
Nuke vs Kizaru

Five days passed since Nuke and his crew arrived at Sabaody,

"Why am I not able to form the third-star mark?" Nuke pondered. He thought he will be able to form the third mark quickly, but he found out he lacks something.

"Whatever, I will take one step at a time. Supernovas and Luffy's crew should have arrived at the sabaody. It's time to stretch some muscles." Nuke murmured.

"Kizaru, I hope you won't disappoint me." Nuke said.

"Nuke, I heard outside that supernovas came to sabaody who all have bounty above 100million bounty. Isn't that mean we are also a Supernova?" Luna came and told.

"Yes...But we are on a different level than those rookies. Don't compare us with them. Soon, the Admiral is going to visit the Island, do you want to come?" Nuke asked.

Luna's spoke with eyes full of stars, "Are the Admirals stronger than the Z guy we faced?"

"Yes, Even if you use the devil fruit ability, I don't see any chances of you hurting them..." Nuke said.

"Let's go..." Nuke said and left with Luna.


When Nuke and Luna arrived at the Auction house place, a fight already broke out between Marines and Luffy, Kid, and Law.

Soon, Luffy, Law and Kid's crews joined the fight and defeated the rest of the Navy outside the auction house.

Luffy's crew escaped with the help of the Rosy Life Riders. Meanwhile, Kuma intercepts Kid and Law from leaving, then begins attacking them with lasers.

Finally, Admiral Kizaru appeared and played around with some pirates before taking on the Supernova Basil Hawkins, Urouge and Drake.

Kizaru easily defeats Hawkins, Urouge, Drake and left the scene to fight Straw Hat group. Nuke and Luna followed Kizaru without him noticing.

When they arrived, the Straw Hats were fighting pacifistas and sentomaru with exhaustion. Now, Kizaru also arrived at the scene there's nothing they can do anymore.

"This should be a perfect time to make an entry and introduce myself. If I get delayed, Rayleigh will arrive." Nuke thought.

"Nuke, aren't you going to save them?" Luna asked, confused by Nuke's action till now.

"I am planning to," Nuke said.

"It's no use... I ate Pika-Pika fruit. I'm a light Man."

"I am a Logia, ne" Kizaru explained to the straw hats.

"Ooh..." As always, Kizaru showed a lazy and surprised expression when he noticed someone appear before him.

Nuke appeared before Kizaru who was getting attacked by Ussop and Brook, but all of their attacks passed through him.

"Admiral Kizaru, Looks like you are having fun fighting a group of weak pirates. Why don't you fight me?" Nuke said, appeared confident and carefree.

'It's a little exciting saving an MC's group in their own world.' Nuke thought.

"What? Who are you?... Ohh, I remember aren't you the pirate group who fought with my sensei" Kizaru lazily spoke.

"You guys are scary ne, Origin Star Pirates", Remarked Kizaru.

"What? What Happened? Who is he?" Ussop asked.

"I don't know, I think he is a rookie like us but he seems confident facing Admiral", Brook said.

"He is a Pirate and Rookie like us apart from that there is no news about them", Robin said to everyone.

Even though Kizaru said that, but given his tone of voice it sounded false and mocking.

Nuke right away attacked without speaking anything with the lazy fellow. A powerful kick sent towards Kizaru, with Armament haki.

Like Nuke expected Kizaru didn't bother to block the attack and in turn, sent flying away.

"How was he able to kick him?" Sanji voiced, but everyone unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

"How is Zoro?", Luffy asked when he tried to run towards Zoro and group, Sentomaru attacked.

"You are annoying. Go away." Luna spoke and waved her hand. A powerful wind came and blown Sentomaru far away.

"Thank You," Luffy said and ran towards Zoro and rest of the groups.

Kizaru appeared before Nuke in lightning speed and kicked with Armament haki. Nuke blocked the attack with both hands but forced to take a few steps back.

'What a monstrous physical strength' Kizaru thought.

"I casually came for a stroll but didn't expect to face a troublesome rookie. Give me a break yo..." Kizaru lazily spoke but his actions spoke otherwise.

'Yasakani no Magatama' (Sacred String of Jewels)

A torrent of Light jewels came flying towards Nuke. It's Kizaru's frightening ability if one doesn't have strong observational Haki then they will surely be holed to the ground.

Nuke covered his hand with destructive energy and blocked the attacks; Every Jewel light's which touched his hand got destroyed.

"Ooh, You really blocked it easily ne" Kizaru spoke.

'Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven' A sword formed in Kizaru's hand out of lights.

"Hehehe" Nuke smirked and from his hand, destructive energy formed into that of the sword, like Kizaru.

Both Kizaru and Nuke clashed once again, but the Kizaru's light sword wasn't even able to block Nuke's destructive sword which cut down the light sword of Kizaru.

Kizaru formed an Armament Haki in his chest where the Nuke's sword is going to strike, but he was sent flying away and crashed into the nearby mangrove tree.

Even though everyone said, Kizaru relied on Devil fruit, Nuke noticed his Armament haki is at Yonko level.

Right now, Nuke can really fight an opponent who reached the Yonko level in Haki like Admiral before him; But he is not capable of defeating them.

He intuition told him that Kizaru is hiding his true power.

Before Kizaru could stand from his attack, Nuke attacked again but Kizaru easily evaded by transforming into numerous light particles.

"He really is fast... With his light fruit if he wants to escape nobody can stop him. Only if I formed more star marks I can Kill him."Nuke thought.

Kizaru and Nuke's fight continued while all the members of the Straw Hats group watched with open mouth. This Kind of fight is really out of there scope, Luffy told them to escape.

Soon, everyone began to run.

'Yata no Kagami' Kizaru formed a light beam hoping to intercept them, but it was easily broken by Nuke's kick.

"Why are you helping them? If I don't capture them, it will troublesome, you know?" Kizaru slowly spoke. Soon, the pacifistas began to chase the straw hats who were running but Luna didn't do anything to stop them.
