she does has her uses...] (Arnel)

"So, have you decided to leave the capital?" (Arnel)

"…. I will. As soon as Cal's treatment finished, I will go to the port city Stravatos. We had relatives there that can take us in until we get into our feet." (Charlotte)

"Stravatos huh? That's good place to go…" (Arnel)

[they should be fine living in Stravatos since its an island nation. Not to mention that place will be the last safe heaven for refugees when the calamity comes in two years from now…] (Arnel)

"Oh my…? Did you expect me to say Arden and follow you~….?" (Charlotte)

"It did cross my mind." (Arnel)

(eyes widen)

"Ahaha! Wait, you seriously thought of that?! Do you finally had feelings towards me other than a simple relationship like a friend~…? Did you fall for this big sis of yours~…?" (Charlotte)

"Nah. Naiah is enough for me. Sorry…" (Arnel)


"Why you little…?! Read the mood already!" (Charlotte)

"Ouch! Please don't pull my ears like that, big sis~…!" (Arnel)


"Y-you…?!" (Charlotte)

(engine lights up!)

(steams lift up!)

"Attention! Arden departure in five minutes!" (conductor)

"Ah, you should go! Here's your ticket." (Charlotte)

(hands over)

"Thanks… I really mean it." (Arnel)

"I only did what I should for all you had done for me. And Arnel…" (Charlotte)

"Yea-…?" (Arnel)

(kiss cheek)

"This may be our last time, but I want you to know that I really like you… and I'm sorry for forcing myself onto you back then…" (Charlotte)

[so, she did noticed it…] (Arnel)

"Its alright. I quite enjoy our love making as "friends"." (Arnel)

"You seriously a bastard, you know that…?! But no matter, let bygones be bygones. And I hear you still haven't do the "deed" with Naiah…" (Charlotte)

"Just how much did you "pry" her last night…?" (Arnel)



"Ouch! What was that for?!" (Arnel)

"You should never ask what we woman talks about amongst ourselves." (Charlotte)

"Would it kills you for just saying that without smacking my head?!" (Arnel)

"Well, its because you are dense as fuck. That girl really adores you, you know? Don't let her wait in miserable for long. She might leave you if you aren't quick enough. Ahahaha~….!" (Charlotte)

"I wonder if you really a female…?" (Arnel)

(mutters silently)

"What's that?!" (Charlotte)

"N-nothing! Ah, I should go now!" (Arnel)

(hastily ran to the train for boarding)

"Bastard…! Take care of yourself, brat!" (Charlotte)

"I will! Farewell…!" (Arnel)

(wave from a distance)

(trains started to move slowly)

"... dammit. I thought I prepared myself after weeping like a child last night…" (Charlotte)

(takes out handkerchief)

(wipe tears)

"Fuck…" (Charlotte)


(inside the cabin)

"Here's your cabin, Ser." (train attendant)


"Arne!" (Naiah)



"Ouh! Easy, Naiah!" (Arnel)

(smile, smile)

"Please have a comfortable ride, dear customers." (train attendant)

[what is she meant by that while smiling like so? How suspicious…] (Arnel)


(slide closed)

"Uh, Naiah…? Can you get off me for a sec…?" (Arnel)

(shakes head fervently)

"Its quite hard for me to-…" (Arnel)

"No!" (Naiah)

"Okay…" (Arnel)

"You lied! You said you will come to meet with me after you got my legal papers! You lied!" (Naiah)

(grips tightly!)

[ack! Why is she acting overly dramatic like this?! I can feel her energy is surging as her grips tightens! This is bad…] (Arnel)

"Naiah, you hurting me…" (Arnel)

"Promise me that you will never lie again!" (Naiah)

[fuck, I can't breath normally!] (Arnel)

"I-I promised! N-now, please let loosen your grip, please!" (Arnel)

(grips slowly loose)

"Ehehe…" (Naiah)

"Are you good now? Can you let me-…." (Arnel)

"No!" (Naiah)

[shit. I knew this will happen soon but to think that she become like this earlier than I predicted. I need to hurry and imprint my soul with her much sooner than I had planned. If this keeps up, she will be the ones to kill me rather than the calamity… she's too unstable as she is right now.] (Arnel)


(late at night the same day)

(train stops!)

[it took a whole day for us to reach Arden even with a train. But thankfully, I managed to get Naiah under control from her episodes and to her normal behavior.] (Arnel)

"This is Arden…?" (Naiah)

'Yes. We will stay here for several days before heading to our true destination." (Arnel)

"Nn. I will follow you wherever you go, Arne." (Naiah)

(pat head gently)

"Of course you will. But first, we need to find an inn for our stay in the time being." (Arnel)

(ears moved)

"What's that?! Did I hear a customer?" (little girl with bunny ears)

(suddenly approach!)

[uh, what?] (Arnel)

"Greetings traveler! Welcome to Arden! I'm Alisa, the Rabbit's Inn poster girl!" (Alisa)

[I had read in the novel that this world had other races aside human. But to think that I will live to see a beast-folk with my very eyes… this sure are a strange world.] (Arnel)

"*Hiss!" (Naiah)

"Eeekkk…!" (Alisa)

"Whoa now. relax, Naiah. The little girl means no harm." (Arnel)

[Naiah really acts like a wild cat towards strangers… I felt only pity to the bunny eared girl who's became pale in terror…] (Arnel)

"Did you say you worked in an inn?" (Arnel)

(quickly change posture)

"Yes! The one and only, Rabbits Inn! We have some empty rooms that's available for rent! And it only cost about five silvers per day!" (Alisa)

[waw… she is really devoted to her role as poster girl. To think that she's almost pissed herself just now after got hissed by Naiah… but still, five silvers per day? What a rip off…] (Arnel)

"Oh dear. Its little Alisa, is it not?" (old gentleman)


"Returning customer! Are you gonna stay in our inn like you usually did?!" (Alisa)

[huh… looking at this old gentleman, he's seems quite loaded considering the way he dressed. Did he also come from the capital like us? Then again, there aren't many people in this terminal aside from us and the old man.] (Arnel)

"You better take the little lady offer, young lad. The inn she worked on is the best one in Arden.] (old gentleman)

"Speaking like a true satisfied customer! I will carry your luggages, Ser!" (Alisa)

"Oh, sure. Here." (Old Gentleman)

(hands over)

(excitedly take)

[for him to vouch the inn like that, the place must been a good place to stay. Perhaps I should checked it out.] (Arnel)

"How do you say, Naiah?" (Arnel)

"Nn. I will follow your decision." (Naiah)

"Okay. That settles then. Alisa-…" (Arnel)

"Did customers decided to stay in our inn?!!" (Alisa)

"*Hiss!" (Naiah)

"Eeeppp….!" (Alisa)

"Haha…" (Arnel)

[…. Yea… will it be alright…?] (Arnel)


(at the Rabbit's Inn)

"Here we are! The one and only, Rabbit's inn!" (Alisa)

[I say… this place is not bad. Rather than calling this establishment as an inn, five star hotel is more suitable than the latter. No wonder the rent is whopping five silvers per day.] (Arnel)