
Empire of Crescent Dragons- The Winter of the Blessed

Married off to a nobleman she had never met, Alana's dreams of freedom becomes reality when her husband mysteriously dies without her ever having laid eyes on him. Sent to his ancestral home, a sprawling mansion shrouded under the snow of the cold frozen Lands, Alana assumes her role as the Lady of the house, yearning for freedom from the judgmental eyes of her former town. Determined to live life without the confines of societal expectations and release her true self, she embraces the opportunity to start anew. As Alana begins her new life with a new found purpose, living for herself. Managing a Wintergarten, she begings her new life, with her soulbound dragon. Just as Alana finds solace in her newfound independence, her assumed-to-be-deceased husband, Ashur, shockingly reappears. Amidst the conflicts that, his arrival ushered that threatens to consume them all, Alana must navigate her conflicting emotions and the all her feelings for independence, and learn what is meant to love and to be loved. As Alana and Ashur's s paths intertwine, a dangerous game of desire, secrets, and hidden agendas emerges. With unexpected alliances and unimaginable obstacles, both must confront their darkest fears to uncover the truth that lay buried within themselves. Can Alana break free from the judgments that have plagued her since her youth and find her true self? Will she sacrifice her heart for duty, or will love triumph over the shadows that haunt them?

Dtrish · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Chapter 37 - The Dragon lair part 1

Everyone was prepared to depart to the caves.

On their way there, they were ambushed by monsters that would randomly appear.

' This is bothersome, fighting isn't the problem, is this energy - time consuming plot.' Ashur was frustrated that he had to fight the monsters.

The monsters kept coming and they were sorrounding them.

Jakobus told everyone to cover their noses, as Loti released a fragance that made the monster fall unconscious. Like that they managed to move forward.

Some warriors started to gain some respect for Loti.

Finally they arrived at the caves, it was getting dark so it was decided to leave the horses little further away from the caves and set camp there.

"We shouldn't all go inside, to diminuish casualties, we're going into 3 separate groups (17+17+16). Monster will certainly attack us, first group of 17 will keep watch half of the night and then second group of 17 will gather food and keep watch the rest of the night until dawn.

The third group of 16 will go inside the caves and fight the dragon, and then in extreme cases the rest of the groups will join them." Gideon detailed all the necessary tactics, that they could use to defeat the Dragon.

"Yesterday we've heard you went to visit the solo surviver of Dragon quest. Did he say something important that could be useful." Asked one of the warriors.

"Unfortunately he didn't, he couldn't even talk, he could only scream and cry in pain. " Gideon had a sorrowful expression and pain appeared in his eyes.

The others that wanted to ask more questions about the condition of the man, but they didn't dare to, after seeing Gideon expression.

Later Ashur was in front of the cave, Jakar approached him.

"Not thinking going in there alone are you?"

" I don't think I would be able to move without you following right behind me."

"Ohh wow at least you have consideration for your life, for my sake. Ahahaha."

"I wonder if my father felt always this unseasy." Ashur was holding a pendant, moving it around in his hands.

" ....a Great leader do have a different perception of things, your uneasyness can just mean that you have something important that you not perceiving, right now"

"Would a great leader let a important thing go unnoticed?"

"Even great leaders do make mistakes." He pointed at the pendant that Ashur had in his hand. "Your father, would be proud of the brave man you become."


In the night, Gideon was in the first group, so they stayed awake and made rounds protecting those who were asleep.

The second group consisted in Jakobus, Loti, and Emil. They made their turns in controlling the sorroundings, Loti made any approaching monster fall unconscious.

It was already getting lighter, the sun was not up but the sky was starting to get brighter.

The 3rd group of 16, that consisted in Ashur, Jakar , Lyssann and few other warriors went inside the cave.

Inside of the cave, the path was dark, some crystal that were spread at entrance reflected the light outside, would lighten a little bit the way but everything except for that was dark.

The way leading to the dragon was straight ahead there was no other directions or ways there was only way up.

After a while they reach the interior of the cave it was a big cave, what made it more dangerous is that there was only one way in and out.

It was too dark to see even with the crystals around, since the light didn't reflect on them, their light was very dim.

Seeing the said dragon was even harder when they couldn't even see a palm before their nose .

"Was not very good idea not bring mages with us."

"Well tell me when was the last time you saw a mage. Mages haven't been born in our town for a long time now. "

"Silence..." Whispered Lyssann. " ...don't drop your guard. "

As they stepped forward more to the center of the cage, they started hear cracking and snapping sounds.

Jakar squated down, same as Ashur and both touched what's was under their feet. It was bones, they felt bones in their hands.

