
Chapter 23: The Burial Place of Her Beginning and The Warmth of Her New Beginning


I found myself dumbfounded by the spectacle in front of me as I was hiding behind a huge boulder, together with other passengers of the caravan. A loud bang coming from the source of the bright flash of seemingly unending light was heard throughout the starlight showered plains.

He told us to stand back and brace for impact, but…

"To think he could to something like this… Just…"

Just who really is that slime, after all? He cleaned up the incoming monsters with just one swift of an attack. The scene made me think about him once more.

All I know is that he came from the other world. A soldier who said to fight for his country and defend its citizen. He died saving one of his subordinate and for some reason, he said that a white figure sent him to this world. I had no clue what he was talking about a white figure nor how he met it just to be transferred to this world.

"Phew… That's it, I guess. Ceres! How's that?"

But he joined us to eat at the forest, made us food called Curry Rice. It was pretty delicious too. He intruded in our house, and he saved me from my killer. He brought us Tia, who I really think is cute. He cooked for us and helped us with work in the restaurant. He became an adventurer and used Telepathy just to tell me that he will protect me at all cost. He followed me until here and now this…

"*sigh* You never cease to surprise me."

The once I thought an evil existence. Something that will disrupt our peace, someone that will definitely betray me, he who I thought would definitely hurt me like the others, is now in front of me…

"Hehe. Nah. It's nothing much.

… Smiling because of a simple word coming from me.

"Welcome back."

He really is full of wonder.


Now I'm convinced.

"You're different than them, aren't you?"

"Hm? You said something?"

"It's nothing. Iiiidiot."

He looked at me with bewildered expression. Of course, that's because I called him an idiot instead of slime. Hmp. I just recognized him a bit. There's no way I'd treat him like a normal person. He's still an idiot to me.


Everyone around us erupted in cheer after the event. *sigh* They must be pretty excited about how that guy saved the day and how he did it. He could've just let us do our part too and help him. Why did he even go all out of his way just to do it by himself? Is he an idiot, or what? I think he is.

"Say, say! What was that skill?! Can you tell us more about it?!?!"

"Did you get that skill from the guild!?!? What's it called!?!?"

"Hey, you're so cool! Do you have a girlfriend!?"

Hrm…?? What's that girl talking about…?? Of course he doesn't. There's no way for him to have one.


Why do I have to be bothered by that??

"Hm. Your name is, Hans, am I right?"

"Ah. Mr. Mirchel. Yes. That's right."

When Mr. Mirchel arrived to talk with the idiot this time, all of the mobs dispersed in mere seconds.

[A.N: That's harsh Ceres… Calling them mobs.]

That's no wonder because Mr. Mirchel is a well-respected even outside of Florensia Town and Atleir Town. He was once a Rank A adventurer who achieved a lot of feat during his time. But now that he's aged, he retired and became a merchant instead. He now leads a caravan that escorts people when travelling to the Kingdom. It is said that he is hired by the King Himself to be his right hand but he refused.

"I was flabbergasted by what you did. On behalf of all these people here, let me thank you from the bottom of my heart. You really saved us here."

"No problem. I just did what I could."

"Don't be humble. If you didn't move yourself, we could have unnecessary casualties in our hands after the assault."

He is right. Dire Ligers are very dangerous, especially when they are in a group. The ones that attacked us numbered around 200, estimated by the lookout. If we faced them head on with just us here, we wouldn't last.

In that point, I really recognize how strong that idiot is. But… Nothing more.

"Dire Liger's appearance here is even a mystery even for the higher ups. They are vicious to begin with, but now they attack everything in sight. It really caused a problem for the travelers. I'm also here to investigate that fact, but it would be hard when our hired adventurers there lies like dead bodies from drinking."

Mr. Mirchel then sighed tiredly.

"It's everything that everyone is safe, Mr. Mirchel. Well, actually I just wanted Ceres to be safe so I acted on my own accord."

"Bfft!! *cough!*"

Wh-What did he just say??

"Hoho. So it's for your lover, eh? Must be nice being young. I remember the time when I was adventuring with my wife. Hahaha!"

