
Breaking News

Inside my office, I was currently surrounded by papers and silence. The atmosphere was a little stifling.

I was feeling a little depressed.


So much work to do but I couldn't even complain. After all, this is my job.


I must maintain my cool demeanour. I don't want to slack off.

Well, this is a part of CEO life.

Work! Work! Work!

Just 200 more papers to sign and 100 more to read.

I can do this!

With this thought in mind, I started my work once again.

Hardly 10 minutes had passed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Continuing my work, I tried to look expressionless, being careful not to show my stress on my face.


Oof, it's Mr Spark. Who the hell let him in?

I don't have time for this kind of irresponsible and lost cause, with no control over their temper.

"What is? I don't have time for you right now. As you can see I'm busy doing my work. So you may leave." I said nodding curtly out of habit.

"Sir, please give me a chance. Let me explain myself" His eyes widened.

"2 minutes. You have 2 minutes."

"Sir, please give me a chance. I won't let this happen again. I will control my temper from next time. I will change myself. I want to be a part of this company, continue my work with a great person like you. I have worked very hard to reach here. And it wasn't my mistake, sir. It was...."

"SPARK. I don't care what you will do or what you want to do. What I know about you is that you are a highly irresponsible person."

With that, I got up and went towards the sea facing window. It helped me to calm down.

Looking towards the beautiful scene I let out a warm breath.

"Let me tell you one thing, Mr Spark.

It may have been Mr Hemming's mistake but I don't care about that.

It was your responsibility to handle this situation and get out of it.

It was your responsibility to get that contract. And now...."

With a 2 minute silence, I let it all get absorbed.

"Remember one thing. A person may change his appearance but one can't change his attitude and personality."


"You may leave."

With a disappointed look in eyes and a grim face, he turns around to leave.

I hope he learns something from these mistakes.

With this drama over, I could return to my work peacefully. And so I started to sign the papers again.


After about 3 hours of non-stop signing and reading, I was done with my work.

With the click of a button, I contacted my secretary Daina.

"Come in"

"Yes, sir"

After a minute or so, the door to my cabin was opened.

"Today's schedule?", said I in a questioning manner.

She should know it, I shouldn't need to tell her all this. Well can't help it she maybe a little slow towards my looks. But she should try to concentrate on her work. Well she does try to, but she is a bit dumb.

"You have a meeting with Mr Pen in 30 minutes. Then an audit with the finance department. Then monthly cycle meeting with the sales department."


Not wanting to waste my time on her I just indicated her to continue.

"And Mr Hemming is gonna have dinner with some of his colleagues tonight at Ardinous Hotel. You may want to go there and meet him."

Woah, she is just too sharp and too dumb at the same time. Just how does she even do this? Nothing misses her hawk eyes, be it office gossips or outside gossips.

I can't lose to her. I need to be cool.

(Laughs internally)

But I'm smarter than her. I already knew this.

"8 pm, right", said I looking her in the eye.

To which she replied with a stupid smile,


It felt like she was really excited. She was even hopping from 1 foot to another.


Such stupidity.

"You may leave"

What can I say, I have this charisma which people can't ignore. But...

Looking towards my cane, I remember it. That dreadful accident.

But what was more painful than this was what fate did.

A twist of fates.

Or was it a betrayal by her?

Of course, it was a betrayal. What else can it be?! There is no other reason.

After all, what was I at that time? A mere village orphan who knew nothing.

Too naive.

Too kind.

Too blind in love.

But now I'm a successful businessman and I shall never forgive those who did wrong to me.

I will teach all of them a lesson.

I'll be the one person they regret messing with.


(Gives an evil laugh)

Looking towards the wall clock, I found that it's time to leave.



Looking up, I find a sight too rare for my eyes.

What the hell, what happened to him?!?!

"Here have some water and try to calm down, Seth",I said trying to give him some peace of mind.

He took a deep breath and moved towards me saying, " This is not the time, Sir"

Setting down the glass, I ask

"Okay, then tell me when it would be. What happened that is making you so anxious, Mr Seth?"

" Ne...News"

"What news?"



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Some interesting things are gonna happen in further chapter.

So stay tuned to know it.


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