They could hear a faint breathing sound coming from behind, and all over them, like it was sorrounding them from all the sides and not being able to see it made it even harder, to know where to attack.

"Prepare yourselves. " said Ashur holding is sword.


"Gideon... brother why?" Gideon Stricked again the wounded warrior. His face was covered in blood, and others kingdom knights striked the other warriors.

They didn't fight back since they were caught sleeping, some were stroke while they slept.

"Gideon, how could you.... Our master.." Gideon was silent striking as quickly as possible. He counted the people they attacked was still missing one.

'Damn it Jakobus.'

He had been woken up by Loti that felt the kingdom knights approaching and was observing Gideon for a while, since he should be resting.

Jakobus and Loti hid up in a tree, while watching Gideon betrayal unfold. He wanted to fight back, but Loti didn't let him, pointing out the other knights that had joined him in.

Jakobus face twisted in anger seeing the king seals in the Knights clothes. 'Why Gideon... Why... after everything?'

"You should run Loti, save yourself. This is not your fight. " Jakobus eyes were red in anger.

Loti kept shaking her head.

Jakobus covered her mouth. " don't you dare realese that fragance on me...I can't let my brothers die...you should go now.

Loti sobbed not wanting to go or let Jakobus go.

He pushed her away and got up, and jumped down, stricking the knights that came his way. He went beserk in fury cutting and slashing the knight with no hesitation.

"I thought that you and your flower had already left. " Jakobus didn't reply, he kept slaying the kings knights without a minute of hesitation.

"Are you going to ignore me? Well I guess I do deserve. Don't you want to know why?"

Jakobus evaded his opponents easily, his movements were smooth and quick.

Before Gideon notice he was already at end of Jakobus sword.

"Such amazing talent and you waste on studying monsters..." Gideon schuggs, he looked unbothered. "Are you really ready to kill me, when I am doing this for our people." He whispered.

Jakobus and trembled.

"Is not like you don't know at all.... Brother." Gideon whispered.

Jakobus striked Gideon, the latter managed to barely to avoid the end of the sword.

"One of the things about studying monsters, is that you recognise it no matter what form it takes. "

" Ahahhahaha you are great, maybe one of the best, why don't you join me...? We can survive and live free... Not in hiding."

"Live free? What nonsense are you spouting. Under that man ruling we will never be free."

"Don't be an idiot, "that man" has legions of knight, soldiers, mages under is control.

What does our "Master" has?? Over 100 people, and some of them are not even capable of lifting a sword. "

"..." The knights were starting to gather around them.

"We are blindly following someone to our death... Being right or wrong does that matter when we you die?"

The sorrounding knights were ready to attack any minute. Loti was desperated, wanted to help him, she attacked a few but was caught in the end.

" well have fun dying a righteous man." Jakobus jumped grabbing Gideon having him under his control again.

Once again Gideon seemed unbothered.

"Look brother who came to join us." Pointing at Loti.

"Why you still here... I told you to run." His face went pale, Gideon stabbed him over and over in his back.

While Loti screamed and cried. The knights stabbed her to and left after making sure that they caught everyone that was outside.

"I'm sorry brother I really am." With a dark face Gideon left.

" what about the others?" Asked one of the. Knights.

A load Rawr could be heard that made the earth shake a little bit.

"The dragon will take care of it. But you can leave one knight here just in case anyone comes out."

Another load Rawr came out of the cage.

"There's no need... Let's go back, give the news to the king."

Gideon looked over his shoulder for a moment and left with the Knights.

Loti was crawling towards Jakobus..her tears dropping made little plants grow from the earth.. but her blood killed them almost immediately...

Loti hand reached Jakobus. A cry came out of her.

*Inside of the cave*

They were running avoiding the dragon fire breath attacks. The dragon managed to put himself in front of the only exit blocking their path out.

With the dragon breathing fire the stones reflect the light making it light and the burning carcass that were still full of fat were burning, leaving awful stench.

"He looks furious..." Said Lyssann.

"Well you would be too if someone just stepped inside your house trying to kill you."

" We have to disperse, attack when he is about to breath fire. It his more vulnerable when it is about to breathe Fire." Ashur commended them as they all followed his orders without fear or objection.

As he was about to breathe Fire it's body got upright and his neck , he was about to breath the fire and shoot all around him.

The warriors were running to the sides, as well as Ashur, they all jumped in at same time, to attack from all angles possible.

Ashur from the side could notice the dragon eyes deviating towards him, he felt like the dragon grinned as he approached. His guts told him to step back.

"Everyone fall back NOW!"