Just when he thinks I'm not listening… that idiot…!!

"Well, for now let's rest. We will force those useless punks awake to be our watch for the rest of the night. You can now sleep quietly."

"Right. Thank you very much, Mr. Mirchel."

"That should be my word. Thank you, Hans."

"You're welcome."



6 days have passed and nothing major happened aside from the attack of the Dire Ligers. We travelled smoothly along the plains, rivers, and forests and now that idiot and I have arrived in the foot of the mountain where the cemetery is located. The last flower should also be around here so it would be easy to pick it up while we are on our way to the cemetery.

"Well then, Mr. Mirchel. We will be going here."

"Right. I wish you safe and good travel."

"You too."


I just bow my head towards Mr. Mirchel as I don't know what to say. I just don't have anything to say.

"Take care of your wife."

"… A-Ahaha… I… I will."

… Remember this.

We went our way after seeing off the caravan. It's already the 3 in the afternoon when I looked at the watch. I bought it using the money I got from exterminating monsters for quests. It's just a simple watch that tells me the hour but not the exact minute. It just tells if an hour or half an hour have passed so it's fairly cheap.

At any rate, we need to hurry. The weather was just fine this morning but the clouds now are telling us otherwise. If it rains, I wouldn't be able to take my time with my parents so we really need to climb the mountain now.

"We'll be going."

"I'm following. What does the flower look like?"

"It's called Teracai. It originated from the Faunalian Kingdom. But for some reason, they're now also found in the Human continent. They have yellow, round petals with a pinkish spherical center, lying on top like a decoration. It's around the same size as the Reflectan."


We then look out for the flower as we climb up the mountain.

Oh right…

"Didn't you use that skill of yours when you searched for the Reflectan? Can't you use it now?"

"I'm trying to. But it seems like the plants here don't use mana for growth. They're just normal plants that feeds from earth nutrients."

"I see… No choice then."

"… Hm? There's a house there."

Looking at somewhere not far from where we are, a small abandoned house lies quietly. It looks very old judging from how it's already run down and covered with moss.

"You're right. But there's not time to check it out. Come on, let's go."

"Roger that."

One by one, we picked up the flowers that we found but with moderation. Yep. We don't want to lose these pretty flowers after all. And they're on of the lovely flowers that my parent's love. I don't want to see them gone…


"Come on. We're done. Let's go up now."

I felt a hand on the top of my ahead after his words.

"Ah… D-Don't order me around. I know already. Hmp."

Did he do that on purpose…?

After climbing and trekking the mountain, we finally reached the top which is flattened to serve as a cemetery. With trees that has small spikes on their trunks and star shaped leaves along the way, the road is also flattened forming a straight pavement, directing towards the cemetery gate. But it being a mountain and all, the steepness can be harsh for those who climb it for the first time.

But it seems like that idiot's fine. Hmph. It's not like I'm worried or anything anyways. I just don't want to drag him along when he's all exhausted.

"So this is the cemetery, huh…"

It's named after the Estelanta Kingdom, Estelanta Cemetery, because it's where the first royalty was buried. But they opened it for public use some time ago. I've been coming here ever since my parents were buried here so it's a greatly familiar scenery. The lone trees from here and there, and the tombstones are neatly and perfectly aligned along the grassy ground. The road is still ongoing farther until the end of the cemetery. The place is wide enough to drain your energy if you wish to explore all its corners.

Looking at his direction, I see his eyes swim around while muttering something.

"The place looks like it came out from a fantasy books that I've read ever since I was a child. The contrast of the dark clouds fits perfectly in the atmosphere of the cemetery. The old tombstones that are already stained with time covers the whole wide area, making an organized file and column. It's not a gloomy and dark place at all, but because of the incoming rain, I still feel a bit heavy inside."

"… What… are you muttering all by yourself there…? Did you bump your head on our way here?"

"It's my monologue. Don't mind me. It just slipped out of my mind."

"We should hurry before the rain comes."


