
Enigma of Skies

Do you think, the concept of rebirth is real? Considering, it is, does it only revolve around humans or the theory is quite the opposite? Much more intense than one could ever imagine. A life which already is a doppelganger of hell is being lived by Evanalissa Jones. All she ever wanted was to get herself over, with that obnoxious life until she came face to face with a truth that was hidden, not just from her but the entire faction of humans. Will she be able to handle that much of enigmas or there is much more for a ride to cover? She will be all her new-self with new abilities and most importantly the truth. Come and join the journey of Evanalissa Jones and also reveal the deepest and darkest enigmas of skies.

marshmellohearts · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Long, I have lived under the chains of guilt. Never have I imagined, that I would come here again. I can't be mesmerized by the beauty, all I can realize what I have done. I can't be better anymore, I can't be healed now. This is what I am now, broken. The crimes I have committed are beyond anyone's expectations and now I got what I deserved, my hell.

The red walls are everywhere as if it is signifying pain and misery. Fire is surrounding everything but I am immune to it now. I have been here for like millions of, centuries, guiding and punishing. This is what I do, under this thick burned skin of mine. I have committed some unforgivable sins which I can't think anyone could ever forgive me for, and if somebody does, I won't be forgiving him.

"My lord, wings are here to meet you." I heard a deep and kind of experienced voice. I shook my head to send the thoughts away, as I saw, jade eyes were making its way towards me, my most trusting and my second in command of my domain 'Falco Santiago'. He bowed, in my honour.

"Falco, how many times do I need to tell you, we are friends you don't need to be formal with me." he smiled a little, after hearing my daily jargon. I wonder sometimes, how I feel so warm with him than my family. Maybe, because he is a demon, while me being a monster.

"You are still my king, Lucifer, and it does matter what I call you in front of the court, my lord." He reasoned.

"I am the king and still I can never beat you in any of your arguments." I sighed.

"It is because you don't want to win, my lord. Now, what was I about to tell you?" He gave it a momentarily thought before continuing, " a pair of wings is here at your domain."

"What? You mean an angel?" I saw him nod as I continued, "But for ages, they haven't paid us any visit neither we went to their adobe... What are they here for?" I questioned.

"Sir, I don't have the exact idea but they said it's important. Can I call him inside?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, I want to feel if they are still divine, I want to know if I still remember myself or not?" I murmured. But I can tell, Falco already knew, he understands me more than anyone, even more than my father. That's why I respect and trust him with my life.

I saw him leaving the court to accompany the angel, as he was leaving my domain, he blinked, as if he was assuring me. I just nodded and then he was gone.

Trying to compose my endeavour, while my eyes landed on the pride of my life, which I have no more, walking in. The thing that I lost, the thing which I used to cherish for eternity, is now, long gone.

A pair of gigantic white wings, so pure, so beautiful that it can make anyone bend on its knees, came under my vision. It was not just charismatic for me, but also, my long-lived desire, having them back is one of the impossible dreams that I carry, along with going home, but I am certain, nothing will change, until my father is sitting on that throne.

"What pleasure do I owe to have an angel in my domain?" I asked with full sincerity.

"king of hell, with all due respect I am here on the behalf of the father of the universe, 'the god', he told me to inform you that it's time. The girl is back."

I rose from my throne, as my eyes were coming out of my sockets. I was waiting for countless number centuries for this day, I can't believe the time is here. I need to protect her this time, losing her will be the end of me, and I know that. Though, I was still unclear about the idea and I needed to confirm it, without putting any kind of loopholes in between, and expressing all the courage inside of me I asked to confirm, "You mean, the girl?" I saw him nod as I continued, "You know this is very serious, right? She being here doesn't just put her in danger but us as well. Though still, I can't believe in my ears, this is a piece of very great news. I would like to meet her."

"Yes, the girl, that was awaited by everyone. Every angle, every demon and him. All are looking for her, form the past hundred centuries and now we have her, thanks to angel Raziel. We all need to come together to save her from everything if we want to save ourselves. But nobody is allowed to meet her now, she is kind of, not settled with the new environment."

"Yeah, totally understandable. I will wait until we are allowed." I replied honestly, but I can't control myself from seeing her. She was someone, that after so many centuries, just by listening to her name, can make me lose all the control over myself. But I can't be sure if she still would be the same Eve, that I knew, and loved.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts, that I never noticed that angel departing my court. Last time what I remember about her was, how she was sitting beside the garden of roses, where she was the one all blooming, but everything turned upside-down, until he showed up, though they both were meant to be, now if they both will unite again, it will be a curse not just to the human faction but to all the heavenly and demonic creatures as well, because this time, heavenly bodies will not unite, it is much bigger and different than, expected.

Well, I still want to see her once, I know she will recognize me, instantly. I will wait for you my Eve, and this time I won't let you leave my side.

I can't undo what I did, but she can only fill my oblivion. Justice is what I deserve now, after millions of years, judging, punishing and also hoping to find my redemption, and for that, I want my wings back, and she can be my only source. I am now going to get apart if I will live in this prison of fire anymore, does it matter if I am the one who is the king? No. I only want freedom and a life with her. Living here makes me feel burnt, which I don't want to be. At the depth of every darkness, there is morning, and if I will try, maybe I can be with the grace, again.

Closing my eyes, and feeling every tip of her presence inside of me, always makes me feel close with her, a step forward and making me more human.

"My lord he, escaped!" some screamed.

"My lord, my king, are you listening? He fucking escaped" I heard someone scream, who dares to interrupt me? I will make that person burn into ashes, but as I saw who that interrupter was, I stated furiously "Falco, you know that nobody is allowed to disturb me at this point of time. If this won't be serious, you will regret it."

"My lord, you know I will never interfere you, with your isolation, but it is an emergency." He whispered, cried.

"Don't make loopholes Falco, you know how much I hate them, say everything clearly," I ordered.

"My king, Lucifer-morning star we are extremely sorry for not full-filling your order but he... escaped."