
En Marvel con un sistema de plantillas poco convencional

作者: Siroks
Cómic FAN
連載中 · 61.7K ビュー
  • 56 章
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  • NO.200+

What is En Marvel con un sistema de plantillas poco convencional

WebNovel で公開されている、Siroks の作者が書いた En Marvel con un sistema de plantillas poco convencional の小説を読んでください。Un tipo en Marvel con algunas plantillas.*Es mi primer historia, solo la escribo para practicar y probablemente habrá muchos errores e incuerencias, pido paciencia**Esto no será una historia con un pr...


Un tipo en Marvel con algunas plantillas. *Es mi primer historia, solo la escribo para practicar y probablemente habrá muchos errores e incuerencias, pido paciencia* *Esto no será una historia con un prota op he invencible, si buscas eso te invito a buscar en otro lado, esto será más casual pero tendrá su toque de acción de vez en cuando, busco hacer una historia divertida para pasar el rato pero tan bien un poco sería.. tal vez lo logré, lo más probable no, están advertidos* *El mundo es principalmente Marvel(mcu), pero tendrá muchos personajes de anime,series y películas, si quieren que agregue un personaje dígamelo en los comentarios y si lo veo prudente y me agrada la idea lo hare*


Should I Really Do It Or Not?

*WARNING! Adults only! Please, enjoy all the way if you are old enough...* *** "St.gardens?!" "Yes, sir cho" "Come closer, let me see you properly!" "...umm...that should be enough, sir Cho! Auntie said that, it's just once a week!" Cho Ja Nathaniel"....." "Are you done, St.gardens?!!" "I...I am sorry, sir Cho. I am just st…" "Mnnn...mnn...stop it, sir Cho!! This is not right!! I signed a contract!" "What f**king contract is that?!! That is between you and my mother!! I'm signing another one! We need more to make a stamp!!" "...What?! No!!" "No?!! I see you are really fierce. Well, you should know that I like your kind!!" "F**k you!!" "Haha…! No, little girl! You don't stand the chance! But don't you worry, I'll help you! I'll f**k you instead and quite well too!!" St.gardens"....." ****** Haneul Ja St.gardens is a gentle, innocent and sweet girl but also covered with taekwondo skills. One thing that is constant in her life, is bad luck. She could not find a better job to make her life more stable. St.gardens is feeding from hand to mouth, until the day she meets a middle aged woman. She offers her a deal she can not refuse because the benefit is awesome. St.gardens is to become a surrogate mother for her son Cho Ja Nathaniel. Things might not go well the way St.gardens has planned and she asks herself several times, if she should really do it, or not? ****** Happy Reading! Please, stay safe. #For me and for all. from Author Elaami.

Elaami · 都市
50 Chs

Mr Kingston’s Roommate

His eyes flickered open then shut lazily and then he tilted his head painfully towards me, a groan escaping his lips. "L–Lei---" he breathed out and a gasp escaped my busted lips, I reached out, crying out in pain when I felt shards of glass puncturing deeper into my skin, "Blake." I called out weakly, tears swelling in my eyes as I stared at his bloodied face. His eyes flickered shut and I tried reaching for the large shard of glass punctured into his chest, right beside his heart. There was a long gash split in the middle of his forehead and blood poured out of it like a broken dam. And all I could do was lay there helplessly, hoping that he wouldn't die. At the age of nineteen moving to college, starting your new adult life and having the best time of your life was the goal for most teenagers. But for Leila Hart it was the complete opposite. It was a race to leave behind her toxic past, the past that demolished her image, her family, and her sanity. Moving and starting fresh was Leila's number one priority, she desperately sought to avoid the people that constantly reminded her that she was worthless but never had she thought she would meet someone who made her feel things that she thought she would never experience. . . Extreme anger.  After her dorm room is given off to another student Leila is stuck with no other than Professor Kingston, or as she simply calls him Mr Kingston. The Scottish king with the body of a model, the mind of young Einstein and the attitude of a spoiled rich brat. But deep down Blake Kingston was more than that, he was a damaged little boy who also moved to escape his troubled past and along the way he encounters her. . .Leila Hart.  What happens when these two collide?  Fire works and Lethal wounds.  You play with fire. . .you get burnt. 

XFiction_GoddessX · 若者
9 Chs

Persona Non Grata - Vol. 1

After the events of Dr. Jose Rizal's second novel "El Filibusterismo", the story follows the tale of the former students Basilio and Isagani in the aftermath of the failed assassination plot against the most powerful governing political figures in the Delos Santos residence. Now a licensed doctor and a tenured businessman, Basilio and Isagani returns to the Philippines after their 10-year venture in Spain and in the United States to spearhead a large-scale project for the Spanish crown. For the first time in the history of the country, the Spanish government has allowed Indios to pioneer major public works, and the Filipinos, seeing this as major milestone of their race, welcomed it cheering and with open arms. It was also during that same year when the new Captain-General was appointed to the Philippines following the scandal involving the outgoing Captain-General, who sent an entire battalion of Indio conscripts to be deliberately slaughtered by a gang of tulisanes led by a man going by the name 'Matanglawin' (Falcon-eye). Leonardo Montes, the incoming Captain-General, was both feared and loved by his subjects. A close friend of the king and reputed for upholding honor, discipline and goodwill among his subjects, he won the confidence of the Cortes and of the Filipino people when political unrest arose during the tenure of his predecessor when he represented the Philippines in the high courts and won the case. However, Montes, now at the early days of his tenure, is faced with a huge and pressing problem: the widespread opium trade in the Philippines. Chinese immigration to the Philippines has increased at an exponential rate since his predecessor came to power and so is the circulation of the substance within the country. And to make matters worse, strange cases of killings and abductions began to terrorize the country, with the motives of the culprit unknown...

russell45 · 歴史
14 Chs
Latest Update
0 :Auxiliary Volume
1 :Fantasma Uchiha-Demonio De Ojos rojos


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Me encanta la historia es raro ver un fanfic en español en Webnovel .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


entretenida historia , atrapante dan ganas de seguir leyendo


Very good ........................,.....



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating