
Even Villains can be Heroes

"don't say sorry talk to me like usual" "Idiot why did you help me?!"Aurora "Seems like we both are idiots....so this is how they felt that's why they told me not to cry it really is irritating seeing you cry too it feels like I'll be freed from this hell "Ezenta said as her voice started to get rough. "Ezenta Lyra Agrona Arundell I'm sorry but this won't be you're last I'm sorry for forcing this faith to you I did not know life itself is a curse to you". Aurora said while crying. "Who is that my name is Ezenta that is all and the hell it's too long and why do we have the same last name and what are you talking about?"she asked confused. "That is you"with that she closed her eyes as memories flashed through her head. "Where am I ?" Ezenta woke up inside a novel after dying.It was novel Aurora used to tell her and she was the villainess. Ezenta Lyra Agrona Arundell the villainess was poisoned and was in coma in 11 years will wake up and is supposed to die. "who cares about the story I will live as I want" "I will destroy the story" "I want to die"

Czavia · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 6

"My lady were ready to set out"

I nodded as I entered the carriage. I looked outside and as I got lost in my thoughts.

It's been a week since my conversation with my brother. During those days I did my training and took hold of the paperwork's in the mansion. A lot would worry of my health and told me to take it slowly. A lot have happened since then I told myself as I thought of all the things that happened let's see.

The day after their dinner

"My lady what are you doing here so early"

She looked at the soldier beside her and smiled.

"I want to try going to the hunting competition that's coming"she said and looked at the target and smiled.

"But I'm afraid I'd just disappoint my family if I don't even know archery I can't do that can I ?"she smiled sincerely and looked at the soldier.

Vesper thought that condracting to her smile she seems to be planning something devious. He sighed in his head. In others eyes this would seem that she loves her family but he have different thought.

"If you'd like I would like to assist my lady"he said and smiled.

Ezenta glanced at him pleased at the same time curious but did not show it as she thought 'he's aura I can't sense it I only noticed now but I did not feel his presence earliy either'.

"Sorry I have yet to introduce myself, I am Vesper Lefevre "he introduced himself and bowed politely.

He's not from the novel she thought

"Is sir Lefevre a knight in this manor?"

"Please call me Vesper my lady, and yes I am a knight but I worked as a butler in a fallen nobles house before"

He seems to be not comfortable being called in his last name.

"Is that possible?"

"If course my lady I was a knight before I became a butler after all"

Ezenta nodded and didn't pay more mind into it but she feels uncomfortable for some reason. As if she missed something important.

"Then Vesper why did you not apply as my butler?"

"We're you hiring for a butler my lady?" He asked and smiled.

She sighed in her thought.

"Is it alright to talk like that to your master?"

He sighed and looked ahead not looking at her then replied.

"As a knight it is not, but I'd apologize my lady for I am not that kind of knight. I don't even call myself a knight and I don't really want to become a dog."

Ezenta thought with a smile 'so you knew that I plan on making use of all of them until they can't be used anymore. It might look cruel but that's reality after all humans knows no bounds. But I don't want to use that as an excuse either'.

"Then would you like to be my butler Vesper?"

She smiled and looked at what he's looking at which is the center of the target.

Vesper laughed and thought 'the adventure I started out of curiosity seems fun huh'

"It would be my honor my lady "

"Eh that easy "she asked, and he chuckled

"Well it seems fun serving you as a butler my lady"

Her face brightened and laughed.

"I'll make sure you'll have fun but that includes misery of others"I warned him in advance.

"Seems more fun my lady"

"Shall we start with your archery traing milady?"

She just nodded and raised the bow and pulled the string. He straightened her back then pulled back and observed her posture again.

"Please stay put for a minute"he said and looked around then picked up a stick. Ezenta flinched as he observed the stick and nodded while saying this will do.

"Now my lady we shall formally start your training." He said while smiling.

He would use the stick to point out her mistakes and such.

"God your worse than those shitheads back in the military". Ezenta shouted in her room with her body aching. But there is also smile in her face. 'i can't deny but I miss the feeling when my muscles are sore from training it's just doubled because my body today have been sleeping for a long time.

With that thought she laid in the bed and closed her eyes.

And since then Vesper Lefevre served under Ezenta Lyra Arundel as a butler and helped her with her training.

She smiled as she thought of it. "My lady were here".

I looked at the auction house Infront of me as the carriage I rode went to another place to wait for us.

The exterior looks like a normal pub and do not even look like an underground auction house. There's nothing note worthy in the exterior.

"I looked at Vesper besides me and asked how did you even know about this place?"

I asked since I told him yesterday to find an illegal or an underground auction house for me and he informed me of it straight forward just as I asked.

"You don't work underground do you?"

