
Chapter 77 Why Is He Here?

  After completing his reconnaissance mission, Sherman was debriefed by his comrades in a makeshift command room.

  Their top priority now was to complete their mission and leave immediately.

  "We spotted a group of people on the dock around ten o'clock this morning, but it was too far away to confirm whether the target was among them," Henry reported.

  He then produced a sneak peek photo of some men dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, standing in the distance.

  "Can we ascertain their itinerary?"

  Sherman frowned, knowing that if the target's plans had changed, their own plans would have to be altered as well.

  "I'm not sure yet, but chances are they will leave tomorrow. We'll reconvene tomorrow morning to scout again. If he's on the island, we'll be on a mission tomorrow. If not, we'll have to stay here a few more days until he returns," Henry replied.

  Henry appeared hesitant, seemingly uncomfortable with being out of control of the situation.