
The search

Next day Matt catches up with Cassy at the college entrance, he can see the sadness in her eyes and he can feel that she did not noticed his presence. He could feel his heart clench and sadness surrounding his heart because the person he loved had already fallen for someone else but he suppressed his sadness and with a wide grin patted on Cassy's shoulder "Where are you lost."

"Oh hi Matt."

"Are you still hung up on that girl."

"Hey Matt will you help me find her."

Matt was taken aback by her words and he replied in a shocked tone "Are you out of your mind, how is that even possible!, you don't know even a single thing about her."

Cassy thought for some time and then with her brightly lit smile she faced Matt speaking enthusiastically "We can ask from the restaurant."

"Ok but before that we have to attend the classes, go to your class and I will meet you here later."

She happily hugged Matt tightly saying thank you and ran towards her class. Matt's finally relaxed his face as he had been giving a fake smile for so long. His heart was broken badly. He thought in his head with a tear rolling down his eyes 'Why could it not be me, why could I not be the person you love, I always thought you would reseprocate my feelings some day but don't worry as long as I can see you smile I will do anything for you because I love you Cassy.' he then wiped the few tears that had rolled down his eyes and hurried for his class.

As planned after their classes were over they hurried for the place off her work and met the owner for the information. She was the employee so she easily received the information then they went in search of her.

She had given the address of her workplace so they directly went to her workplace. It was a 45 minutes drive but Matt covered the distance in 25 minutes.

She went inside and asked at the reception about her but she had already left the job. As she came out with a long face Matt knew what it was so he decided to cheer her up.

As she sat in the car she spoke "She left her job."

Matt was happy that she could not find her but he wanted to cheer her up "Don't be sad, if you are destined to be together, you will definitely find her but for now I know how to cheer you up. I am taking you to the place where I visit when I am sad."

Cassy didn't say anything but silently nodded.

Matt felt sad but with a fake smile he took her to his favorite place.

It was a beautiful place cover with flowers, there was a waterfall passing by the side surrounded by grass and as it was evening time the setting sun made the place beautiful than ever.

Cassy was dumbstruck by the beauty so Matt broke the silence "This is the place I visit whenever I am sad and moreover no one else knows about this place, you are the first person I have brought here."

"Thanks Matt, I love this place and I already feel so happy. Thank you so much Matt, you are the best." she said hugging him.

"Remember no matter what I will always love you."

Cassy gave him a beautiful smile and then they enjoyed the sunset in silence.