We walked almost 50 meters from the gate. I didn't know why but… My heart feels heavy all the while. Maybe the darkening weather because of the rain clouds has an effect on my mood but, I feel like I'm just dragging my feet all the while.

I feel like I'm about to remember things again. The memories I hate the most. It's been years already but I still can't feel like I'm already free from my past. Like a chain entangled on my feet, dragging me back to where I should be.

I rubbed my left arm to comfort myself. It was the arm where the chains had latched into me in the past. Whenever I feel uncomfortable or uneasy, I feel like I'm going to recall the sensation on my left arm. That's why I try to suppress it by holding onto it.

I'm coming back here after a year. I should be happy meeting my parents again. But the thorns that kept pricking my heart never goes away. No matter how I've grown or turn into an adult, I still feel like a lost child who doesn't know what's left and right.

… But I still find my way to my parents' burial place.

"We're here."


Everything was in silence. It should be windy because of the incoming rain, but there's not even a single breeze at all.

As I was staring at the tombstone in front of me, I saw him on my peripheral view. Placing his right hand on his chest while bowing his head as he close his eyes. It's like he's praying.


I brought out the flowers from my large bag where the container that contains the flowers is. They are still fresh because of the mechanism inside the container. Kneeling in front of my parent's tombstone, I arranged the beautiful flowers.

The flowers that my parents loved.

Binding all of them together to make a bouquet. They're very pretty. Reminding me of the delightful times I had with them.

Of course. The flowers that I leave here every year disappears. They're just material things, after all. They won't reach them wherever they are no matter what. Maybe a caretaker cleans them away, or the wind scatters them all over.

That may be how it is…


My feelings will always be here. It maybe something just to ease my feelings, or something to pacify my selfishness.


"… Uu…"

But the love they had for me…


The love I have for them…


The memories I had with them…

Are still inside my heart and will always be.

Until the day I die.

["We will always love you, our little moon princess, Ceres."]

"*sob* … *hic* …"

My hands went unconsciously to my chest and gripped my clothes. As usual… I can't breathe.

It hurts.

… It's lonely without them.

… I wanted to be with them longer.

… I wanted to grow old with them by my side.

… I wanted to be an adult, with them guiding me.



I felt a cold droplet on my nape. It dripped down my back like a tear from the sky. Followed by the rumble of a thunder. It'll rain soon.

We should get going.

I wipe my tears away and stood up from my place. Let's just forget it. If I take my time here, I'll just end up remembering all sorts of bad memories. It's the usual. Every year. Like a cycle I can't seem to escape. I'll just have to stand up from here again and face another year, entangled by the chains of my past.

"Let's go."

"… Take your time."


"It's your time with your parents. Don't you have more things to talk to them about?"

What is this guy saying? I just did that...

"… Like what…?"

"What did Anya cook for you last week? How's the restaurant? Did you sleep well yesterday? What did you eat? Is it delicious? How are you doing right now? What do you feel? Do you like your life right now? Is it fun? Just tell them. Have a small talk. Tell them what you feel. They're your parents. They would surely love to listen to all of your stories."


"It's your time with them, after all."

I didn't think... about that… All I did was remember all the memories I had with them. The fun times, the sad times, all of them. To satisfy my loneliness and longing for them. I never once told them how I am doing right now.

"... I..."

Did I became too selfish? I know they won't come back no matter how I recall those memories. But… If maybe. If maybe they're somewhere. Just waiting for me to tell them…


Right. I haven't told them a thing. That's why…


Mama… Papa… You see. I'm an adult now… And I'm now a head chef at the Lunaria Café. I hope you're now proud of me.

I couldn't help but smile as I tell them. The me who I became, after I found my second home.

And it's...

"Mama, Papa... Are you watching over me?"

...The first time I felt lighthearted in front of them.



"Phew…! It really poured down!"


Just when we were about to go back, the rain began pouring down and in just an instant, it's already a heavy fall. I heard the weather changes frequently in the mountain but I didn't think it would be this fast. It's usually clear when I come here before, so why now…? *sigh* My clothes are drenched, it feels so icky on my skin. Even my underwear's drenched.

