
Evolution: Oh, No! I Became a Sentient Tree Branch

A young boy is reborn as a tree branch after failing to save his mother.

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7 Chs

Enlightenment Laws

What a beautiful sight.

They had arrived. The location was a clearing scarce of plants. It was flowing with a fresh scent, as the river bay produced rainbows above. It truly appeared fantasy-like.

But, what about before you ask?

Well, after the episode with Kinoko-san, and what a strange mushroom it was, the following events were unexciting.

Or so he would like to say, but there was a major issue...ok, a minor issue.

<Reinforced Nature Enlightenment> was starting to scare him. He was spent. And the hunger hit again. Would it hurt for it to cut back a little? Maybe it was because he'd only had it for two days.

Oh! And let's not forget this mess started because Theogobu was hungry. Therefore, you could imagine a sight with two hungry beings.

The delicacy up for grabs? Mushroom roasted, on top of wolf meat.

Sounded delicious, right?

On another note, this was for the best. His craving wouldn't hold until the journey ended, and he also required energy to make the trip first.

Theogobu felt the same, judging by the steak eyes and drool.

But not to get distracted, how he planned on handling it was determined. Being a human at core, eating body fluids or raw meat was a no-no. He couldn't stand to do it. And speaking of which...

Hey! Don't get any weird thoughts! Hmph! He had to hit the impatient fellow a few times when he saw him make a grab for the mushroom.

Did you want to hog it to yourself? Stop dreaming! Even if you pout holding your hand, that troublemaking hand is what got you in trouble.

You see how kind he was? He saved his new best friend from bad etiquettes.

Now, where was he? Ah, yes! The victory spoils.

Because Theogobu was a complete amateur to delicious food, he knew from how he replied, "What is cooking?", he decided to show off the wonders of cooked meat.

Really, someone should shed tears for this fellow.

Anyhow, they lacked a fire. Therefore, he got Theogobu to understand the process of creating it. If you were to asked what he used, he couldn't be called heartless for using leaves and twigs, right?

If he had to say, he didn't feel special about other trees. Whether they were ordinary or truly different, the human side of him still felt trees were trees. Perhaps only New Mother and the Siblings felt unique since they came from the same origin.

"Ow! It's hot!"

Has this fellow never seen fire?

"Friend! It's amazing! I learned <Fire Enlightenment>!"

Good job!


Say what?! Was that like his <Reinforced Nature Enlightenment>? Could this fellow coat his body in flames now?

Whew. It was a false alarm. By using the ability <Scan>, Theogobu said it allowed him to understand fire-related things better.

Should he also make a fire?

How unfair! It turned out he was incompatible with fire. However, <Scan> wasn't limited to just Theogobu. Everyone was born with this ability. It gave knowledge about whatever you scanned, even abilities.

Excited at this discovery, he gave it a try after following Theogobu's instructions. As for a target...

<Lv. 2 Polyglot Goblin>

¬An intelligent goblin above its breed

<Lv. 1 Deep-root Branch>

¬A young branch with long roots

Level 2? Level 1? They had those? And why was Theogobu considered stronger, didn't he quickly subdue this fellow?

If he was to take a further step back and analyze everything, wasn't this the reason his tree camouflage failed?

His trunk was burning in shame. He must've had looked foolish in Theogobu's eyes.

Ah, he didn't want to remember anymore. He must move on.

Theogobu continued to explain, at birth, the starting level was 0. Once you leveled to Lv. 1, you experienced your first <Evolution>. However, after the first, the next following evolutions were harder to achieve. When asked what level was the next <Evolution>, he said he only knew the Goblin Lord being above Lv. 20 and a Hobgoblin.

Not what he wanted to hear, but he wasn't too worried. Taking it step-by-step was ok. The main goal was to help New Mother and the Siblings.

When it came to abilities, they had a proficiency meter. It was unknown the method used to determine the increase rate, but once the meter filled, it could upgrade.

Furthermore, he learned there were at least two different types. The first was normal skills like his <Haste> ability. The second kind was unique skills. This is were Theogobu's <Language Perception> fell into place.

In his case, he had two unique skills, <Reinforced Laws> and <Despair Laws>. Although he had an idea these were the same as his Hero skills, he checked anyways but found out <Scan> had to low of a proficiency to work.

In that regard, he let it go and focused on the now. And it was an opportunity not to be missed. It was the perfect chance for him to improve his <Reinforced Digestion> ability.

If he improved it enough, there was hope for him to taste actual meat.

Thanks for the chow!

Ugh...it was so hard. It was like forcing a sponge through a straw. But being the non-slacker he was, he prevailed.

<Reinforced Digestion Improved>

What a great success to be able to eat meat. The <Reinforced Laws> applied to his <Digestion> did miracles.

Well, there was another surprise too.

<Acquired Leech>

If you were to eat something five levels or higher than you, there was a small chance of acquiring a new ability. In fact, the percentage wasn't that big, but knowing himself well, perhaps <Reinforced Laws> could reinforce luck?

Nah! He was just lucky. Except for that time with his mother going to the Hero World and that madman showing up, what other unlucky incidents were to be mentioned?

How about that time when he tripped when his childhood friend walked by, you ask? Although he got a scorning, who could claim it was unlucky or lucky?

Even that time when he lost 1,000 yen, he found 500 yen on the same day.

Oh! There was that...

Ok, moving on. When they left, they had no trouble arriving. Theogobu had expert guidance since he spent over two weeks roaming the forest alone.

So here they were, with the water in sight. But now, the problem was how to transport it to New Mother and the Siblings. Unfortunately, his thoughts hadn't reached that far previously.

In fact, the key dilemma was the creatures inhabiting the area. Without hindrance during every outing, it would be so much easier to travel back and forth.

Still, how would he supply it...?

Hmm...what a great idea!

He could just hunt creatures with earth type abilities. If not, there was always the option to per se...

...make this territory his own.

Sorry about the broken promise. Fell asleep without setting the publish timer. I'll try to give you all an extra chapter to make it up. Also, thanks for the motivating powerstones Crimsongodz.

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