
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The Game of Kemari 2

"Do not let the ball touch the ground under any circumstances!" Aria said then dashed to Yoshimoto.

"This strategy again?" Yoshimoto said.

They entered a fierce sword battle and clashed multiple times. The score was 55-54. Everyone was getting tired. Uchi jumped in the air and kicked the ball at Yoshimoto. Yoshimoto made an air current and the ball was flung at Avani. Muneshige deflected the ball with his shield. Uchi appeared where the ball was.

"We can do this!" Uchi said and kicked the ball again at Yoshimoto.

"I shall not lose in my favorite game!" Yoshimoto made an air current again and the ball flung to Uchi.

"Electric Drive!" Uchi bellowed and kicked the ball down to Aria.

Aria was going to kick the ball then got shoulder bumped by Yoshimoto. She grunted as she hit the ground. Ginchiyo slid and kicked the ball back in the air.

"I will not fail Aria! I have always been a clutz but no more! I will win for Aria!" Uchi's lightning turned a light blue. "Time to use my Warrior Skill! Godspeed!"

Uchi kicked the ball down and appeared in front of Yoshimoto and struck him blowing him back. Uchi's hair turned into lightning as she kicked the ball at him and the ball hit him. She combo'd off that and kicked the ball at him more. The ball struck him 3 times and she dashed then flipped on one hand then sprang into the air.

"No more holding back. Fury Skill! Raijū Devastation!" Dragon horns flashed on Uchi's head then lightning filled her entire body and she kicked the ball at Yoshimoto.

The ball flew at him im blazing speeds. Uchi's eyes were dragon like and Yoshimoto's air current couldn't send the ball the other way and the ball hit him. A mini explosion of lightning and everyone was surprised, especially Aria.

"Uchi..is part dragon..?" Aria said.

The referee blew his whistle.

"Game! Yoshimoto is unable to continue! By default, Auroria wins! The kingdom belongs to Aria!" He said.

Aria blinked, still dazed at the news. Everyone fell to the ground and sighed in relief. Uchi landed on the ground and her energy vanished. She panted. Aria caught her and looked at her. This was the first Aria has seen a dragon hybrid.

"I guess the secret's out huh?" Uchi giggled. "You see..my mother IS a dragon. A Dark Element Dragon, my father was a famous Lightning user. I only got my father's elemental abilities and my mother's elemental prowess. I have a hard time unlocking my dragon form..but my brother..he is part dragon and he can just use it like it's just another ability."

"Wow..you never stop amazing me.." Aria smiled.

"My brother by default takes neutral damage from all elements except light. His scales aren't good with light. That's why defeating him is up to you..out of everyone here, your light abilities exceed even Joshua..we are one battle away from having full control of the south of Genten..Time to choose your final battle of the south. Shingen or Kenshin." Uchi said.

"I hear they are both equally as powerful..even being able to match Nobunaga..but the person I want to battle is Shingen. But it doesn't matter since if I beat Shingen, Kenshin will join. If I beat Kenshin, Shingen will join." Aria said.

"I won't do well against Shingen." Ginchiyo said.

"Me neither. His retainers deal massive damage to us because of Elemental Reaction..we will have to sit this battle out. We shall delegate until you are finished." Muneshige said.

"Right. So it's me, Uchi, Avani, Sefia, Kikuri, and Joshua." Aria said.

"The Original Six!" Uchi smiled.

Yoshimoto woke up and coughed. Aria walked to him and held her hand out. Yoshimoto took her hand and she helped him stand up.

"You all really pack a punch." Yoshimoto smiled.

"Well we must train hard most days, but our days of relaxation ends after this month. So let's all enjoy the time we have left. We don't know when we will get the time to relax again." Aria said.

"Yeah..the day where you battle Omu grows closer and closer every second." Ginchiyo said.

"We will be supporting you in that battle..the battle that decides the fate of Genten and all of its people." Muneshige said.

Aria smiled then looked at the sky and closed her eyes. She was anxious on the inside. She couldn't relax now. The north is full of powerhouses. Ujiyasu, Kotarō, Nene, Nō, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Gracia, Tadakatsu, Ina, Okuni, Hanzo, Hideyoshi, Kai. They were powerful beings and able to take on Aria's army solo. Aria knew now wasn't the time to slack, but she wanted everyone to have as much fun as they could on this final month.

"My dream is halfway complete..my ambition to save Genten..I have an army behind me..I am never fighting alone." Aria smiled.

"I would like to join the cause! Saving the place I call home is important!" Yoshimoto said.

"The more the merrier." Aria nodded and smiled.

Meanwhile in Valora, Ina and Tadakatsu were training. Ina lowered her bow and closed her eyes. Tadakatsu looked at her.

"Let's take a break." Tadakatsu said.

"Father..I don't know if I can handle the burden of serving Lord Omu anymore..I can't take the fact we are helping him commit mass genocide!" Ina said.

"Yes I understand how you feel..the lives of the innocent are at stake, but what can we do? We can not abandon Lord Ieyasu plus we are one of the three keys to get into Lem..we have no choice but to keep serving in his army." Tadakatsu said.


"There are no buts..There is nothing to negotiate. We serve under Lord Ieyasu not Omu..we have to keep doing what we do..I am sorry Ina, but we have no othet alternative.." Tadakatsu said.

"Do you think Aria..can save us all?" Ina asked.

"It's hard to say..by the way things are looking now..I'd say her chances of defeating Omu are less than 7%.." Tadakatsu said.

"That low..?" Ina said.

"His Warrior Skill is passive...meaning it is always active..hers require activation. He is also part dragon..luckily he possesses no Dragon Element.." Tadakatsu said.

"I have faith in Aria.." Ina said.

"Good..now let's continue training." Tadakatsu said.

"Alright father." Ina nodded.