
Night is so young (R-18+)

Under the moon's gentle glow, Aditya traversed the palace gardens, catching sight of Ramya, her saree dishevelled, gazing beneath a tree. To avoid disturbing her, he silently approached, curious about her focus. Sensing his presence, Ramya gestured for him to be quiet and join her.

As Aditya approached to see what had captured Ramya's attention, he noticed two squirrels playfully interacting. Their lively antics soon took a more intimate turn as the male squirrel assumed a position near a tree branch, and started humping the female squirrel from the rear.

Aditya was taken aback by the unexpected scene unfolding before him. He couldn't suppress his surprise at Ramya's seemingly voyeuristic interest in the animals. "Don't they deserve some privacy, or have you never seen it?" he whispered, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Ramya's response, delivered with a hint of irritation, caught Aditya off guard. "I am here to protect, not for pleasure," she whispered back firmly, her resolve evident in her words.

Aditya found himself astonished by Ramya's boldness. Despite being a woman, she showed no shame or hesitation in her actions, speaking with a determined demeanour that left him questioning his own reactions. He wondered if he would have been able to offer such a confident excuse if caught in a similar situation.

Suddenly, Ramya produced a small dagger from the folds of her saree and swiftly threw it towards the branch where the squirrels were perched. Aditya was momentarily puzzled by her actions, but as the dagger hit its mark, his doubts were swiftly dispelled.


With a heavy thud, the lifeless body of a snake fell from the tree, impaled by the sharp blade of the dagger. The two squirrels, sensing the danger, darted away without so much as a glance back, their lives spared by Ramya's swift action. It became apparent that the large, venomous snake had been lying in wait near the branch, poised to strike at the unsuspecting squirrels as they mated.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, Aditya couldn't help but marvel at Ramya's quick thinking and bravery in the face of danger.


As the situation became clear, Aditya couldn't help but inquire, "Why didn't you attack the snake earlier if you knew it was there?"

Ramya responded with a playful tone, "This night is so young, Aditya. I didn't want to disturb the couples."

Aditya caught the subtle implication hidden beneath her words, recalling his recent encounter with Amira and feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

Sensing Aditya's discomfort, Raamya chuckled softly before reassuring him, "Don't worry, Aditya. I protect what I love." She paused for a moment before adding, "I love squirrels."

Aditya let out a sigh of relief at her words, but his relief was short-lived as Ramya's next question caught him off guard. "If you don't mind, Aditya, what do you think of me?"

Her unexpected inquiry left Aditya momentarily speechless, his mind racing to formulate a response.

Aditya's response was straightforward, "Quite bold and unpredictable."

Raamya's reaction betrayed her surprise at his answer, prompting her to inquire further, "And why do you say that?"

Aditya's reply was equally candid, "Just by looking at your attire, any man would find it captivating. You know how to dress, especially in public. But here in the palace, you're a completely different person."

Raamya chuckled, clearly amused by his response. "True, to some extent," she conceded, "but your answer suggests there's more to it."

Intrigued by her response, Aditya pressed on, "Isn't there?"

Raamya's playful demeanor shifted slightly as she explained, "Of course not, Aditya. I am not that type".

Her tone turned somber as she continued, "Since I was a child, I've been forced to dress like a man. I longed to wear women's clothing, but opportunities were scarce." She gestured toward her chest, a hint of sadness in her expression. "As I grew older, so did these burdens," she said, indicating her bosoms with a slight jiggling motion. "I had to bind them tightly, always concealing my skin. It felt suffocating, so I try to be a little freer when I feel confident in the situation."

Anger and frustration simmered beneath her words as she recounted her struggles. Even though he comprehended her explanation, the image of her jiggling bosoms lingered in Aditya's mind for a few fleeting moments. . He silently thanked his lucky stars for this fortunate circumstance in this era.

Trying to refocus the conversation, Aditya inquired, "It must be challenging to imitate a male persona. You have such a naturally feminine voice, yet when I first heard you disguised as a male general, your voice was rough, sharp, and clear."

Raamya laughed, appreciating the compliment. "Thank you, Aditya. It's all about attitude. I knew I couldn't change my voice drastically, so I simply adjusted my tone. It was indeed difficult, but as I've said before, I protect what I love, and I love my kingdom more than my own identity."

Impressed by her unwavering dedication, Aditya asked, "And now, is it better for you?"

Raamya smiled gratefully in response. "Thanks to certain circumstances, I finally had the chance to break free from my shackles. Before, my only freedom was being able to sleep without clothes in my own bedroom, which helped me retain a sense of femininity. Otherwise, I might have mentally identified myself as a boy in my future. Perhaps that's why I'm enjoying moving freely like this. My maids always nagged me about decorum. Thanks to you, Aditya, I can bypass all of that and can wear my dress, my way."

As Ramya's words sank in, Aditya's mind went blank, stuck on the thought of her sleeping without clothes. The rest of her words seemed to blur, unable to register in his mind.

Seeing Aditya dazed, Raamya called out his name, concerned for his well-being. Aditya nodded in response, still trying to process the unexpected revelation.

Aditya cautiously broached the subject, "I can't help but wonder, don't you ever fear being so expos... I mean, dressed so informally around me?"

Raamya's response was laced with a teasing glint in her eyes, "Despite your newfound strength and talent, I have more experience handling men than you can possibly imagine."

Aditya swallowed nervously at the underlying hint of a threat in her words.

