
Escape From The Infinite Chamber

One day Luo Jian woke up from his sleep and found himself in a secret room with the door and windows sealed. A note nailed with a tack on the wall read: "From the secret room within one hour. Escape, otherwise you will be obliterated."

Lord_Luce · ゲーム
16 Chs


It took Luo Jian a long time to wake up from the chaos. He lay stiffly on the bed. After being in a daze for a while, he straightened up and sat up. He glanced around dully and realized that he was in his own room.

The sky outside the window is gray and bright, and the electronic clock on the bedside table indicates that it is 6:45, an early morning.

Luo Jian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly lowered his head and touched his abdomen. There was no wound at all, no blood, and no pain. Luo Jian felt that his mind was in chaos. He stumbled out of his bed and ran to the window to open it. A burst of cool air rushed in and hit his face. On the street outside, there were several old people walking in the early morning. Nothing different from usual.

Not some closed, narrow room, but his own home.

"Am I dreaming?" Luo Jian said to himself, but he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It would be great if it was really just a dream. Although this dream was so terrifying that it made him break into a cold sweat and made him realize it. With the illusion of death, Luo Jian almost touched the cold hands of death in the dream.

But luckily it was just a dream. Luo Jian comforted himself, and he couldn't help but cover his chest. For a moment, when he woke up from his dream, he really thought he was dead. It was such a real scene. Luo Jian could clearly recall every detail, as if he had just experienced it.

Luo Jian left his bedroom and walked to the living room. As a single man, Luo Jian's house can't be considered tidy, but fortunately, he still has a sense of 'cleanliness' in his daily life, so he doesn't make his house particularly messy. He just bought something at the cake shop last night. The buns were piled on the dining table, the hot water bottle and cups, and the bowl of instant noodles. Everything was placed in its original position without moving at all.

Luo Jian instinctively found his charged mobile phone from the sofa, and looked at the time and date again. It was indeed today, and nothing happened. When he woke up, he realized that he had slept for two or three days, a week, a month or even longer.

I was too nervous. Luo Jian silently said to himself, it has passed, it was definitely just a dream, forget it Luo Jian!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Jian went into the kitchen and planned to rummage through the refrigerator. He remembered that he had prepared a lot of food to make fried rice with eggs or other things to eat. He woke up in the morning feeling hungry, very hungry, as if he hadn't eaten for two or three days.

However, as soon as his hand touched the handle of the refrigerator, he couldn't help but froze.

There was something extra on the refrigerator door that shouldn't be there. I don't know who posted a note on the refrigerator door. It was posted in a very obvious position, at eye level with Luo Jian. He saw it as soon as he looked up.

A piece of paper with a purple pattern printed on the lower right corner.

Luo Jian's face turned pale at that moment. He felt that his fingertips were trembling. His body seemed to be under some kind of spell. He was so stiff that he could hardly move. It took him a long time to escape from this terrible state, gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, reached out and pulled the note off the refrigerator door, and then looked down, there were still beautiful pen words on it:

[ Dear Mr. Luo Jian: ]

[ Congratulations on successfully passing the first level. ]

[ For your outstanding performance, we will reward you, and this reward is not the only one. Because every time you successfully escape the secret room and return to reality, we will give you different rewards. Of course, you have the right to choose to give up the rewards, but after giving up the rewards, it is worth your time to consider whether you can survive the next level smoothly. ]

[ PS: The prize is in the drawer of your desk. ]

[ The next agreed date will be ten days later at night. Please stay in good spirits and go to sleep. I wish you good luck! ]

After reading the note silently, Luo Jian was silent for a while, turned over and looked at the back of the note. This time, there was nothing written on the back, and it was pure white.

"It turns out it wasn't a dream."

With a sneer, Luo Jian tore the note into pieces and threw it into the trash can. He returned to the desk in his room and opened the desk drawer. There were only a few books and reports in his drawer, except for In addition, as the note said, there was an extra small gift.

a knife.

"I thought it was a gun." Luo Jian took out the short knife from the drawer. To be precise, it should be a saber, about twenty centimeters long. The handle is black and the blade is also black. I don't know. What kind of material is it made of? It is not reflective at all. It has no hand guard. It comes with a leather scabbard that can be tied to the waist. There is no leather buckle on the scabbard. This means that Luo Jian can quickly use a little more proficiency and force. Pull the knife out of the scabbard, and then attack or defend at a speed that the enemy cannot imagine. It is commonly known as a tactical assault knife.

The knife was exactly the same as the one held by the murderer.