"*sigh* This is why I don't like the rain… It's uncomfortable… Uu…"

We're now taking shelter at the nearby house that we found earlier before we reached the cemetery. It's an old and barren house with no one leaving in it. The wood is already rotting and spider webs have started to gather in all corners of the house. It is dark inside without a proper lighting except for the dim light outside which is also darken by the heavy rainfall.

I wiped the rain water off my bangs as I comb my hair forward to squeeze it dry.

"… What are you looking at…?"

"A rare moment of an erotic Ceres."

"…!!! Just WHERE do you think you're looking, you idiot!!!"

I swing my fist straight to his face but…

"Not happening. I won't fall for the same tricks over and over again. Heh."

He just easily dodged it.

"… Grr… Don't dodge it! And stop looking already!"

"I absolutely refuse!"

"Geez!! Just look away!!"

"Haha. I see. You seem fine now. Good."

"Stop loo-… Eh?"

"Nothing. I'll go and look for a usable towel or something. Uwa… Oh no no. Even my clothes in my bag are wet."

That again… Why is it that he always catch me off guard…? Did he purposely act goofy just to cheer me up? Or am I just reading too much on it? Muu… It kind of irritates me knowing he had to go out of his way to be considerate of me. I know I got a little emotional earlier but… I can't help it, okay? It's been so long since I let out all my thoughts about my parents. It's just… Why is he being like that to me…? I don't understand him… at all.

Forget it. I'll just look for some clothes that can still be used from the bags.

Uwa… They're all drenched… If I wear this, they would just make it worse. If I knew this would happen I should've bought some a container for the clothes too. Ugh… It's so cold…

"Ceres. I found a blanket. It should be clean since it was folded. And I checked it just in case. You can use it."

"Mm. Hm? It's only one? You aren't going to use one?"

"It's okay. I'm used to this kind of things. A little bit cold weather won't hurt me."

Acting cool like that…

"… Then you use it. I'm not cold either."

"You were just shivering when I gave you the blanket though."

"Th-That's… I'm just… sh-shivering from excitement."

"Just what are you excited about…? *sigh* Come on. Don't be stubborn and just use it."

He pushed back my reached out hand which holds the blanket to me. He then folds his hands together as he rubs them together.

See. You're just as cold as well.

Muu… He's at it again… Why is he being like that? Even though there's only inconvenience for him. What are his reasons? Does he want something from me? Did I do something to him to cause him to be like this to me? But it's more like I was just being all mean to him ever since I met him…

Then why…?

"You're shivering as well. You go ahead and use it."

"Don't mind me. Anya will be worried. If Anya heard you caught a cold because of me, I won't hear the end of it. Haha."


So… you're just doing it because of Anya? You're being like that because you think of Anya? So you're saying that because all this time…

"Then I'll take it! You slime! Hmph! Just shiver there to death!"

"Huh? I became a slime again? Uh... Did you come to hate me again?"

… Just what is it with this idiot… Do you want me to hate you or what…?? Tch...

I felt like something snapped inside me. I couldn't take it.

"Yes. That's right… I hate you. I really, really hate you… I also remember telling you that I despise you…"

"… Ceres?"

Never minding his bewildered expression, my emotion reached its peak and I could no longer hold it in.

"… I hate every fiber of your being. You just came in our lives like nothing. I hate your hair. It reminds me of those scum nobles who belittled my family. I hate your eyes. They look gentle and like those bastards who made me think they're my allies but then after they get what they wanted, they just then betrayed me. I hate your smile. It reminds me of those who I thought my friends but in my back, they were all talking against me. I hate your looks, you remind me of the boy who betrayed me…"

… Just what am I saying…? Why am I saying all of these to him…?

"… I hate how you're not backing off even if I insult you or ignore you. You just come back smiling like nothing happened. I hate it when you're still being kind to me even though all I do is act cold towards you. I hate it when you still come to my help. I hate everything about you. And now you're enduring the cold just for me… Even though I hate you. All you do is… all you do is…!!"

