11 Bring me one more cup !!!

He opened his eyes and he was back in the forest, the first thing he saw was the leader Ni wodàyn's wooden mask.

"Was it… just that? did I just disappear? "

She stood up and said "Yes... the borders of our world are very thin"

"How so, thin?"

Ni wodàyn "Enough... let's leave this conversation for another day" She looked at Guaracy and said "you can still find your friends..."

Just now Guaracy realized "We have to find them... they may be lost in the forest"

Ni wodàyn "The nights in the forest are far more dangerous than in your world..." Before Guaracy despaired she said "but they may have appeared near another village or in any other part of our world".

Ni ivití said, "Do you remember what Ñyata had said? you would appear somewhere unknown, but she decided to bring you here".

The old man from the capybara said "you will have to look for them .. but first Ni wodàyn´ will tell us if you'll be accepted in the tribe"

Ni wodàyn´ looked at the others and said "This poor child was born in a horrible place… can you imagine a place without forests? a place where the air and rivers are dirty? they sleep in caves… "

Horror and pity were clearly visible on the other Ni's faces.

"I don't want to ruin our night by describing that place... Guaracy is a loyal, weird and a bit shy boy, but in the last few days he found the courage within him"

I am shy?

Ni wodàyn´ "For Guaracy to be part of our tribe, for him to be one of the Ywaktšahi he will have to learn to be a Ywaktšahi..." She looked at the old man of the capybara "Ni Douchi from tomorrow on he will attend classes"

"No problem"

Ni wodàyn´ looked at Ni ivití and said "Could he live with your family"

Ni ivití "We will take care of him"

Ni wodàyn´ "Let's finish here, the others down there must be impatient already"

Ni ivití looked at Cicí and said "take Guaracy, to store his equipment and take a shower".

"Let's go Guaracy"

They ran down and when they reached the courtyard, they saw a huge crowd, they were talking, playing and preparing food around the bonfire.

"Is it a commemorative day?"

"No... don't you get together every night for dinner with your tribe?"

"Haha.. no.. over there was a bit of everyone for themselves"

"It must be pretty boring.. the Ni will start dinner in a little while, so we have to run"

"Weren't we running already?"

Luckily the Oca that Cicí lived in was close to the great ihya, the building circled the tree and was very large inside, it had several shelves leaning against the walls with fabrics, strange items and armaments, the center of the Oca had some branches that looked like columns, but generally empty.

"Where's the bedroom? Hmm?…. Why are you…."

Cicí was taking off her equipment and furs, when she looked at him and said "You can use one of the free shelves to store your clothes, tomorrow you wash them in the river".

Stop looking at her, Guaracy... Hm... he thought before saying "Do I really need to walk naked?"

She looked at him seriously and said "The clothes are for combat... it is extremely offensive to visit other people's homes or attend dinner like that..."

"Got it… -_-"

Don't think nonsense... I need to focus on something else... 2 x 2 = 4 x 2 = 8 x 2 = 16 x 2 = 32... He took off his clothes, but kept the necklace, because without it Guaracy wouldn't be able to communicate.

"Um... I think it would be a good idea to take a shower before dinner" she said.

"Bath… yeah…"

512 x 2 = 1024 x 2… he thought as he followed her out of the Oca through another door.

All the structures seemed to be empty, "everyone must be at dinner by now... are we going to the river or something?"

"No... there's a bathroom right next door"


As soon as they left the Oca, Guaracy noticed a separate building, when they entered he noticed some cabins distributed in two corridors and when she opened one of the doors, Guaracy saw an almost modern bathroom with toilet, cabinets and a shower, but everything was made of wood.

"Use this one and then we'll met outside"

Someone from my world had already come here... thankfully... inventing the toilet would be very tiring… Their toilet paper is much better than that of my aunt's house... the problem is that the water in this shower is so cold...

Ten minutes later they met outside and started running to the great ihya.

Running naked is very uncomfortable… Hm… she doesn't have her mother's curves, but…. stop looking at her…. 2048 x 2 = 4096 x 2…. he thought before saying "Who had invented the bathroom? he must have come from my world "

"I don't know... it existed before I was born..."

"Maybe one of the Ni knows..."

When they arrived in the central square, the dinner was very lively, the music of the drums and other instruments was very loud, some were having dinner, talking or dancing around the bonfire.

The patio was illuminated by bonfires and some crystals decorating the vegetation, the animals were eating or having fun in the middle of the dances, some dancers used the transformation to improve their performance and dance and play jumping from branch to branch.

"Stop staring... I'm starving" said Cicí as she dragged him through the crowd.

They ran among the people until they reached one of the tables, a large group of young people were talking and playing around the table, some of them were part of the group that brought him to the tribe.

