
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The Fate of Genten 1

"Only fools will try to stop me..Those foolish actions will lead to your death. Choose. Live to see another day, or die like another ant." Omu said.

"Living doesn't sound so bad right now." Masanori said.

"We just can't allow him to continue..! Genten is our home! We must fight!" Mitsunari said and summoned his folding fan and frost surrounded him.

"You're not going your usual Dark or Lightning element?" Masanori asked.

"You do realize he is a Dark and Lightning element right?" Mitsunari said. "Hmph, don't worry, this will be over in a second due to elemental reactions!"

"Wait!" Kiyomasa said then summoned his halberd. "Don't do that!"

Mitsunari swung his fan and ice spikes shot at Omu. Omu held his hand out and his black lightning surged and made the ice spikes crumble into dust. Omu vanished and struck Mitsunari's stomach then blew him away. Mitsunari hit his back against a carriage and coughed blood. Omu summoned his sword and black lightning surged from his blade. The mage with him hit him with light magic and Omu drained it and grew more powerful.

"Oh no.." Kiyomasa took a step back. "This..is bad..way worse than I imagined.."

"What's the matter ants..? No longer have the will to fight?! Too late to back down now!" Omu said.

"Mitsunari..are you still alive?" Masanori asked.

"It...doesn't feel like I am.." Mitsunari slowly got up.

"Omu has Cosmic Void..he is unbeatable..for us anyway." Kiyomasa said. "We have to retreat back to Shikakiyo."

"And tell Nene, 'Oh? We had a big fight and we nearly died.'. Bro, I am not letting you take that risk! You are like a son to Nene and Hideyoshi! If you told them that-"

"Oh? Speaking of Nene..you wouldn't have to worry..she would be dead shortly anyway." Omu grinned.

Kiyomasa grunted and flames surrounded him. Mitsunari and Masanori held him back. Kiyomasa hated it when someone talked badly or threaten Nene and Hideyoshi.

"You wanna say that again?!" Kiyomasa said and struggling to get out of Mitsunari and Masanori's grasp.

"It's a shame that the one you so desperately want to protect..will end up the first to die.." Omu smiled evilly. "I might even take a little trip there.."

"I won't let you touch them!" Kiyomasa yelled.

"Come on Kiyomasa, cool it! He's just trying to get in your head!" Masanori said.

Kiyomasa broke out of their grasp and bellowed then dashed to Omu. He slashed and the flames grew wild. Omu parried the attack then palmed his stomach. Kiyomasa groaned then was blown away, crashing on the ground. Omu chuckled and his dark energy grew more powerful.

"He's way too strong..we can't even deal damage to him.." Mitsunari said.

Omu walked to the trio. Mitsunari was about to swing his fan then was blocked and Omu's arm was surrounded by black lightning. He struck Mitsunari and Mitsunari groaned loudly then fell on his knees. Masanori was the last one standing. He was terrified of Omu now...He knew he stood no chance against him. Omu walked to him and grabbed his neck and started to squeeze.

"You shall be the first to die." Omu said.

Masanori held his wrist and struggled. His grip started to weaken little by little. He felt like there was no hope for him. He accepted the fact he was going to die.

"Unhand him right now!" Hideyoshi bellowed and slashed down.

Omu dropped Masanori and jumped back. Hideyoshi had his lance and glared. Nene was behind him, checking on the trio. Ujiyasu and Kai soon later made it to the scene.

"Oh? So you have decided to betray your ruler?!" Omu laughed.

"It's nothing personal." Kotarō walked up and his dark energy surged. "We just want to get rid of you..besides no one but me can cause turmoil on this country."

"You all honestly believe you can take me down? I have the most loyal warriors in my arsenal that can handle you all in one fell swoop..but I'll entertain you all..the price will be your life." Omu said.

"Nene, take them back to Shikakiyo! Get them immediate medical attention!" Hideyoshi said.

"I'll help her." Kai said.

Omu watched and looked back at Hideyoshi and the others. He looked at Ujiyasu and chuckled. Ujiyasu glared.

"How are your children, Ujiyasu..?" Omu asked.

Kotarō scowled a bit and got in a stance. As the guardian of Ujiyasu's children, he doesn't take this act kindly. Ujiyasu looked at Omu and closed his eyes.

"They are fine..They are in a safe place in my kingdom where you will never find them..if you intend on getting them, you will have to give that up..I will defend them with my life.." Ujiyasu said.

"Those little mutts will be upset if you died, Ujiyasu." Kotarō said.

"I will just do all I can to stay alive..to live to tell the tale..I won't let him hurt my family at all.." Ujiyasu got in a stance.

"We shall support you in this battle Ujiyasu!" Hideyoshi said.

"How touching...I'll invite them to your funeral." Omu laughed.

Meanwhile with Aria and the others, they are headed to Terreria. As they enter the kingdom, they notice it is vacant and see Shingen and Kenshin talking.

"There she is.." Kenshin said.

"Lady Aria, this news is urgent. Take a listen if you please." Shingen said.

Uchi looked around in despair. This isn't the Terreria she knew and loved. She ran to Shingen.

"Lord Shingen! What happened?!" Uchi asked.

"Ahh..Lady Uchi..." Shingen closed his eyes. "Your brother is in the south.."

Uchi took a step back and her heart thumped hard. She gripped her shirt and fell on one knee. Aria ran to her and checked up on her.

"Uchi! Uchi!" Aria said.

"I'm...fine..please Shingen..continue.." Uchi said.

"Omu most likely wants to see Aria, personally..there is no other reason for him to come to the south.." Shingen said.

"Which is why we are asking you, are you sure you want to continue this dream of yours." Kenshin said.

"I have to! I..just can't turn back...I can not! If he wins...Genten will be destroyed..I can't allow Omu to continue this!" Aria said.

"I see.." Shingen said. "Well it's settled. We shall join your army."

"Yeah. We had a feeling you'd continue and with how things are now..we can't afford you dying. You give all these people hope..you are the bridge to peace..we will join you, but just know the dangers of you uniting the 18 Kingdoms..." Kenshin said.

Aria nodded and looked at them. Ranmaru and the others showed up to Terreria. Uchi stood up and calmed down.

"We came also via Ranmaru's request." Ginchiyo said.

"It would seem we are reaching the climax of this war." Muneshige said.

"The music plays more fearsomely with every step we take..Aria I hope you're ready to calm the storm." Motochika said.

"We shall stand by you no matter the cost." Motonari nodded.

"This will decide life or death for all of Genten." Joshua said.

"Aria, you are a sister to me. I shall not let you die under any circumstances." Sefia said.

"Although I haven't known you long, I trust you enough to where I shall lay down my life for you in battle." Kikuri said.

"The moment is now for us to finally take back and free our home. Aria, I live and die by your command. I am your warrior to use in battle however you see fit." Ranmaru said.

"Guys.." Aria looked at them and smiled then nodded. "Alright, let us save Genten once and for all!"

Her army gave a loud cheer. They are went to get prepared for the final stage of war. Aria dreaded the day where she had to fight Omu one on one, but she knew she had to.

Meanwhile in Nixtorm, Mitsuhide and Gracia were getting prepared. They knew this was the climax of the war. Gracia was actually scared as she didn't want to die so early in her life. Mitsuhide rubbed her head and gave a reassuring smile. Gracia looked at him and gave a short smile back and hugged him. Mitsuhide rubbed her hair and hugged back.

"We shall see it to the end.." Mitsuhide said.