
Side Chapter Pony Tsunotori

This takes place after the Exams

Eros had received a call from Pony

Pony: Help I'm in distress...I need help *she says in English*

Eros teleports to where she was and shes... at a restaurant and is trying to make an order but she doesn't know how to order. there are a few people behind her...A Thug approaches her and sees she's hot and tries to flirt with her.

She just wants to eat now she has to deal with this guy...she then tries to look for help but gets nervous and she starts only speaking in English.

She then calls Eros and this is the situation

Eros: Pony need a hand

Pony: Eros

She runs up to Eros and happily tells her the problem

Thug: tsk why didn't you say you have a boyfriend

He spits and walks away

Thinking maybe he corners her and beat him up and have fun with her after they ate but an arrow hit him and he fell in love with some shit...

Eros: Oh I see the problem for this you have to order it on the machine here

Eros takes her to the machine and ask her what she wanted and he helps her get the meal and he gets one too

Eros: Once you place the order you just sit down and place your ticket on top of here and they will put your order out for you

Pony: Japanese people are amazing so easy

Eros: haha well I guess. I'm not Japanese

Pony: Your not?

Eros: Nope! I told you earlier I'm from Greece

Pony: Sorry I forgot...

She looks down

Eros no worries... let's eat

It was a simple meal they had he then decided to go walk around with her

There wasn't much excitement but for some reason, she felt at ease talking to him. She could talk in her native language and it reassured her

As they were walking them around outside they saw an anime on display...A bunch of girls who were actually boats and a guy is controlling them

Pony: So cool I love anime...

Eros: wow so cool I wish to go there

Pony: You like anime too

Eros: Hmm I love unique places (plus hot girls are hot no matter what. I wonder if that world exist too)

Pony: I like giant robot anime too. I always wanted to ride in a giant robot

Eros: Yeah I love giant robots too. I had one made

Pony eyes sparkled

Pony: You have a giant robot

Eros: Yup its called a Gundam

Pony: GUN...DAM?

Eros: Yup I also have a one that can be combined together

Pony: COMBINE! Like *bam**zip*

she starts making noises that she thinks robots make when they combined

she starts staring at Eros who finally caves

Eros: Do you want to see one

She nods like crazy

Eros: hmm ok but it powers on kisses...so I have to kiss you to power it up

She kisses Eros...then she starts to get red

Eros grabs a rose and says

Eros: With love in my heart I bring justice to the world

He throws the rose into the air and then grabs a white mask and says

Eros: Tuxedo Power

then it is like Eros is covered in a rosebud and he comes back has in a Tuxedo mask

Eros: I am now Tuxedo Mask

Pony: COOL you transformed!

Then Eros turns his watch and says

Eros: I summon you Burning God Gundam

A huge giant robot comes out of nowhere

Eros then looks at Pony and says

Eros: Pony...do you want to fight evil together with me. If you do let's step inside

She nods like crazy


they enter and then tight spandex appears around their body. The other clothes is burned off

Pony bends downs on all four and moans as the hot spandex is tight around her body showing off her huge chest and ass. She looks at Eros and sees its tight around him and she sees it is showing off his huge dick...she was thinking she wants to jump on his dick but first Giant robot

Surprisingly as she entered a horse appeared underneath it and Eros noticed she had stirrups on the side of her legs...

Eros: we control this robot together. You control the horse on the bottom

Pony:...then...get on me

she said in a seductive voice. but Eros knows she is just not used to the machine yet and wants to have fun traveling with it...so Eros got on top of her and they go rescuing a plane crash...she had so much fun...but she was excited...plus Eros dick was close to her ass she couldn't take it much

The Machine really did run on sexual energy so she was getting horny as she rode it...

Pony: I can't take it much more

She goes to a deserted Island and screams

Pony: Eros do me now

Eros didn't wait a second later he plunged his dick inside her while holding her horns and fucked her from behind

She was moaning

Pony: You are the Alpha Bull. no man can satisfy me but you

After a few hours she was leaking blood out her pussy and ass and she started lactating. she wasn't pregnant though...she stopped when she was in school but whenever she was around Eros she begins again...

After that Eros went to her parent's house. They smelled Eros on her and realized...Eros made her his...her father tried to challenge Eros but Eros head-butted him and knocked him out...Her mother almost left her husband when he lost but Eros made sure to calm her down...something about strongest bull... Eros made sure that her parent's relationship stayed good so he gave them some medicine and they fucked for a day...Pony's mother later that year gave birth...

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Please check out the other novel I was mistaken for being gay and ended up in a girls school.

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts