

Kane was a young prince in the Brunhilde empire. When his father's trusted general usurped the throne, he was sacrificed to the dao of space to buy time for his father and elder brother's escape. The earth had gained sentience and became self-sufficient. it now roams the universe in search of other planets to devour. With Kane's unique mutation, he converts all his suffering and pain into power. On a planet constantly evolving Kane embarks on a quest to amass strength and settle scores. Even gods will not be able to save themselves from his wrath. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book so please be patient with me and always comment if there is anything that is not really clear. the story is going to be a little bit slow but it gets better, I promise. *The image does not belong to me and is only used for illustration*

Flashmaru · SF
219 Chs

Wild hunt

Kane and his master fell silent after he revealed what his Plain skill could do. This skill on its own was many times more useful than all the skills he had encountered before. It was many times superior to that of the storage ring and spatial waist pack.

Storage rings and spatial waist packs are connected to areas in space called pocket dimensions. These pocket dimensions can only store items without life. Their size also makes them unable to be concealed. Although Kane's Plain skill had just been acquired, Abel wanted to test its limits.

"Take me into your Plain," said Abel with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "Okay," said Kane as he touched his master's hand.

Abel felt strange energy invade his body and resisted the urge to fight it. When the energy filled his entire body, he immediately disappeared. He found himself in a world filled with black.

Everything he could see was black. There was no sky or land. He could also feel the lack of dao in the Plain and the lack of sound was deafening and unbearable. He could only see his body and felt his heartbeat.

"Let me out," said Abel. He was shocked because he could not even hear his voice. Before he had the chance of worrying, he suddenly reappeared at the campsite.

Abel heaved a sigh of relief. He was worried he was going to be trapped there for a long time. Anyone who was claustrophobic would have a mental breakdown immediately after entering that place.

"Could you hear me?" asked Abel. "Yes, I can see and hear everything inside there" replied Kane. "Ok. You can use it two more times, right? Send yourself in, let's see if the skill can be used as a life-saving skill" said Abel.

Kane agreed and disappeared shortly after. Abel who was focused on Kane's position noticed a tiny golden grain of sand that has not been there before. He picked it up and examined it briefly before putting it back in its position. It looked exactly like a grain of sand and did not release any energy or dao ripples. If he was not staring at that particular spot, he would have missed it.

"You can come out now," said Abel. Kane appeared almost immediately. "You heard me?" asked Abel. He already knew the answer. "Yes, master. I can also see and hear everything close to the spot I disappeared from" replied Kane.

"Your Plain skill can save your life so use it only when you have to. When you enter your Plain, a grain of golden sand takes your place. I suspect that this is your Plain. So only use it when you are out of sight and observation. That will be all for now. You have to start hunting and gather as many cores as you can. And find out what is going on in Sharphorn ruin if you can" said Abel.

"I will, master," said Kane as he bowed. Abel left afterward leaving Kane to his own devices. He took out his Hunter Association badge and went to the marketplace. He had a total of 61,200 contribution points so he had to make some purchases.

He spent 10,000 contribution points on ten vials of healing potion, and 4,000 contribution points on two vials of antidote. He regretted the fact that he didn't learn the skills he bought before breaking through to the mutant realm.

He also spent 40,000 contribution points on a quiver containing thirty arrows rated at tier 5 mutant realm. After spending 54,000 contribution points, he was now left with 7,200 contribution points.

After putting away his newly purchased items into his waist pack, he took out his bow and arrows and practiced his archery skills for almost the rest of the day.

The next day, after eating some leftovers, he set out to hunt some beasts for meat and cores. It didn't matter the grade he got as he would use quantity to make up for quality. He did not forget to gather some berries and fruits he saw along the way as he went deeper into the forest.

After walking for a few more hours, he heard the sound of running water. He quickened his peace and found a stream. He hurriedly hid behind a tree because on the other side of the stream, there was a three feet tall armadillo drinking from the stream.

It was brown in color and had some peculiar patterns on its body. Kane took out his bow and an arrow from his waist pack. He placed the arrow in his bow and aimed at the armadillo. He was about to use a piercing shot when the armadillo rolled into a ball and spun in place at an incredible speed and the sound made as it spun on the ground kept increasing as if it was gaining some sort of power.

It shot out in Kane's direction. The time it took for it to go from zero to terrifying speed did not exceed a second. Kane immediately abandoned his thought of shooting the armadillo and stepped fully behind the tree he previously used for hiding from the armadillo.

He moved away just in the nick of time as the armadillo dashed by almost immediately after. The armadillo's tailwind alone was enough to make Kane's eyes twitch. He hurriedly looked in the direction the armadillo rolled in and his fear was confirmed.

The armadillo crashed into a tree opposite Kane's position and rebounded towards him. He quickly rolled out of the way as the armadillo smashed into the tree where he was previously standing. The armadillo rebounded yet again and was now headed towards Kane's direction at high speeds.

Kane who was still lying on the ground could only hold his bow with his hands and placed it in front of him to fend off the armadillo's assault. The armadillo smashed into the bow. It kept spinning and sparks kept flying off from the point of impact. The force of the impact kept pushing Kane's body back a few feet while his back left drag marks along the way.

His hands were sore as it was the only thing withstanding the force from the impact. The armadillo's rotation speed kept slowing down until it could no longer stay in the air. It suddenly uncurled itself and landed on Kane's body. It raised its claw filled with sharp nails and swiped it at Kane's neck.

Before it could land the blow, Kane used rock body on his left palm and hardened it before sending it to clash with the armadillo's claw. He felt a sharp pain as the claw penetrated his palm. The armadillo raised its other claw but before it could attack, Kane threw a fist at the now exposed armadillo's neck.

It released a grunt of pain as it fell on its back and held its neck. Kane quickly got up on his feet. He took out an arrow from his waist pack and shot at the armadillo's stomach. The armadillo let out a pained squeal as the arrow easily penetrated its stomach.

It tried to pull out the arrow in its stomach but ultimately exposed its neck in the process. Kane being someone who did not miss out on opportunities took out another arrow and shot at the beast's neck.

There was a low grunt as the arrow penetrated the armadillo's neck. It pulled out the arrow in its stomach and then the one in its neck. Unfortunately, doing that only made the injury much worse and the wounds began to bleed profusely. It placed its claws on the wounds on its neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding but it was all for naught as its strength began to fade quickly.

It stopped struggling after a while as it breathed its last. Kane leaned on a tree and was breathing heavily. His hands were shaking as they had not yet recovered from the impact. He knew that he was lucky.

The opponent he just defeated was definitely not in tier 1 of the mutant realm. It was stronger than that but not by much. The beast had no intelligence but still relied on its instincts, it kept on revealing weaknesses that Kane took advantage of.

If it did have intelligence, the outcome would be quite hard to determine. He quickly extracted the beast's core from its chest and put it into his waist pack.

He dragged the corpse toward the stream as he wanted to cut up the meat before washing them. After carving out the parts that could be eaten, he washed them clean with water from the stream. He also took out some empty bottles and filled them with water. His master had refilled his waist pack with some basic supplies except food before giving it to him.

He went back the way he came from as he wanted to set up camp and recover from this battle before he sets off again.