
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Episode 4


[ahh… no wonder she wants Naiah to play with Cal… turns out she wants to make out…] (Arnel)

"Out all the guys I had make out with, you are the best at kissing, Arne~…" (Charlotte)

[one thing that I still can't get used to after woken up in this world. The people in this world are too open and their sex drive is crazy! Though, Charlotte is a beautiful young woman after all, and I had no complains. But still…] (Arnel)

(Stop smooching)

"W-wait. Shouldn't we be preparing the meals?!" (Arnel)

"We can do that later~… I usually didn't have enough since Naiah's always beside you~…" (Charlotte)

(Continue smooching)

[ah fuck… I noticed after a few months when I started to work with Charlotte that she like doing things like this with me. But in the most recent days, she has started to be more aggressive towards me just like she did right now. I wanted to push her away since I had no feelings for her, but that may cause a rift in our relationship and might end up losing her support that I really needed for our escape.] (Arnel)

(After ten minutes of making out intensely)

(Wash hands)

"Say, Arne?" (Charlotte)

"Yes?" (Arnel)

"Would you…? I-I mean… would you come and live with me in this place?" (Charlotte)

"What do you mean? You know that I'm staying in an orphanage, right?" (Arnel)

"Y-yes, I know that! W-what I mean is that… do you want to leave the orphanage and live with me instead…?" (Charlotte)

[now, where is this coming from…? Wait, is she…] (Arnel)

"….. I'm grateful with the thoughts. But that may be hard for me to do so… sorry." (Arnel)


"Is it because of Naiah…? She's your lover, aren't she…?" (Charlotte)

[fuck… I hate conversation like this…] (Arnel)

"…. Yea… I'm sorry…." (Arnel)


[this is bad… I still need to work with her to reach my goal. There's the two gold coins that I need to pay for Naiah as well. If I stopped working with Charlotte now, that will be troubling…] (Arnel)

"…. Why don't you both come and live with us?" (Charlotte)

"Wha…?" (Arnel)

[wait. She's not mad?] (Arnel)

"I'm not an idiot you know. I know well that you treasured Naiah by looking the way you treated her. I'm not a cold-hearted woman who want to separate lovers for my own gains. You and her had been a great help for my shop since I came to know you both. So, please don't make that face… it pains me to see you had those expression…" (Charlotte)

[Char… she's really a kind person. But there's a reason why I can't let Naiah go. She's a special being, well... more or less, but she holds a big role in my plans for the future safety. Me, I'm just a self-centered person who knows the future thanks to the novel and I'm not saving the world for just cause, I don't want to die yet… I'm not the person Char's sees me as… she deserved a much better person that me…] (Arnel)

"I see… t-then!" (Charlotte)


"Forget what I just said, Arne. N-now, let's prepare the meals!" (Charlotte)

(Quickly head to the cookery)

[I'm sorry… I'm truly…] (Arnel)


(After meals)

"I'm stuffed… big bro Arne's meals are the best!" (Cal)

"Nn!" (Naiah)

"Totally agree. You should open a restaurant with this talent, Arne." (Charlotte)

"You guys… don't make a big deal of this just because you wanted me to cook everyday…" (Arnel)

(Everyone laughs out loud)

[it's a good that Char acted like she usually does after our awkward talk earlier.] (Arnel)

"I think it's time we get back to the orphanage, Naiah." (Arnel)

"Nn." (Naiah)

"Oh right! Before you go, the "thing" you asked me a month ago has showed quite a good haul." (Charlotte)

"The "thing"…?" (Naiah)

[what Char is referring to is the hidden funds I gave her to use in the Black-Market Coliseum Betting Association. There are gladiatorial fights held in the underworld and people from all backgrounds can participate anonymously to bet the warriors of their choses. You can gain instant wealth from these matches in a day since there are numerous people betting on their champions and its safer than the legal ones since the Black-Market Coliseum Betting Association protects their customers with the utmost secretive. for the right price that is...] (Arnel)

"How much did we get?" (Arnel)

(Gesture five with fingers)

"This much." (Charlotte)

[five gold coins huh? That's quite a haul… normally, a common person can only gain as much as ten bronze coins for a full day work max. Five gold coins is enough to live in luxury for a year in this world. That's why the Director set two gold coins for Naiah's approval seal. But this is still not enough for our escape funds.] (Arnel)

"Used all of them for the "Thorn Rookie" in the next one." (Arnel)


"Are you sure?! Wait… if you say so… that might be possible…" (Charlotte)

[I, who had read the novel knows who will win in the coliseum battle. Its cheating, but this is necessary.] (Arnel)

