
Era of Mystical Arts

"Era" is a world where steam, magic, machinery, alchemy, and supernatural powers coexist. When Luke, who has crossed into this world, finds himself hooded and at the mercy of an imperial secret agent with a gun to his head, he decides to bluff his way out. And so, he becomes a part of the Golden Shield Empire's Coastal... (Opening cover art is of the character Shelley and not the MC)

Read_and_Chill · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 32: The Alchemical Workshop

Luke and Kailina left the Secret Affairs Bureau through the back door and hired a horse-drawn carriage on the way.

Since steam-powered locomotives were expensive and required specialized maintenance, animal power remained the primary means of transportation. Many nobles, officials, and merchants preferred luxurious carriages to showcase their prestigious status, rather than endure the pungent smell of machine oil.

The rough roads made the carriage quite bumpy.

Kailina, on her first field assignment, appeared quite nervous. She clasped her hands tightly on her lap, ready to draw her magic wand and unleash her powers at any moment.

Sitting across from her, Luke chuckled and said, "Relax. I'm afraid you might accidentally blow up this carriage if you release your magic right now."

Kailina smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, Detective. Every time Captain Black Mamba goes on a field mission, I have to help her write reports. They always encounter some extremely dangerous murderers. Although some of them are innocent, I know that Hurricane City's Horn Cape District is truly dangerous. I want to protect your safety."

Luke didn't expect Kailina to be so anxious because she wanted to protect him.

"Oh? You want to protect me... Is it because you genuinely want to protect me, or because your 'loyalty' compels you to protect me?"

Kailina pondered for a moment. "I... I'm not sure. The implant's stimulation in my brain makes it hard to distinguish whether it's my own intention or a command from 'loyalty.'"

"No, it is possible to discern. You just need to learn the method. The brain, as the most complex organ in the human body, cannot be completely controlled by an implant. I'll teach you a breathing and meditation technique that, when practiced proficiently, will help you distinguish between your true thoughts and the thoughts imposed on you.

Although it won't free you from the implant's control, it will allow you to understand your true self."

"Really?" Kailina became excited but quickly worried. "Will this cause you trouble?"

"If you don't tell anyone, who will know?"

"Thank you, Detective. I promise I won't tell anyone."

Luke taught Kailina the breathing and meditation technique, diverting her attention and helping her relax quickly.

The carriage arrived at its destination and came to a halt.

It was a narrow alley without an official name. People in the know referred to it as Black Medicine Alley.

In the Gold Shield Empire, magical potions were a state monopoly. Only with the approval of the Imperial Alchemist Association could one engage in the production and sale of magical potions.

However, legitimate magical potions were generally expensive, which gave rise to the illicit black medicine industry. The potions produced by private workshops not only lacked quality guarantees but also carried the risk of side effects. Their competitive advantage, however, was their lower prices.

Furthermore, some black medicines had effects that legitimate magical potions did not possess.

The unique environment of the Horn Cape District fostered a large-scale black medicine industry.

Black Medicine Alley operated almost openly.

Luke and Kailina's arrival immediately caught the attention of the people in the alley.

A glance at their attire indicated that they were people of status. Particularly Kailina, her aristocratic demeanor was hard to imitate and even harder to conceal.

People started to gather, intending to prevent them from entering Black Medicine Alley.

Luke took out a 100-mark Imperial coin and handed it to the leader of the group.

"I'm a potion procurer here to see Ralph."

The person accepted the money and then looked at Luke and Kailina. He waved his hand, signaling the others to back off.

"Ralph? The aphrodisiac produced by his family killed an old nobleman last week. Many merchants no longer dare to sell the potions they produce. Sir... if you want an aphrodisiac, I can introduce you to a different one. The formula used by the Imperial Alchemist Association guarantees safety and effectiveness, ensuring satisfaction for your companion. The Ralph family, on the other hand, tends to add all sorts of strange things to their potions."

Kailina recognized the term "aphrodisiac" and blushed, lowering her head.

Luke pulled out another 100-mark Imperial coin.

"I'm a friend of Ralph's. Please lead the way."

The man quickly accepted the money.

"No problem! The old nobleman who died was already eighty years old. Ralph's potions do have quite an impact. If you take them, you'll definitely feel as vigorous as a dragon. Follow me."

Luke led Kailina as they followed the man into the workshop, where the pungent smell of potions grew even stronger.

Inside the workshop was a small courtyard.

A well connected to a trough stood in the center, with several female workers sitting on either side, scrubbing potion bottles.

At the other end of the courtyard was a small door leading underground, guarded by a burly man.

Luke didn't hesitate and continued walking towards the door.

The man blocked the entrance and asked angrily, "Who are you?"

Luke slowly took out his detective badge and pinned it to his chest. "Luke, the newly appointed detective of the Secret Affairs Bureau in the Horn Cape District."