
Welcome to Endless Space

Rubbing his eyes Victor got up from his, metal floor!? Bolting upright he looked around to see he was in a sphere that had a flat floor and walls that seemed to be made up of screens, the only objects in the room were a table that had a mouse and keyboard on it and a chair. Victor was confused and if he would admit it slightly afraid, his mind wasn't help either as it ran through what situations could leave him in this strange metal sphere, captured by aliens or the military, transported to another world or was he just lucid dreaming. Trying to think rationally he thought of what he could do and he came up with two options wait until something happened or go to that desk and try to make something happen, he chose option two, getting to the desk Victor clicked on the mouse twice as he did the previously inert screens came to life, the screens showed a picture of a galaxy with the words Welcome to Endless Space plastered on it, after a few seconds the view changed to a space battle of a massive scale with gigantic capital ships sending waves of missiles and fighter craft at each other, other than that a new option appeared called about Victor clicked on the about box assuming that it would tell him about his situation, he was not disappointed Lines of text appeared on the screen talking about how a galactic wide war had been fought for centuries with the death count reaching trillions and countless worlds devastated the two sides signed a treaty that forbid them fighting directly in any conflict and so the sides chose to fight through proxies and of how his homeworld, Earth had been chosen as a seeding world and how he was expected to fight for the side of his chosing. When he reached the end he was given a choice to accept to fight for one of the sides or to refuse which came with the disclaimer that he would become an independent faction attackable by both factions, Victor didn't want to be used by two ancient enemies to fight he wanted to fight for himself so through stupidity or bravado he chose to refuse.