"Ceres, I…"

"I hate you!! But still, WHY are you being so NICE to me?!?! You don't even know anything about me!! Who I am or who I even was!!"


Aah… I lost it… I totally lost it now…

I pretty sure I'm glaring at him right now… But even more than so, all I feel in my heart is this gaping emptiness and a crushing guilt.

"Why aren't you like the others that betrayed me?!?! They just act kind towards be then they'll just abandon me like some trash!! Why aren't you doing that?!?! I'm telling you to go away! I'm calling… *sniffle* you names! *sob* I'm always telling you that… *sniffle* that I hate you! But why aren't you leaving me!??! Why are you still with me…!!!??? *sob*"

I couldn't take it anymore. The tears from remembering my parents earlier that have already dried off, have flowed once again… My cheeks that have dried off of the rain, is now dripping with tears instead. I already thrown away the blanket that should be warming up my body now. All because…

… Eh…?

Why…? Why am I even like this? Why am I feeling like this? When I heard him say that just he just doesn't want to worry Anya…


"Why…? Just because Anya told you to do so…?? Did I gave you something?? Please… Tell me…"

… I was once betrayed. I was abandoned. A promise that was broken. I couldn't count how many times that happened already in my past. They're all the same. No matter where I go. Before I entered Aunt Anastasia's home, it was kill or to be killed. No one was my ally. I couldn't trust anyone. Because they will surely kill me if I did… I was really scared all the time…

But why is this guy different…?? All of them just acted kind in front of me, when they want something from me.


"*sob* Why are you still being so nice to me…? *hic* *sniffle* Even though I push you away…?"

"… Because…"

My head was hanged down all this time. I couldn't bear to look at him after saying all those hurtful things.

I kept asking him… Did I want to confirm something? Did I want to test something?

Somewhere deep within my mind, I want him to hate me. If he hated me like the others, I will be able to accept it like always. It's the same like then. What would be new? I'll just have to walk away like nothing happened. I'll just forget about him like how I'm used to doing.

But somehow… I didn't want that. I want to know what he is thinking. I want to know his reasons. Even though I already know the answer from the start if I think about my past, I want to hear it from him. I still… want to confirm it with him… Why is he being nice to me? To someone like me? Me, who does nothing but do bad things to him.

"Because I want to."

"… Eh…?"

Then I felt a warm touch on my cheek as it dragged along and brushed my hair to the back of my ear, letting me see what's in front of me. See…

"Because I want to be nice to you, Ceres."

… him, who smiles gently and looks at me with only kindness and kindness alone. It's not like the eyes of those who betrayed me, who abandoned me. Just like the night of the festival, they're eyes of who only thinks of nothing but warmth.

"I know. It's true that I don't know much about you before I met you. I don't have the slightest of clue to what you have been. What you felt and what you did. There's no way I'll understand your pain."

"… *sniffle*"

"But you see, Ceres."


"I know a lot more about you than you think."

"… Eh…?"

"The Ceres that I know is a bit clumsy but is straightforward. When you eat, you somehow forget that you're chewing a lot and when I take a peek, you're like a small animal with your stuffed cheeks. I find it so cute. When I tease you, the way you blush instantly is so cute, so I unconsciously want to tease you more. The way how you're expression changes from one to another, I don't get bored just looking at how you react. No. I can even watch you for the whole day and I won't mind. That's how much I enjoy being with you. You care for Tia even though she hid something from us. You made sure Tia would eat her carro-, garrots and thought of ways where she wouldn't notice them when she eats. Like changing a recipe just to make it easier for her to eat. Even though Sofiel makes a lot of mistakes, you still cover up for him all the time without tiring. And most of all, you care for your sister, Anya, more than anyone else."

"W-Wait… Wait, I said…!"

Eh? Ehh…?? What does he mean by all these?? S-So… Does that mean, he's been looking at me all this time??

"Want more? Even now, I know now that you go through such lengths to make your parents happy wherever they are right now. A kind and hardworking woman. A gentle heart who loves to see the smiles of her customers. I know. Because that's what I also feel when I cook."


