
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · アニメ·コミックス
69 Chs

Chapter 39: Eye yo Eye- Manako

() Indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

It was time for my last date of this little punishment, today I got to hang out with Manako. The One-Eyed girl and I hadn't spent much time together so I was sure that it would be a productive day for us. Tio told me that Manako was having a few bad days so I was looking to cheer her up.

"I don't mind helping the MON Squad but since when am I their errand girl?" I sighed a bit walking around the complex.

I turned a corner and found a door labeled Manako.

"Hello?" I walked in "GAH!"

The room was covered in pictures of eye, it was like creepy wallpaper, in the center of the room was Manako who was shivering.

"Uhh…are you alright?" I asked.

"Dear?!" She gasped looking at me "Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, what's with this weird room it's like something at a haunted house." I shivered "Feels like I'm being watched by just standing here. You know what let's talk somewhere else."

Manako and I headed to the cafeteria where we could talk without feeling like we were being stared at. Manako explained that she was trying to get over her fear of being looked at.

"Monoeyes are often avoided because of our appearance." She frowned "But even people I work with won't make eye contact with me."

"I guess I've never had that problem." I sighed sitting down a bit "But I don't know why you're so focused on what other people think."

"I know, but when I think about people looking at me I get scared and nervous." Manako frowned "Not to mention I heard you were coming today and that only made me more nervous."

"Why because I can actually look at you?" I laughed.

"Well yes but because I always hear about the things you and the others do." She shivered "And then I know you'll do them with me and I get nervous."

"I told you that we don't have to do anything like that if you don't want too." I laughed a bit.

"No I want to!" she yelped out before blushing "What I mean is…I'm fine with doing things like that, I'm just nervous about it is all."

"That's fine." I said taking her hand "Then let's go have fun…but not in that eye wallpaper room there's no way I could have sex in there."

I walked Manako to a more private room, I held her hand all the way. It was strange Manako wasn't really what I looked for in a girl, she was a little dainty and shy for my tastes but I was also excited for the potential she had.

Once we got in, I locked the door and stripped to my underwear. Manako was lying on the bed, viably nervous. I just gave her a bright smile and laid next to her for a bit, rubbing her thigh and kissing her neck a bit while trying to calm her down.

"HMM!" I slowly slid my lips down and started to kiss her.

I was a little surprised when she kissed back and let me twirl my tongue with hers, Manako was slowly opening up and I was happy to see her reach out and grab one of my breasts. I smirked a bit as I laid on top of her, my cock throbbing a bit with need.

"Ready?" I asked softly.

"Y-Yeah." Manako said nervously "HAA!"

I pushed my cock into her tight walls, her virginity mine for the taking. Once I was inside I took a moment to let her adjust to having me in her before I began to rock softly on top of her. Manako moaned as my thick cock slid deeper into her, some slight tears collecting on the corner of her large eye, but soon she was moving with me a bit, seemingly happy to have me inside her.

I kept thrusting, my tits rubbing against her flat chest as I became more and more turned on. Manako moaned louder and louder, her body shaking with a primal need for pleasure, her face was heating up and she looked ready to pop.

"HAAA AAHHH!" she yelped out suddenly.

"HMM!" I moaned as she got unbearably tight, her body shaking with an orgasm "GAH!"

I blasted inside her, my balls twitching as she was filled with spunk.

"Phew." I sighed pulling out "So what'd you think?"

"That was…nice." She blushed a bit.

"Good, I'm happy to help anytime…well unless Miia is around cause then she might hurt me if I tried to go with you."

Manako giggled a bit before resting her head on my breasts "Thank you."

"Well sex is what I do best." I smirked.

"Not for that, well yes for that but also you didn't turn away." She smiled "I liked that."

I just chuckled a bit "Boy you're adorable."



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Next Time- Chapter 43 AKA Miia goes job hunting…and sex hunting too.

Till Next Time!