
I was wrong

It was the day of Mason's birthday, but he was not in the mood to celebrate. Who would? They just buried their friend yesterday.

He was lazing around when one of the maids told him that someone was looking for him. Curious as to who it was, he went out to see for himself.

Standing outside the mansion by the gate was Logan with Morgan's gift in tow.

Mason felt the guy looked familiar. He was sure he saw him somewhere, but he didn't know him. Then it clicked on him, this was the guy Morgan cheated him for. His rage burst and he suddenly punched Logan in the jaw.

Logan was thoroughly shocked and was unable to defend himself. He was just innocently standing by and this guy suddenly punched him. He shouted, "what the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you punch me huh? You don't even know me!"

Mason shouted in return, "of course I know you! I would know your face anywhere! What are you doing here huh? Here to flaunt your relationship with Morgan? Isn't it enough that Morgan cheated on me with you? We are over. Is that what you want to hear? Are you happy now that you get to have her all to yourself?"

This was the scene Liam and Alex saw when they arrived.

"Hey what's happening here?" Liam asked.

"Hey - Mase, calm down!" Alex said while restraining Mason as the latter was about to punch Logan again.

"Calm down? This is the guy your sister cheated on me for! How the hell can I calm down?" responded Mason.

"What relationship are you talking about? No one is cheating on you. Not me, not Morgan!" Logan flabbergastingly said.

"I saw pictures of you and her together. There were pictures of her going in and out of your place and leaving late at night. What were you guys doing then, praying?" Mason sarcastically retorted.

Logan couldn't believed what he was hearing. Mason thought Morgan was cheating? Morgan was so out of his league. Is this guy for fucking real?

"You're a fool. Morgan wasn't cheating on you. We were building that", Logan pointed to the huge box. "She commissioned me to build model structures for you. For an entire week she helped in building that because she wanted to give you a gift. That gift was build with the purest form of sincerity. Yet you're calling her a cheater. Please tell me you didn't actually call her a cheater in her face?"

Mason did not respond. He was dumbstruck. What? So Morgan did not cheat on him after all? Liam and Alex was also speechless.

Hearing no response from Mason, Logan said disgustingly, "you're a fucking idiot. You just hurt the person that probably loved you the most and let go of a one in a million kind of girl. She's a rare gem, dude. Greatest fucking mistake of your life." With that, Logan left.

He tried calling Morgan but the latter was not picking up. Logan wasn't privy to Brienne's death. Logan hoped Morgan was okay. After what Morgan did for the guy, the dumbass actually accused Morgan of cheating? Fucking idiot.

---Back at the Archibald Mansion---

Mason stared at the huge back and tore it apart moments after to see what is inside. What he saw broke him to pieces. Inside were model stuctures of a bridge, a building, and other structures. Stuck on the tail of the chopper with the M.A. initials was a rolled paper. Opening it, he read:

Happy birthday, Mase!

I hope you like my gift. I never thought building was this hard it actually took a lot of my energy and my back always ached after! But I endured. Anything for you, babe.

Now don't go getting jealous over the guy I worked with, okay? I did need him for this. But your still the man I love. Clear? ;)

Love yah!

- Morgan


Mason felt a lightning hit him. So was Alex and Liam. Morgan did not cheat after all. Mason was wrong yet he righteously accused Morgan of cheating. He even indirectly blamed her for Brienne's death. And Alex and Liam went along with Mason. Boy they were so wrong. The full extent of what they've done struck them hard. They let Morgan grieve alone without comforting her, accused her of cheating and actually blamed her for Brienne's death. No one was on her side and her bestfriend just died. Oh God what have they done!

Mason was about to go crazy. Alexander was no better. He readily took other people's word and did not ask her sister for some explanation and just assumed her sister was guilty. He sided with someone over her sister. Alex and Morgan were really close. They had each other's back and supported one another. Alex grew up and acted as a parent to Morgan because their parents never dutifully fulfilled their obligations as parents. He had always protected her from everything that might harm her. Alex dearly love his younger sister and yet he forsaken her now.

Liam also felt horrible for believing what Celestine said. He betrayed his bestfriend by believing in that skank. All of them felt regretful to the core.

"Alex, let's go to your house. We have some groveling to do" Mason abruptly said.

"Yeah, we do" Alex sighed.

With that, they left for the Vanderbilt mansion. Upon entering, they saw Alex's mom.

"Mom, where's Morgan?"

"Oh, Alex. Morgan left yesterday" mother said.

"Left? Where did she go?" asked Alex. He, Mason and Liam started to panic.

"We didn't ask her and just let her be. Don't worry, she'll be back in no time."

"You just let her leave like that mom? Are you for real?" asked Alex again, stunned.

"Watch your tone. She's a big girl, Alex. And she's very capable. What are you worried about?"

"She's also hurt, mom. We can't relax just because we know how capable she is. We don't exactly know what she's thinking right now."

The guys couldn't believe that Morgan just left like that. They can't stop worrying about her and thus decided to go inside Morgan's room.

Everything was in pristine condition. But something felt off. Most of Morgan's valued possession like the necklace that was always hanging by the vanity mirror was missing, it was a gift from Brienne. Her favorite antique watch that was always on top of the drawer was also missing, as well as the Queen of the Night painting she was truly fond of. Everything Morgan treasured was gone. Everything except for the gifts Mason, Alex and Liam gave her. Everything they gave her was still inside the room. They suddenly felt uneasy. The bad feeling intensified when they saw her phone in the trash can. Why was her phone in the trash can?

"Where did she go?" Mason half-whispered. This was all his fault. Damn Celestine.

Alex left without a word, slamming the door hard. So did Liam.

Mason laid on Morgan's bed and covered his eyes with his arm. "Morgan... I'm so sorry" Mason choked. He was very regretful. But he felt that it was already too late. He was too late. Morgan left him... them...