But then, seeing his panicked demeanour, Raamya let out a light-hearted giggle and continued, "But don't worry, Aditya. I know you wouldn't do anything to harm me. I trust you more than I trust myself."

Aditya's heart swelled with warmth at her playful reassurance. He was deeply touched by Raamya's unwavering trust.

Raamya gracefully bent down to pick a blade of grass, inadvertently giving Aditya an eyeful of her cleavage. In a soft tone, she asked, "Watching those two squirrels, I wonder... do you think it feels good to do?"

Aditya was taken aback by her question and blurted out, "I have no idea."

Raamya locked eyes with Aditya and pressed further, "Don't you ever desire it?"

Aditya replied without much thought, "It's not like I can have it whenever I want."

Raamya cautioned, "But you're a prince, Aditya. Many might be interested. Who's to stop you?"

With a sigh, Aditya responded, "It doesn't matter how many are interested in me. The one with whom I feel a connection sees me as nothing."

Raamya's eyes widened in surprise. "Aditya, are you really interested in me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Caught off guard, Aditya's mind flashed back to Riya and her similar words from his past life—a Bengali beauty, bold and casual. He felt a sense of déjà vu with the striking similarity between the two situations.

Raamya playfully twisted the grasses in her hair and teased, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Aditya replied bluntly, "What? Here, now? Even though I don't mind, but anyone could come."

Blushing in embarrassment, Raamya tossed the grass in her hand at Aditya and whispered, "Dummy, I didn't mean that. Forget it, just kidding."

She then reprimanded Aditya, saying, "And besides, I'm older than you. Find someone your own age."

Aditya replied with a sincere tone, "Age is just a number. For me, you are no less than a goddess who can stop time with a pinch of her finger."

Raamya, flattered by his words, replied, "Liar, I've heard it many times. Men are always good with a glib tongue, and you are no different. Once I grow old, you'll forget all about me."

As Aditya stepped closer and Raamya instinctively moved backward, he continued, "We all grow old. What matters is what's inside, and I know you're even more beautiful inside than you are on the outside."

Raamya's cheeks flushed with more praise as she moved back, only to find herself blocked by the tree trunk. With a serious tone, she asked, "Aren't you with Amira? I know you like her."

Suddenly realizing he had not one, but two love interests, Aditya was taken aback. Before he could respond, Raamya continued, "I have no problem with her. But are you confident enough to handle us both?"

Internally sighing in relief at the possibility of polygamy in this era, Aditya became bolder. He moved his hand to block Raamya against the tree, pressing firmly to prevent her from escaping. Raamya, surprised by the sudden change in demeanour, giggled and leaned back against the tree trunk, allowing Aditya to assert his dominance.

As Aditya leaned in to kiss her, Raamya pushed him away playfully, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the nearby palace decoration pool.


Aditya fell into the shallow pool with a splash of water and got a laugh from Raamya. "Didn't I say earlier, I have years of experience handling men?" she teased, amusement dancing in her eyes.

Aditya smiled at her remark and extended his hand, asking for her help to pull him out. But as she reached out, he playfully tugged her arm, causing her to stumble and fall into the pool beside him. Raamya, initially surprised, couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. Their laughter filled the air as they shared a lighthearted moment.

Suddenly, Aditya grabbed her slender waist and pulled her closer, their faces now mere inches apart. In that moment, the playful atmosphere shifted, and both of them felt the intensity of their connection. Their eyes met, filled with anticipation and longing, as Aditya leaned in and finally kissed her.

As Aditya and Raamya found themselves locked in a passionate embrace, time seemed to stand still around them. Their hearts beat in unison as their lips met in a tender kiss to passionate smooch, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never capture.

Raamya's lips, soft and inviting, melded perfectly with Aditya's as they explored the sensation of each other's touch. There was a gentle dance of tongues between them, a silent exchange of longing and desire that spoke volumes without a single word.

Their tongues intertwined in a delicate choreography, moving with a rhythm all their own. It was a symphony of sensations, each touch sending shivers down their spines as they lost themselves in the intoxicating moment.

As their kiss deepened, Aditya's hands wandered, one finding its place on Raamya's right bosom, while the other gently gripped her plump ass, trying to take the full measurement, while drawing her closer in a tender embrace. Sensing his bold move, Raamya pushed him away with a playful force, a hint of alarm in her eyes as she quickly retreated from the pool. With a teasing smile, she called him a "Pervert" before darting away, leaving Aditya both amused and longing for more.

As Raamya darted away, her athletic figure wrapped in the damp saree, Aditya couldn't help but watch her retreat with a mixture of desire and admiration. His gaze lingered on the subtle sway of her curves, the gentle jiggle of her assets accentuated by the wet fabric, slowly fading into the darkness.

With a smirk playing on his lips, he glanced down at his hands, still tingling from their intimate encounter moments ago. Murmuring to himself in a tone of discovery and amusement, he remarked as a true virgin, "So, that's how it feels. Heh!"

I am seriously missing the comments. My dear readers, please dont be so shy to comment. I will postpone the r18 chapters to later then... Just Kidding, votes are also appreciated. ;)

Jokes apart, I will be on flight today , so there will be delay in release of next chapter for 2 days. i will try to meet my daily quota of this week by the end of Sunday or monday morning. May the blessings of Lord, stay with you all! :)

Jeet_1993creators' thoughts