
Emperor of Gods

Updating Schedules. 10 Chapters mass release on the 18th of December, 2023 2 Daily chapter releases starting from January 1, 2024. Additional chapter releases for every 150 coin gifts or 100 Golden Ticket Votes. ……… (Blurb) In Li Yu's first life, he watched as every member of his family was butchered mercilessly and fed to the vultures because of his best friends’ greediness. Li Yu was then tortured for several years, and just when he was about to lose consciousness forever, a miracle happened. Li Yu was transmigrated 50 years into the future, into the body of someone with a similar name as him, someone who died in another person's scheme. Fueled with a strong vengeance in him, Li Yu would start his journey back to peak from absolutely nothing, go through many ordeals, and train with his life along the line, countless times so he could take revenge on the people who destroyed him. This is a novel filled with a lot of comedy, schemes, and mysteries. Please give your support; golden tickets and reviews.

RexDEverything · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Chapter 13 - Li Yu is given a punishment

"Young master- Young Master, Patriarch is here, and he looks really angry!"

Li Yu who was seated cross-legged in his bed cultivating suddenly heard Little Liu's voice calling from outside breathlessly, and before he could even react;

"Bang…" the door was pushed open and Little Liu ran in.

"Uhh!!! Why would father come, wasn't he busy?!" Li Yu looked at the breathless Little Liu and asked in shock.

"Master, I don't know." Little Liu looked back to check if the patriarch had arrived.

"I only saw him by coincidence from afar, storming to this place with his face painted in anger," Little Liu continued.

Li Yu's speechlessness solidified when he heard that.

Then, all of a sudden, Li rushed up from his seated position and began to walk around, with his face filled with regret.

"I think I'm in trouble, father should have gotten the news that I had gone to Plum Blossom Inn," Li Yu said fearfully.

"Master, what should we do now?! And also, hadn't you said earlier that patriarch would not know??" Little Liu was instantly filled with concern when she heard Li Yu.

Everybody knows that although Li Zhiqiang loves his son to the fullest, he would still punish him if his son was to offend or angered him.

"Little Liu, should I pretend that I'm sick?!" A bright light suddenly flashed in Li Yu's eyes as if he had gained enlightenment.


Little Liu couldn't help but look at Li Yu with a dumbfounded expression.

"Master, have you forgotten that Patriarch is at the Golden Core cultivation realm, he would see through your pretense."

The light in Li Yu's face immediately dimmed after he heard that, as his mind skipped the thought.

He continued to ponder deeply again.

After a while, when he still wasn't able to think of anything, he decided to accept his fate.

"Little Liu, go back to your room first," Li Yu commanded his beautiful maid decisively.

Little Liu became thunderstruck when she heard that.

"No master, I won't leave."

Li Yu looked at her for while and decided to leave her be when he saw the stubbornness in her eyes.

And like so, Li Yu sat on his bed while little Liu sat on the chair in the room, waiting patiently for their punishment.

Thankfully, they did not wait for long.

"Where is that little brat?!"

They both suddenly flinched hard, and their heart begin to pound heavily and loudly in their chest when they heard the angered voice from the lounge which is mostly unused.

Little Liu and Li Yu both turned to look at each other silently.


The angered voice sounded again, like a lion's roar.

Li Yu finally reacted.

He stood up and rearrange his cloth, then walked out while Little Liu followed behind quietly.

At this moment, Li Zhiqiang was pacing around in anger while waiting. He felt that he might punish Li Yu too severely this time around for not listening to him.

'How dare that child not listen to me,' He thought in deep anger.

He felt thankful for assigning someone to keep watch of Li Yu all round clock, or else he wouldn't have known that the child had secretly run off to the mysterious Inn that might or might not have anything to do with the poison that almost killed him some days ago.

It was the person he assigned that had reported Li Yu to him.

Li Zhiqiang had left everything he was doing immediately in deep fear that his son would have been secretly poisoned again when he heard the guard's narration

"Fa- father"

Li Zhiqiang who was pacing around in deep fear, anger, and concern suddenly heard his son speak.

The anger he felt instantly diminished when he heard the remorse in his son's voice, but he felt that he must still punish the boy.

"Hehehe, I heard you just came back from that great Inn…" Li Zhiqiang suddenly spat coldly.

"No dad, I- I…."

"YOU WHAT???" Li Zhuqiang abruptly shouted angrily, interrupting Li Yu who could not form any statement.

Li Yu and Little Liu flinched again when they heard and felt the oppression in Li Zhuqiang's shout.

"You know what, I think I've been too easy on you these days."

Li Zhuqiang gave his son a cold look, then he took a large stride to his side, and took hold of his arm.


Li Yu's heart suddenly stopped working for a second, with a fear that his father would discover his little secrete, which was being uncalled for, as the bluish energy had instantly hidden and camouflaged itself with Li Yu's blood and vein, also blocking Li Yu's dantian when it felt Li Yu's state of mind and the sudden energy that was invading.

Li Zhuqiang felt nothing changed, except for his son's heartbeat which had suddenly stopped working, which he had taken for him being scared.

He sent a tiny bit of energy into his son's body, to check if he had not been secretly poisoned again.

Li Zhuqiang was finally able to sigh in relief when he felt nothing different there, but also a bit disappointed when he sensed all the blocked dantians.

He shook his head silently.

"You shall be grounded in the cold palace until I give you permission to leave," Li Zhuqiang commanded emotionlessly.

He stared at his son coldly for a while, then turned back and stormed out without looking back at Li Yu, because he knew he would not be able to bare his son's look.

Li Zhuqiang felt that he is making the best decision that would protect his son's life, by grounding him, as he had believed that the mysterious Plum Blossom Inn must have had something against his son.

Although Li Zhuqiang knew that most of the elders in his family does not like him, especially the first elder. He had never in his entire live thought they would have hand in going after his or his son's life.

His mind was just too pure that he had thought the safest place for his son would be within the family.

Li Yu watched his father's back expressionlessly as he stormed out.

He had been expecting his father to react strangely or be shocked when he sensed his inner body, but the way he reacted was like he had not found anything different.

Li Yu would have thought his father had not checked his body if he had not felt the energy transferred in.

After thinking for a while, and not being able to find any reason, Li Yu decided to put it behind his back.

"Master is that it?!"

Little Liu's mouth was wide open when she saw the Patriarch walk away.

She also had become deeply scared earlier when she saw Li Zhuqiang send his energy into her master's body, as she has known that her master does not want his father to know he cultivates yet.

"I think so "_" "

The place immediately descended into silence.

"Ha!!! Master, I think you have just been grounded till further notice."

Little Liu's eyes were suddenly opened wide as if she had just processed Li Zhuqiang's punishment for Li Yu.

Her heart stopped working, and fear became deeply written all over her face.

"Oh… That seemed to be true, I should go prepare," Li Yu replied dismissively, then he walked out of the lounge.

"Hun?! Is that it?!" Little Liu asked herself expressionlessly.

'Nothing seemed to be making any sense again.'

She had expected that Li Yu would be sulking in anger at the moment, but with the way he reacted, it felt like he does not care that much, and seemed to even be looking forward to this.

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