"The contract my lady and as you can see I'm above the ground I'd be dead if I were to be underground right" he answered sarcastically with a smile.

I sighed, well the contract says I can't ask him any personal information rather than the needed ones.

We wore the black masks that resembles a fox we have covering our whole face. The only difference between our mask and the others is that our masks have gold linings around our masks eyes.

All guests with this kind of masks are VIP. How did he even make us a VIP anyways?

The guide guided us through the corridor at the end of the corridor there is only one room and of course it's only a normal room but not so normal.

By applying mana at the wall a path way going underground will be shown.

I sat on the couch in the VIP room and looked at the people below the terrace. They all seemed eager.

The auction started with jewelry and soon they started selling magic tools but nothing caught my eye. I yawned out of boredom. I looked at Vesper who's enjoying wine while sitting on another couch.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself huh"

"Hmm well I'm not the type to ask you every time a product comes out my lady do you want it while standing beside you"

"Sigh how did you even become a butler before"

"Well I did act properly but that's because of my motive as a worker my lady"he smiled slyly.

True I'd be alarmed if he acted properly knowing this personality of him but there's also my instinct.

"Anyways my lady the next one to be auctioned will be slaves"

"That would be boring"I answered though normally people would say they would save those people but sometimes those sympathy can be a curse to the victims, experience.

I was shocked when I saw the next product because it was one of the kids before.

"Vesper win that child"

He stopped drinking and looked at the stage then asked" And here I thought it's boring"

"Eh this guy just get it "

"Sigh,I will"

The bidding started with five million and so on. As the bids became twenty million I just bade 50 million and won I was impatient for some reason. I can see disgust at the child's gaze.

"Vesper can you feel it"

"He's mana is going wild my lady and it's to strong at that sigh I agree with you getting that chi.... how troublesome."

But it soon stopped as I started bidding that I thought it was just an illusion.

At the end of the auction I went at the child. We looked at each other he frowned as he looked at me.

"You're that guy but you're a girl"


"Scent.... voice"

"Where's your friend did you get captured with him"

"Yeah but I think he's out already"with that the child smiled. I observed him and thought hes already aware of how this world works.

"By out you mean what you want to do a while ago you seem to want to blow this place"

"Hmph I stopped because I smelled your scent"

"You're not angry..."

"I'm more curious" what a cute child

"Then your friend?"

"Hey idiot so you are here!"I looked at the the place the where the voice came from and saw a bloodied child."hey dont you know how to use cleaning magic you're dirty as hell" the child beside me exclaimed.

"Hmph I'm too lazy to do that, huh it's you!"he ran towards me and ran in circle around me.

"It's really you the one who gave us that thing back then!".

"Hey clean yourself first"


I looked at the child and where he came from there are trails of blood how careless but how did this child kill people.

The kid looked where I am looking and smiled.

"Don't worry I just cut the hands that they used to hold me".

"You shouldn't at least get caught killing people, if you kill someone kill them without anyone knowing or you'll get trouble ok"

"I'll do that next time"he said while nodding.

Wait what the fuck did I just tell a child I face palmed myself. I'm not cut to be a parent nor a baby sitter in the future,really.

"I've never thought about it before because I thought I can just kill everyone that knew." The other child answered while considering what I said.

"Wait you said you just cut their arm off then they are not dead."

I got chills with just the thought of it are they really a child but considering the environment they grew up seems likely it is possible.

"Humans die from too much blood loss right?"

He said as he looked at me curiously while I thought about it.

"Yes we do sigh"

We should leave now I walked towards the exit as they followed me. When we got out we met Vesper and he looked at the two children beside me and me alternately then just smiled as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Let's go milady and may I know your names?"he asked.



They answered at the same time. I was taken a back for a while and thought it's condricting each other, the irony. Like the other is a devil while the other is an angel.

"Will you be following us "I asked but inside I want them you can call it greed or anything but I do want to take them.

They looked at each other as if talking to each other before looking at me and nodded. While Vesper looked at me and sighed.

We entered the carriage and sat down as the two children sat beside me and across us is Vesper.

"The other is lig...while.....dark"I heard Vesper mumble though I did not hear it clearly but I had idea who he's talking about but I do not know what he meant at the same time. Is it the names or not I'm curious but I did not

Cimmerian and Zion looked at me with curiosity an asked"What's your name and the guy with dark..?"

"I'm Vesper Lefevre just call me Vesper"he intergected mid sentence.

"I'm Ezenta Lyra Arundel just call me anything you want" I answered.

"Ezenta" I flinched as they called my name. 'Ezenta huh why am I sigh"

I smiled at them as a response and looked outside the carriage. After that nobody talked anymore lost on their own thoughts throughout the journey.