The table was quite large, but it was only half a meter from the floor so the animals could pick up the food by themselves, the plates were well spaced so the monkeys and other smaller animals could walk between them.

"Hey guys... make space for 2..." said Cicí.

"Who is he?" said one of them, as the group made space for them to sit.

"He's the guy we found earlier today, he's called Guaraxi, I think" said one of them.

"It's Guaracy..." he said while looking at the others in the group, next to him was a girl with blue hair and with a wildcat on her lap, most of their angs were birds, but there were some cats and primates.

"Is he a visitor?" said a tall guy, with a chameleon on his shoulder.

"He was…. gulp.. accepted in the tribe today" said Cicí, already putting another piece of fruit in her mouth.

"Welcome! .." they said.

"Thanks !!..."

"Hi! my name is A'ne '"said the blue-haired girl.

Guaracy held out his hand and said, "Hey, what's up?"

Seeing her expression, Guaracy moved his hand towards the cat and said "Cute kitty...", but it didn't take long to regret moving his hand, the 'kitty' made a noise and opened its mouth, his teeth were huge.

Guaracy had only seen the cat from behind, from the front it looked like it was a mini saber tooth tiger, Guaracy really didn't expect it, much less when the kitten started to lick his hand.

"He liked you..." said A'ne.

"Where did you come from?..." asked one of them.

"I came from another world..."

"What?..." The whole group stopped to look at him.

Guaracy was going to explain it better, when he felt a weight on his shoulder, it was a little monkey.

"The Ni are calling you," it said.

Guaracy was no longer astonished by animals talking, now he thought those who didn't speak were strange, the little monkey looked like a golden lion tamarin, his fur was orange reddish but its expression was very human and in a very high-pitched voice, Guaracy looked at the food and said "...I have to go now?".

"Yes, let 's go…."

He didn't even have time to take a sip of water, but as it could be something important, he got up and tried to follow the little monkey.

"Stop running like that!... where is it?... over there..."

The little monkey ran among the people, Guaracy saw families eating and playing, children running with friends and animals, he passed a group of old people dancing, others were playing a strange game, similar to footvolley, but the main goal was to make the most spectacular maneuver before returning the ball.

By the time Guaracy passed by the group, a middle-aged man had given a double-back somersault before kicking the ball, they ran for a few more minutes and passed by young people training combat moves and several groups of animals playing and resting.

Guaracy accompanied it until to the front of the big Oca "Why did you keep going around for? You could just walk in a straight line... "the little monkey seemed to laugh while running to the other side.

Several Ni were sitting at the biggest table he had ever seen, it wasn't more luxurious than the others and the occupants weren't acting differently either, they were talking, drinking and having fun, Ni Wodàyn was without a mask and with a cup in her hand talking with others.

"You must be finding all this a lot weird," she said.

Her voice was normal, she looks different without the mask and more beautiful…. 4096 x 2 = 81…

"Yes… the most fantastic thing was that I didn't see any signs of misery".

"This is not a paradise, a different challenge appears every day, but you can be sure that you will never see one of your companions treating any form of life with cruelty and contempt... we believe that every small form of life deserves respect... but we'll have plenty of time to talk about it "She stood up and said "Come... I'll introduce you to the tribe".

She took him to the entrance of the Oca and took a few steps, then the mask appeared in her hand.

She really looks like someone else with the mask, it's not just the voice that changes... "Wow".. the step they were on, started to rise and she started to get everyone's attention, the branches and leaves accompanied her every word, the sound it wasn't loud, but it was as if her voice came from every part of the forest that surrounded them.

"This is an unusual night, a night to celebrate! We all spent the last few days worried about the fate of our brothers…" the people listened in silence.

"but Ñyata surprised us again, in addition to rescuing them, she also presented us with another member…. "

The reaction was instantaneous, the translator was unable to translate the words, but by the noise they were celebrating.


She motioned with her hand for them to calm down and continued saying "today I introduce you to the newest member of our family" she said while pointing to Guaracy.


"Let's show Guaracy what it's like to be part of our family..."

The crowd pulled Guaracy and the music played again, he could not explain that he actually didn't like to dance, in fact he had never danced in his life.

But the steps were very simple, the sound of the drums was intoxicating and everyone was more concerned with having fun than dancing well, Guaracy was also a lot more relaxed after trying the local drink.

Gradually he was taken from table to table, introduced to each family, at each table they offered food and drinks and made him participate in games.

"Hey? This meat is from what?"

"Agami, bring him another cup..."

They danced around the bonfire for hours, Guaracy had never imagined that he would end this day dancing and drinking with strange people and beings.
