
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Travelling to Auroria 3

Uchi and the others headed to the main battleground. Uchi looked around in awe. There were three towers in the battlefield. They all had banners at the top of the tower.

"So huge!" Uchi said in awe.

"These are the tallest towers in the entirety of Genten." Shingen laughed.

"Yeah we have had some interesting battles here! If you fall down, expect to take some serious damage!" Kunoichi said.

"Yeah, this is a dangerous battlefield. But all you have to do to defeat us is capture the three banners. " Yukimura said.

"Let the mock battle begin!" Shingen said.

Uchi looked at Kenji for his lead as she doesn't know what to do. Kenji smiled and used his magic to summon his Double Pike, Izanagi. Uchi did the same and summoned 4 Ring Blades.

"Have you ever fought before?" Kenji asked.

"I only trained with my brother and learned techniques from my mother." Uchi said.

'Techniques with the chakram huh..?' Kenji thought.

"I'm not much of a fighter...like at all...but I want to do my best!" Uchi said.

"Alright then. Follow my lead!" Kenji ran to a tower. Uchi hastily followed.

"Not so fast!" Kunoichi dashed to Kenji and slashed with her twin daggers.

"Too slow!" Kenji sidestepped and twirled his pike around and hit Kunoichi with the handle of the pike.

"Kunoichi!" Yukimura caught her.

"Go now Uchi!" Kenji said.

"R-Right!" She ran to the platform and the platform started to rise.

"Interesting. But you are mistaken if you think you cna get that banner so easily. Mock battle or not, you should treat this as if it was real!" Shingen swung his fan blade and a sandstorm blew powerfully and threw Uchi off the tower.

Uchi was falling to the ground and was shocked until Kenji caught her and threw her back up to the platform. She squeaked a bit and landed on the platform and opened her eyes. She got up and ran to the banner and touched it. The banner turned blue upon contact.

"I-I did it!" Uchi said, in disbelief.

"Yukimura, let me handle Uchi. You help Lord Shingen!" Kunoichi said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Mhm." Kunoichi smiled.

Yukimura nodded and ran to Lord Shingen's aid. Uchi got on the other platform and the platform brought her down and she blocked a dagger and looked surprised.

"This is just a mock battle, but I'll go easy on you." Kunoichi smiled.

"O-Okay." Uchi nodded.

Kunoichi dashed to Uchi and threw a smokebomb down. Uchi looked around and rolled out the way as Kunoichi went for the aerial attack. Uchi went for the attack and Kunoichi blocked the ring blades. Uchi disconnected the rings and they hovered beside her.

"What the?" Kunoichi was surprised.

The rings sparked with electricity and Uchi one by one threw them like discs and Kunoichi dodged and blocked the attacks. Uchi's fingertips sparked as pulled on the elemental string and the discs came flying back. Kunoichi looked back and dashed to Uchi then vanished. Uchi stopped the discs then connected them together again.

"Those Discs..Those are Lightning Chakrams aren't they? Your main element is Thunder huh." Kunoichi appeared on the top of the other tower.

"Yeah, handcrafted also." Uchi smiled.

"I see, you are more skilled than I thought, but your skills won't be any better than mine. As an ace ninja my skills are top notch and still growing!" Kunoichi said and touched the banner, making it turn red.

"Really? Then let this be our first competition!" Uchi said and disconnected a disc.

"I won't ever lose to you." Kunoichi smiled and her dagger emitted a light blue energy.

"Seems like the girls are getting serious." Shingen laughed.

"It's the heat of the battle. It is only a mock battle so they are holding back." Kenji smiled. "Also it seems like we are losing. Kunoichi's speed overpowers Uchi's so she got the banner easily and Yukimura is an excellent warrior, slipping past me when the moment was right."

"Call it a day?" Shingen asked.

"Yeah after all we need to get to Auroria as soon as possible." Kenji smiled.

"Count this as your third loss! The score is 4-3. I'm catching up!" Shingen laughed.

"It was a good fight. Maybe we will meet on the battlefield again not as friends but as enemies one day. Then we will settle the score officially." Kenji smiled.

"Indeed." Shingen said. "This mock battle has now been concluded!"

Everyone stopped their battling. They all went back to the castle and Kenji and Uchi got their things ready so they could leave. Kunoichi stopped Uchi and gave her an item.

"What's this?" Uchi asked.

"It's my lucky dagger. I want you to keep it." She smiled.

"Kunoichi, I can't. It's-"

"I insist. After all you're my best friend and I really enjoyed your stay." She smiled.

"I- Thank you so much.." Uchi smiled and hugged her. Kunoichi hugged back. They let go and Uchi went with Kenji.

"I hope to see you soon!" Kunoichi waved.

"Return soon you two!" Yukimura called out.

Kenji and Uchi waved and started their travel to Auroria once again. In a few more months they finally arrived in Auroria, but not in the best of times. Uchi looked at the two combatants standing on the battlefield. Kenji leaned against a tree and watched.

"Who are they?" Uchi asked and stuck close to Kenji.

"The girl is the new Warlord of Auroria, and her oppoent is Hideyoshi, the King of Ignis. He is quite intellegent, but his desire for power caused him to become a brute." Kenji said and watched the battle.

"Ultimate Skill: Phoenix Flame Twister!" Hideyoshi bellowed.

A huge flaming tornado was released from the lance and rushed to Aria. The sword blitzed through the flaming tornado then came directly to Hideyoshi. The flaming tornado came right for Aria.

"Aria!" Sefia yelled.

Hideyoshi deflected the blade, but lost his balance. Aria bellowed and the lance responded to her determination and the blade glowed brightly.

"Ultimate Skill: Light Judgement Slash!" Aria bellowed and slashed down, releasing a blade beam of light.

The blade beam cut through the flaming tornado and caused it to disappear then the blade beam came at Hideyoshi. He blocked the beam and was pushed back then finally dispersed it and fell on one knee. The flames on his lance vanished slowly. He slowly stood up and dashed to Aria and his body gave out. He fell on one knee and panted.

"It's over Hideyoshi." Aria said. "You lose."

"How..? How can this be..it's like you saw right through me.." Hideyoshi said.

"Your fighting style is very predictable and repetitive. I could have struck you many times during that fight..but tiring you out was the easiest outcome. Now your body is too tired to fight..you can no longer fight meaning I win by endurance." Aria said and smiled.

"I won't forget this day.." Hideyoshi growled.

Aria placed down a Talamat Feather. This feather can replenish energy.

"Use it to pack your things and leave this kingdom.." she walked past him. "Keep your word as a Warlord and a warrior."

Uchi's eyes shined in pure awe of Aria's abilities. She watched her walk into the main part of the kingdom. Kenji smiled and walked off. Uchi followed.

"Where are you going?" Uchi asked.

"This is where we part ways. I only told you I was gonna take you here. My part is done but your part only starts now." Kenji looked back and smiled.

Uchi felt her heart shatter on the inside as she looked at Kenji. She took a step forward as tears formed in her eyes.

"Hey it's gonna be okay. We shall meet again one day. You will meet amazing people in this kingdom. Until we meet again, Uchi." Kenji smiled then walked into the forest and out of sight.

"Kenji.." Uchi wiped her eyes and sniffled then smiled. "I'll do my best.."

Uchi turned to the main gates of the kingdom and walked towards the gates. She wanted to make Kenji proud, no matter what.