
Eternal Solace: Extreme hardship

In the bustling city of Tokyo, a young boy named Haruto endures a life of hardship and torment. Trapped in a cycle of abuse, he longs for escape but finds none. His reality is a constant battle, one where hope seems like a distant dream. Yet, fate has a different plan for Haruto. One fateful day, his life is abruptly ended by a tragic accident involving a truck, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imaginations.

Lunatic_player · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Inception: Where it began

Earth is a planet inhabited entirely by humans. A world in which magic is non-existent.

In a far sketch humans are just little dust compared to how big and mysterious the universe is. Either you are a rich conglomerate, a powerful politician or a poor peasant. In the end all of them end up in the grave.

If you think of the big picture it affects nothing even though some may cry over our death but at the end everything will end.

People often say money and power are nothing rather its the deeds that you leave behind and the people who cry for you, but it's just dumb to think like that. No matter how you live doing, great deeds or helping thousands of people the glory will only last for a short amount of time, no one will even know you existed 100 years later.

What matters is the present, the present which undeniably will affect the future, the present which undeniably was the past. Its matter of existing in the present, it's the matter of being aware of the time and space which will change the course of future and your past.

Now I'm going to narrate the story of the man who became a threat to existence itself.

{school surrounding}

Wakk! Wakk! Wakk!

"Spare me! Please spare me i will give you the money"

"Shesh! so much trouble over this small matter, i would have left you alone if you had given the money in the first place"

"Please take it, you don't have to pay me back"

"You little! Do you think we are poor, i don't want you pathetic little money. Come back tomorrow i will give you back"

[blood started to drip over from my mouth, my hands and legs were numb from getting beaten, and my vision was totally blurred.]



[The Faint sunlight started to embrace my skin, i wanted to get back up but all my muscles were sore and hurt, i slowly opened my eyes, the evening sunlight hit my eyes, It was a beautiful sun-set, undeniably beautiful]

"Your up!"

[i moved my head to see who it was]


"Man, I saw you fainted down after getting beaten up by Temura, you know you should complaint it to the authority, if it drags on then it will start to affect your daily life or just tell me I will report it to the student council and if you have anything to share I'm always here for you any time "

"No! Its okay i'm fine. They did not beat me up that much, it was just a small brawl"

[Akira is so helpful and reliable but reporting it to the authorities will only make it worse for me. He can't understand how painful it is for me]

Haruto Suzuki is an average 15 year old middle schooler in japan, to tell the truth his parents are from a normal household background and due to his easy going personality he is often a bullied a lot.

He is also an outcast in school, his daily routine includes going to school and back to home. He doesn't have a single friend in school.

"Well, i should get going"

As Haruto silently started walking down the street it was already 6pm,the beautiful sun set seemed to be never ending, birds flying over in the sky made the scenery even beautiful. It seemed like it would rain today, he had to be in the house by 6 pm due to curfew, today was gonna be a rough day as usual.

"I'm home"

"Welcome! home son"

As Haruto reached home he got a warm welcome from his mother. His mother had already made the dinner ready so she asked for him to go take a bath before eating. After bathing Haruto generally headed to have the dinner.


"Haruto, why were you late today?

"Father! I had to go out with a friend today"

"Don't give me excuses, as usual today. Come to the room at 10 pm"

"Honey! What do you think about lengthening the session, hes been stubborn nowadays"

"Seems like a good idea"

Haruto's father Fuji Suzuki was an average salary man but he married a Korean woman, my mother Iseul. At outside we seem like a normal family of 3, but the worst is yet to come.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in"

"Father please forgive me this once, i will never do it again"

Tears rolled down on Haruto's face as he started to beg mercy, he pleaded his father 

"Are you trying to rebel against your father, remove your clothes and go down and sit on the chair"

As Haruto went inside the room and sat on the chair, The only thing which resonated inside the room was just a moment of silence.

Whip! Whip! Whip!

"Do you dare to defy your father, are trying to rebel against us or what, you filthy piece of shit. You should have never been born in the first place, A child of demon. You should have died then why did you even survive"

As Haruto sat on the chair motionless with despair and fear, his father forcefully started beating him with a whip. The whip was not any normal whip; it had nails attached to it, as he started swinging it , each time the nails started to puncture his skin and he experienced excruciating pain from it. For him the nails did not hurt a bit more than his fathers words.

"Ufff, uggh , ufff"

"Be tied up there until the morning"

Haruto stayed on the chair motionless. He started to think however saw, his family was definitely not normal in any way.

[ What did I do to deserve this? I want to live a normal life like everyone else. I want to escape this misery]

Haruto slowly loosened his rope, His body was covered in red blood. He couldn't walk properly like he did. He started limping on one leg, and each step was painful to him. He silently snuck out of his parents room. He could hear them snoring, thinking to himself maybe they were tired.

He slowly walked out of the room and in front of the door. He took each step very carefully. He didn't have much time, he didn't even care to wear his shoes. Haruto walked on the road without any shoes baring the pain in each and every steps

He was slowly distancing himself from the house not knowing where he had to go. The cold breeze seemed to cool down his wound, The moon gave off a friendly light towards him. 

[What a beautiful night it is but what a waste it is for me. The world is such a beautiful place yet so cruel. As I walk each step I wonder what more cruel are the humans who inhabit this world. A creature who is undeniably greedy for power and money. In between this hell people even find heaven but I seem to be walking the path of hell all my life. I am tired to be honest, i can't take it anymore but still a part of me desires to live and i respect that]

Haruto started to aimlessly roam around the streets thinking to himself. The pain which was throbbing was now much calmer.

Suddenly he saw someone familiar near the nearby convenience store.

[it is indeed Akira inside the convenience store, he's a very kind person. He always tries to help me out in school. I know it's because of pity due to my pathetic self. Should i go and ask help from him, will he indeed help me? Why not go try]

As Haruto made up his mind to go and talk to Haruto he slowly started to move towards him. He saw Akira exit the store. In fear he will go away Haruto started to call out for him still limping and trying to run.

" Akira! Akira"

As Akira turned back to see who it was, all Haruto saw on Akira's was face was a moment of despair.

[He must be surprised to see me in this state]

"I'm coming towards you, i will explain everything so can you help me"

Akira didn't seem to concentrate on his words rather he was dashing towards Haruto

"I will come there no need to tire yourself"



As Akira dashed towards Haruto he then released something that had hit him.

His vision was blurry, he could hear some sounds, but couldn't figure out what was going on. He was no longer in pain. He had a blurry vision of someone carrying him, and after that everything went blank

[why's it so dark, I remember encountering Akira in the convenience store but i don't remember what happened after that, ugh I am having a headache it hurts, now I remember a truck hit me, Finally my life ended, what about Akira I definitely saw him trying to push me aside]

Tears started to flow down his face, even though my life ended I even pulled Akira down with me. I am truly miserable. Maybe i only bring misfortune to those around me

Suddenly a white light gushed and it was truly a beautiful sight to be seen. Suddenly a chunk of black light appeared in front. 

"Can you stop crying now human,"

Haruto slowly started to take control of his emotions and began to analyse the situation

[wait am I in some sort of novel or what, is this the famous isekai scene where the protagonist gets hit by a truck and gets transferred to a new world, OMG I am honoured to be here. Finally my time has come at last, the time to be happy and the time to create a big harem.]

The sadness of a moment ago suddenly disappeared and only his excitement remained now.

"Am I getting reincarnated into a magical world"

"Yes and No"


"You were almost caught and was isekaid by the Reccurs but we undeniably saved you"

"You matha**ing bitch do you think its a joke, I want to get isekaid at least T-T"

"Reccurs an evil organization which hand picks humans who are going to reincarnated into another world, a world full of magic and sorcery. But in truth they are an organisation which forces its users to bring misery to that world. So we save those people and bring them on our sides to fight them."

"Hmm seems interesting but am i getting isekaid?"

"Mmm Yea"


"After the briefing, lets enter to the main hall"

[As i followed the black chunk of dust, it suddenly teleported us another space and everything in there was fill with light as usual but the thing to be noticed was there were other humans]

[ As i went down to take a good luck at them, the only thing which filled me was terror and fear again]

A loud voice echoed the white room

"Oh my son are you alright are you hurt anywhere"

To be continued.....