"The smile you have when you cook. There's no other reason for that other than to see your customers' smile. The cooking itself is fun, but the reward of seeing the smiles of those who eat it is priceless. Whenever I look at that smile of yours, I couldn't help but be mesmerized."

That's… true…

["Mama! Look, I baked cookies for you!"]

["Oh my, dear. Let's call Papa and eat them together."]

["How is it?? How is it??"]

["Hmmm!! It's delicious!! This is the best cookies I ever had! Mama and I are so proud of having a good cook of a daughter!"]

Even though it was burned… They were eating it crazy with a huge smile in their face. When I saw that, my heart was elated. I want to make them smile and smile with it. That's why ever since that time, I practiced and practiced. I want them to make them happy through what I cook for them.

"I can state a lot more if you want to?"

"… Mm. *sniffle* But… *sob*"

"You're starting to cry again… Ceres. You've already become someone who I want to treasure. Who I want to protect for the rest of my life."


"I wouldn't leave you just because of that."

"Uu… *sob* Just because of that, you say… *hic* But I've always said hurtful things to you…!! *sniffle*"

"You were worried about that? Haha."

"*sob* Of course… I would…! *hic* Stop laughing, iriot…!"

"H-Hey… You're crying again. *sigh* What am I gonna do with you? There, there."

A pat in my head. It's just a simple gesture. But it feels so warm, my heart is filled with it in an instant.

"Stop… *sob* being nice to meee…!"

"No can do. You're a precious person to me as I've already told you. I will and will always be nice to you."

"… Uu… *sob* Just why…??? I only do bad things to you…!"

"Because I want to. It's okay if you're like that. You're fine the way you are."

"… Morooon…! *sob*"


… Is it okay for me to be this happy…?

As I let out everything that I've been pent up until now. My longing for my parents, my regrets, my tragic past, my pain, of course they won't be erased just like that. They are greatly engraved in my heart and I don't think I can ever forget them overnight. But… Now,

I feel like the chains that have been dragging me, which I've been dragging along, are slowly eroding away. Just knowing that I'm treasured by someone other than Anya.

"… *sob* Waaaaaahh…!"

… I thought Anya would be enough for me. I thought I'm all okay because of her, now that I'm with her. But it seems like it's not that easy. Of course, if it was that simple I wouldn't be troubled by all of those at all. Anya being there for me is, without a doubt, a salvation in itself. I can't put in words how I want to thank her.

But on the other hand, this guy in front of me. He, who made me realize things. Saying that I'm fine just the way I am. That I'm an important person to him even after all. It felt like slowly and slightly, I'm removed from the shackles that binds me and pulls me back to my past.



"Have you calmed down?"

"… Mm. *sniffle* Sorry."

"Don't mind it."

I felt the blanket cover my back as I wipe my tears away while sitting on the dry floor. My eyes are probably swollen no from crying… Uu… Even my nose is clogged…

"What about you?"

"Told you, I'm fine without one."

"… But you're shivering."

"I'm… I'm just shivering from excitement."

"Don't copy me. *sniffle*"

We're not going anywhere from this… It's crystal clear that he's just enduring the cold. Muu…


There's no other choice…

"Hey… Mm."

I spread the blanket making a space by my side as I try not to look straight at him. Because reasons… I can't show how red I probably am right now. Moreover my eyes…

"You sure? You don't mind?"

"… Mm…"

"… Alright then. I'll take up on your offer."

After him saying that, I heard a rustle of clothes.

He's taking off his clothes??

"Wh-Wh-What are you doing all of a sudden?? Why are you taking of your clothes??"

"Huh? It'll probably feel cold so I thought I should remove them."


Then he will be sitting beside me without a shirt…! How can he be okay with that…??

"Well then, excuse me."

… Stop, heart!

No, don't stop. But, relax!

"Phew… This IS warm… Thanks, Ceres."


His bare shoulders and firm arm touched my left shoulder as he fit himself in the tight space that I gave him. I can directly feel the slightly cold rain water dripping from his body followed by the heat of his skin. Most of the water dried after staying here for quite a while and now all I can feel is the warmth that comes from him and mostly from my own.


