
Tentacle Trap (1)

"Congratulations on successfully exploring 100% of the dungeon! With your achievement, the following function will now be unlocked..."

Upon Lilith's return to the main room of the dungeon, a mechanical voice immediately resonates in her mind.

"Map was unlocked, Dungeon upgrade unlocked... Shop unlocked... Quest unlocked!"

"Quest?" Lilith's attention was instantly captured by the mention of a quest. afterall, with a quest, she can familiarize herself with the dungeon mechanics while also reaping various rewards.

With anticipation, Lilith immediately summoned the screen panel and navigates to the Dungeon Status.


Dungeon Status....

Lust Dungeon

Dungeon Heir: Lilith (Candidate for Demon King)

Dungeon Level: F rank (2000 exp needed for rank up)

Dungeon Points: 5


- Map interface

- Dungeon upgrades

- Traps Management

- Mobs Overview

- Shop

- Quest


Lilith's look ay the six function, she was curious about all of them but she decide to go to the quest log first.

-Main Quest I: Mastering the Basics

-Sub Quest I: Are the traps working?

"Two types of quests? How really game-like. Now I wonder if I'll actually encounter players" Lilith ponders to herself as she selects the main quest to learn more.


Main Quest I: Mastering the Basics

As the newly appointed dungeon heir, your utmost responsibility is to protect the Dungeon Core at all times. No enemy must be allowed to breach the defenses and reach your precious dungeon core!

To fulfill this duty, you must install traps and summon monster to not only protect your dungeon core but also earn dungeon points once you defeated intruders.

Tip: A strategical placement and distribution of traps and monster is the key for a strong defense.

(Dungeon Points can be use for buying traps and mobs. The stronger the traps/mobs were, the more expensive they become. Be wise in spending your points!)

Traps/Summoned Mobs Deployed: 0/1


The quest description was easy to understand. Lilith's task is to summon either a trap or a monster, but as a min-max gamer one question enters her mind "Which option would give more benefit early on?"

With such a problem, Lilith decides to explore the shop interface to look at her options.


Shop, Level I: (0/10 Items purchased to level up)

Dungeon Points: 5

Slime (F rank Monster)

A gelatinous creature that bounce around the dungeon, Slimes are known for their cuteness but they will dissolve things if given the chance.

Price: 5 Dungeon Points

Goblin (E- rank Monster)

Weak and small, thats a goblin, not only were they vile and horny but they like ganging up against opponents, employing various cheap tactic to win using their sheer number. Goblins can reproduce fast with enough female hostages.

Price: 8 Dungeon Points.

Ring of Slowness (F rank cursed equipment)

A ring with deceiving exquisite and elegant design, this ring dampens the movement of its wearer and couldn't be taken off for 24hours after being wear.

Price: 10 Dungeon Points

Tentacle Trap (D rank trap) Lust Sin Exclusive.

A cunning trap filled with tentacles, these tentacle each have the strength of F rank adventurers. Design for immobilizing and weakening opponents.

Price: 5 Dungeon Points (95% Discount from the original price of 100)

Fake Bag of Gold..... [Refresh]



"Slimes, goblins—classic RPG monsters," Lilith muses, seeing such familiar options.

"A deceiving treasure ring... and a tentacle trap?! Wait what's with that 95% discount?! I cant let this pass by!"

"Well, my choice is evident now!" With her remaining Dungeon Points, Lilith acquires the tentacle trap.

As Lilith bought the tentacle trap, a mini holographic version of it appears infront of her.

"How do I..." Lilith extended her hand to the hologram to examine it, however as she do so the hologram moves away.

"Wha--" Shocked, Lilith retract her hands, only for the hologram to comes back.

"It follow my hand direction?" Lilith said to herself before swinging her arm back and forth.

As she had guess, the hologram followed her hand movements and also moves back and forth.

"Great!! but where should I place it?" Lilith wonders, she open the screen panel again and decided to look at the map.

The map of the entire dungeon show up on the panel, it was a relatively small dungeon divided into three section, The main room where the dungeon core was in, The middle room that was dark and narrow and finally the entrance.

"The tentacle trap was describe as a trap for immobilizing... which mean it couldn't actually kill any intruders..."

"does this mean I have to finish them myself?!" Lilith said, excitement was all over her face but she failed to notice it.

"If that is so then.... putting them near the entrance isn't good for me... maybe I should place it right at the main room door?"

There was a large door that seperated the main room from the middle room, if the intruders found the main room without encountering any traps and monster then they will surely let their guard down right?

Once their guard was down then bam! Tentacle trap! and then she will appear and finish them off using....

"....I dont have any weapons!!" Lilith's voice echoes on the dungeon as she come into a realization.

"Should I punch them to death then?"

"No, wait, There's no use wondering about that right now! I should place the trap first, intruders might come here any moment now" Lilith immediately ran towards the door and opens it, and just right infront of it, she put the trap down.

The mini hologram suddenly expanded and change the ground below Lilith, A hole suddenly appeared and then tentacles grow from it, they were all long and thick purplish tentacles.

The tentacles were all squirming around, Lilith who's nearby watched the scene with all of her focus not realizing that one of the tentacles were slowly extending towards her feet.

Within a few seconds the tentacle managed to wrapped itself around her left foot without being noticed.

"Ahh?" Lilith suddenly got goosebump as she felt sometying slimy on her leg, she look down but before she could even react, it immediately tries to pull her.
