
Three keywords

[USER A]: Yes, someone is here!

[USER B]: Who are you? What's happening?

[USER A]: Please help me! I'm trapped in a prison, my name is Andrew, and I haven't committed any crime, please let me out, this must be a mistake.

[USER B]: I just woke up, I'm not in charge here! I don't know you! I heard this computer beep and saw your conversation, and what's this AI thing?

[USER B]: I am also trapped in a closed room. I'm Barry, a prisoner, if you're not a cop or a jailer, it's unlikely that you would know me, right?

[USER A]: Fucking right, I don't know you either, how did you get in here?

[USER B]: I don't know what's going on, I was knocked out and woke up here

[USER A]: What's in the room with you?

[USER B]: Wait, let me see

[USER B]: It looks like an operating room in a hospital.

[USER B]: There's a computer on the operation table, no mouse, and the chat window can't be closed, it's the same as yours

[USER A]: Any doors? Can you get out?

[USER B]: There's an iron door, it's locked with an electronic lock

[USER A]: Can you see outside?

[USER B]: No, no windows

[USER B]: Who are you? How did you get in here? Were you also knocked out?

[USER A]: All I remember is that I was in a biology class, then I lost consciousness and woke up here!

[USER B]: Are you a student?

[USER A]: I'm a biology teacher

[USER B]: What did the AI mean by its message earlier?

[USER A]: I have no idea what the hell is going on, it looks like we've been captured by some ruthless organization for an escape room game or experiment, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some smiling host or camera crew behind all of this.

[USER A]: But right now it looks serious, there's blood everywhere and it's making me scared.

[USER A]: The AI said that we need to input three keywords in a certain format to escape the room and be safe, and it mentioned something about life safety, right?

[USER B]: Yeah, damn it, I can't understand any of this. Do you have any clues about the keywords?

[USER B]: Are you still there?

[USER B]: ???

[USER A]: I have a note here with a hint about the first keyword, I found it under my bed.

[USER B]: What is it?