

Hearing Morgan's question, Mason blew up. "So what happened? You're asking me what happened? Well your cheating ass happened!" shouted Mason. "I was on my way to find your cheating ass when Brienne hopped in the car to stop me. Then we met an accident. That's what happened!" continued Mason. "This wasn't supposed to happen, Morgan. If you hadn't cheated, I would have stayed in school and so would Brienne. We wouldn't have met an accident and she would still be alive. It's all your fa-"

"Mason" warned Alex. He can't let Mason continue what he was about to say. Regardless of the truth.

Mason paled upon realizing what he was about to say. Liam looked down.

The guys don't know what to do. They all saw the pictures. And they somewhat believed what they saw.

"You were going to say it's my fault. Is it really? You really think I cheated?" rebutted Morgan calmly. "May I ask who the person dared say I cheated? Was it Celestine?"

None of the guys answered. It became clear to Morgan who the culprit is. They clearly gave Celestine's word some credit. Morgan was astounded. They actually believed that vixen? Morgan told Mason and her brother before that Celestine is a wolf in sheep's clothing and never to trust her. But they only brushed off what she said and told her that she's over thinking things. Yet they actually choose to trust Celestine over her. What a joke.

"One word from her and you believed her"? Morgan mocked. How gullible are they?

"You very well didn't deny it, did you? There were pictures, Morgan. And I don't think they were photoshopped. There must be some truth to it then" retorted Mason.

"Stop it you guys. This is not the right time. Our friend just died" Liam reminded them. With that, Mason and Morgan stopped.

Morgan turned to leave, but before reaching the door, she halted and said without turning around, "I don't need to explain myself to any of you. You know the kind of person i am." After uttering those words, Morgan left. She can't be bothered with defending herself. She shouldn't have to. She still has more important things to do like calling Brienne's parents.

Brienne's parents were devastated beyond words upon hearing the news. 2 days after, they held Brienne's burial. Only family and close friends attended. Morgan stood stoically the entire time Brienne was being lowered to the ground, expressionless. She didn't even shed a single tear. She didn't talk to Alex, Mason and Liam since she left them in the hospital room. Not that they initiated communicating first.

After the entire thing was over, she returned to the mansion, locked herself in her room, and packed some of her important stuff. A few hours later when she was about to leave, she encountered her parents in the living room. They just returned home from their trip.

"Where are you going?" Morgan's father asked her. "I heard what you did to Mason. How can you do that? We have businesses with the Archibalds."

"This will cause some rift between our families, Morgan" added Morgan's mother.

Morgan stared at them indifferently. Raising one of her brows, "is that all you can say? No 'Morgan how are you feeling? Are you alright?' Hm? Do you even care about me or is it all business for you? And to answer your first question, I'm leaving."

"Of course we care about you! But what leaving are you talking about? We're not permitting you to leave. You need to fix things first with the Archibalds" father answered.

"Oh I'm leaving alright. With or without your permission, not that I need your permission. But don't worry, everything will clear up. The business between the Archibalds and Vanderbilts won't be affected. Trust me, father" Morgan said.

Hearing that, father let Morgan leave. He was satisfied with what her daughter said. If Morgan said everything will be alright, then everything will be alright. He knows how capable her daughter is.

Morgan's parents thought that Morgan will only be gone for a few days as she was carrying only a a small bag. After all, she did just lost a friend. Maybe she needed a breather. What they didn't know is that Morgan was leaving for good and didn't return home until 8 years later.