He's so close to me… My heart beats louder and louder as the seconds pass, I'm already wondering if he can already hear it. Or does he already hear it but just doesn't say anything? Aaah… Geez… The blood is rushing to my head and I can't think straightly…!

I should really calm down now. I don't know why but because of what happened earlier, I've become more conscious of him… I've been crying for minute and he waited for me until I've clamed down. Just remembering it makes me embarrassed all the more…!!

"Ceres. I want to ask something."

"H-Huh? Wh-What is it?"

"Hm… Something serious, may I?"

What is he going to ask seriously in this situation???

"… Sure."


*thump* *thump* *thump*

Be at ease, my heart!

"Can you tell me what happened when your parents died?"

"… Eh?"

"Uh… I don't know if I should put it like this but… I want to know more about you. And first, I thought I should know about your past."


I see. What was I thinking?

"… Of course, if you don't want to, then it's okay."

"… No. It's okay. I'll tell you."



There's no harm to tell him about it after all that I've said and done. He's seen me more of my pathetic side already. And…

I feel like it's okay to tell him. No… If it's him, it's okay.

"You see, I was named after the moon goddess, which is also known as the moon princess. I was born at the day of the twin moon festival so that's maybe why. I grew up in a well off family, a small one with only my mother and father. They're both adventurers that time so they're not at home much. But whenever they're with me, those were the happiest days of my life."

I'll tell him all about me. I want to.

"But when I was 7 years old, after my parents died, I had to escape from the killer… And I wandered the streets all by myself for 4 years."

"Wait… I heard from Anya that you were found by them when you were 9 years old."

"Anya told you?"

"Not all. I asked her but she told me that if I want to know more, it had to come from you."

"I see… I was keeping it from them, but I think Aunt Anastasia knew about it already. I told them I was 9 years old when they found me. But in truth, I was already 11 that time. But it seems like Anya didn't notice it. *giggle* Maybe because I was a bit smaller than most children that time."

"So… You're saying…"


He then raised his fingers and counted for some reason.

"You're actually 22 now and you're older than me? I thought you were a year younger than me…"

"That's right. How's that? Hehe~"

Somehow I feel proud about that. *giggle*

"It's just one year."

"So you're 21 now?"



A year… huh? It's just one year.

Hm? Wait… Why am I seriously getting concerned about that??

"You were saying. What happened then?"

"Ah. Mm… A lot happened. But you see, after wandering the streets for about half a year…"

... Uu...


… This feels a lot harder than I thought… Muu… But… I've decided that I will tell him. Because I want to.



"… I… I was enslaved."



Chapter 23 End


Name: Hans Alius Schmidt

Race: Human

Class: None


Contracted One, Black Sheep


Strength: 206(+206)/9999

Agility: 82(+82)/9999

Intelligence: 498(+498)(+500)/9999

Defense: 15(+15)/9999


<Active Skills>

Mana Detect Lv. 10/10

Crush Strike Lv. 10/10

Beast Soul Activation Lv. 1/1

Mana Burst Lv. 6/10

Telepathy Lv. 1/1

Night Vision Lv. 1/1

<Passive Skills>

Status Lv. 1/1

Harden Lv. 8/10

Damage Resistance Lv. 8/10

Beast Soul Link Lv. 1/1

[Crystal Points: 0]


[Name]: Hans Alius Schmidt

[Class]: None

[Sex]: Male

[Level]: 36

[Race]: Human

[Rank]: F


Black Sheep


[Active Skill]

<Telepathy Lv. 1/1>

[Passive Skills]



[Party Members/Raid Members]


And there we have it! Ceres could no longer hold it in has finally let out her inner feelings. But Hans have accepted them in return.

I really had to review this a number of times since I wanted this scene to be something special for them and for the readers.

AND FINALLY!! The revealing of her past for the next chapter!! What do you guys think?? Tell me in the comments!

Gomi_Sakkacreators' thoughts