"Alright. But if this goes sideways, you will leave with nothing, you know…" (Charlotte)

"Don't worry. You haven't lost yet, right~…?" (Arnel)

"Indeed~…" (Charlotte)

(Both grins maliciously)

"What are you two talking about…?" (Cal)

(Both laughs making the kid even more puzzled)



"See you tomorrow, big bro, big sis…!" (Callum)

(Wave from a distance)

"He's a good kid." (Arnel)

"….." (Naiah)

[this is weird… Naiah is acting somehow quieter than she usually does.] (Arnel)

"What's wrong? Do you still feel hungry, Naiah?" (Arnel)

(Shakes head)

"….are you gonna marry big sis Char, Arne…?" (Naiah)

"?!" (Arnel)

[wha?! Why did she suddenly ask this question?] (Arnel)

"Where did you hear that?" (Arnel)

"... Cal… said that big sis Char likes Arne and wants to marry you and lived with her… he was excited when he told me that and wanted us to live with them soon…" (Naiah)

[that kid… I though he's a siscon…] (Arnel)

"…. Will I be the mistress….?" (Naiah)

"Now, where did that come from?" (Arnel)

"…. Cal told me…." (Naiah)

[Seriously, that little brat… he must know that from the books he read in his room…] (Arnel)

(Pat head gently)

"You know that I promised that I will be with you forever, didn't I…?" (Arnel)

"….. I-if we can live with big sis Char's house, I'm fine being a m-mistress!" (Naiah)


"Silly girl… you just want to have those meals, don't you?" (Arnel)


[I get why she wanted that consider how miserable her life within the orphanage. But I had more great plans in thought. We need to escape from this place, or to be precise, this kingdom before winter comes. Since this kingdom will meet its end in two years from now in the coming of the calamity…] (Arnel)


"Naiah? Why did you-…" (Arnel)

"You two piss pots gave me a lot of troubles to find…" (Barek)


[ah, shit. No wonder Naiah started to act like a beast enrage. Why is this bastard's looking for us?] (Arnel)

(Stand in front of Naiah)

"What do you want, Barek?" (Arnel)

"Tch! The madam wants to see you." (Barek)

[Barek is the older boy who beats me back then. Now, he's a henchman for that wench Sola who does her bidding like a dog. Whenever she sent this bastard for me, bad things are bound to happen.] (Arnel)


(At the orphanage, Sola's bedroom)

"Get in." (Barek)


"Don't push him like that!" (Naiah)


"Why you!?" (Barek)

(Lift fist)

[this bastard!] (Arnel)

(Moves to protect!)


"Ghh!" (Arnel)

(Falls to the floor)

"A-Arne!!" (Naiah)

[fucker's fists were massive like a brick! My cheek felt numb after that punch…] (Arnel)

"Well, lookie here…? Didn't know you are hungry for my fist, little brat. Want more…?" (Barek)

"You bastard!!" (Naiah)


"Naiah, stop! Please, I okay…" (Arnel)

"What is going on here?" (Sola)

(Suddenly appear)

[dammit. Now the mistress's dog has appeared…] (Arnel)

"This damn brat suddenly came towards me and got hit on the face, Madam!" (Barek)

(Look towards Arnel's face)

(Eyes widen)

"You did what?" (Sola)

"I-I was going to hit that witch-…?!" (Barek)


"Huh?" (Arnel, Naiah, Barek)

[what is this development? Why did this horrendous wench slap her loyal henchmen? I doubt its anything involving Barek hitting my face since she never showed such kindness out for nothing.] (Arnel)

"You fuck bastard! Didn't I tell you not to hit his face!?" (Sola)

"B-but?! Ack!" (Barek)

(Slap, slap!)

"M-mercy…!" (Barek)

"Get out of here before I rip your face off!" (Sola)

"Y-yes!" (Barek)

(Quickly ran!)

"*gasp, gasp! That useless shit… ah!" (Sola)

(Hastily grabbing Arnel's face)

"Are you alright?! I ordered that fool to fetch you, but not by doing this… it's my fault…" (Sola)

[this is seriously getting more suspicious. Just what is she planning right now…?] (Arnel)

"Come. Let me see to those wounds inside my room. And you." (Sola)

(Glares at Naiah)


"Go back to your room, fucking witch." (Sola)

"....." (Naiah)

"Are you deaf!? I said get lost!" (Sola)


"It's alright. Go, I will be there soon…" (Arnel)

(Weakly nod)

(Slowly walks away)

"Just what do you see in that witch anyway, Arnel dear…" (Sola)

["Dear"? This is new…] (Arnel)