Luo Jian suddenly felt a dull pain in the area on his abdomen that seemed to have been stabbed, but when he stretched out his fingers and touched it, there was no wound. But Luo Jian's palms were covered with cold sweat. He was stunned for a moment, and then he picked up the saber and looked at it. The blade of the knife seemed to be extremely sharp. Just looking at it gave Luo Jian the illusion that he would be cut. Upon closer inspection, Luo Jian discovered that there were dense patterns on the handle of the knife the same as the pattern on the note, which was engraved with the pattern of hell flowers.

"What an ominous thing." Luo Jian frowned in disgust. He put the knife into the scabbard and put it back in the drawer. Then he went into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He had to go to work. No matter what happened, no matter what happened to Luo Jian, How exhausted Jane was, he had to keep his daily life normal so that he could feel like a normal person.

Live normally. Luo Jian muttered to himself and washed his face in front of the mirror with a towel, but soon he discovered something was wrong. There seemed to be something on him that shouldn't exist.

On the side of the neck, behind the ear and covered by the hair, there is a small purple-green thing that looks like a tattoo, a small circular tattoo of a snake biting its tail.

Luo Jian was already a little calm. Although he couldn't figure out when the tattoo appeared on his neck inexplicably, but fortunately it was not obvious because of the hair, and it was not painful or itchy. Luo Jian didn't care too much. .

But what if you care? Luo Jian clearly understood that the note, the secret room, the murderer, the knife that suddenly appeared in his desk drawer and the tattoo on his neck all proved one thing, that is, Luo Jian met The things are unnatural and cannot be resisted by human beings!

That's why Luo Jian can calmly go to work as usual, instead of yelling here or running to the police like an idiot, and then being arrested and sent to a mental hospital. Luo Jian knew that no one would believe what he had experienced, just as he himself could not believe it.

The agreed date ten days later? Luo Jian packed up his things and went out. Thinking about the contents of the note, he clearly revealed two messages: first, it seemed that this escape room game had happened more than once; second, he would be dragged into that strange thing again ten days later in a closed space.

Although this realization made Luo Jian very unhappy, he had to admit that he had no power to resist.

After a busy morning at the company, Luo Jian was harassed by a phone call at noon. His long-lost friend invited him out for dinner.

"Dinner? You would be so kind to treat me to dinner?" Luo Jian couldn't believe it when he heard Feng Yulan's voice opposite him. How could this lunatic not be like an iron rooster, and couldn't even think of pulling out even half of his hair? Today, for the first time, I invited Luo Jian to dinner. The sun was really shining in the west.

"What do you mean? You don't trust me so much! It's rare that I'm in a good mood, so forget it if I don't come."

"Of course, I'll take your last name if I don't kill you!" Luo Jian immediately changed his mind, packed up his things and walked out of the company door. Feng Yulan on the other end of the phone continued to mutter: "At 12 o'clock on time, we will meet at the same place."

The old place is actually a restaurant near Luo Jian's house, very close. Luo Jian looked at his phone and realized that he still had time to go home and change his clothes. Luo Jian didn't know if he had a fever, because he felt unusually hot. He had been sweating all over his body despite sitting in an air-conditioned office all morning, and was sticky and uncomfortable.

So Luo Jian quickly went home and changed his clothes. When he was rummaging through the clothes in the closet, for some reason, he opened the desk drawer again and saw the saber in the drawer.

It was really a mistake. He subconsciously picked up the knife and tied it to his waist. The scabbard should be tied to the back and placed horizontally. Luo Jian could pull the knife out with just a hook of his right hand behind his back, and the coat was long enough to completely cover the knife, without any abnormality visible at all.

After being prepared, Luo Jian went out with the knife. He felt a little complicated. He actually never thought about carrying the knife while walking on the street, but after returning home, he seemed to have a vague feeling in his mind. While desperately clamoring for him to put on the weapon, Luo Jian's keen intuition made him more vigilant, and after much deliberation, he put the saber on his back.

When he walked out of the house, he suddenly felt dizzy. Luo Jian raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun was so bright that he had to squint his eyes.

It's not over yet. Luo Jian had a vague feeling, as if yes, it seemed that he was still trapped in that narrow, closed, dark room, just like the victim who was murdered in the secret room. The same, never escaped from the beginning to the end.

Still struggling in a dark world.

Luo Jian lowered his head to avoid the dazzling sunlight, and then subconsciously touched the small tattoo on his neck. Luo Jian felt that he really had a fever, and his body temperature was abnormally high, but only the tattoo on his neck was still cold.