
Emperor’s Destiny

Wan lee was known as the strongest person to ever exist in the history of magic. But he died a very lonely death. No friends, no family, nothing. But gods gave him a second chance. He asked for a normal life. No superpowers, no cheats, no past memories. Just a happy life. But will it even be possible? Will he be able to subdue his own power? Will it be possible in such a chaotic time of war and death. Lets find out. Note : 5-8 updates a week.

sarcasticdweeb6_2 · ファンタジー
7 Chs



Breathing intensifies!!


"Ahhh....what a shitty way to die for someone like me. Well whatever, its all same in the end." Wan lee smirks in self mockery.

The heavy rain which was falling around him turns to a soft drizzle which gently falls on his dying body.

The rain stops, the clouds clear leaving a beautiful sunset view and his life comes to an end.

Sigh! What a lonely way for a hero to die. Wan lee also known as Hades due to his fierce and inexorable behaviour. He was the strongest man to ever exist in the world of magic.

After some good 4 hours of his death the whole world suddenly brightens up even the areas at night.

" where...am i ?" He questions himself in a very weak and helpless tone.

"You have suffered my child, you have truly suffered." A voice breaks the silence. The voice is neither too loud or soft but it radiates profoundness and brilliance.

"Who are you? Why am i here? Wasn't i dead?" Wan lee again questions in a weak voice.

Wan lee as the strongest man had developed fearlessness due to the numerous life and death situations he encountered in his life. Maybe it was this reason that he was able to question such a majestic voice without a shred of fear.

" who am i isn't important. Lets say i am here to give you 2nd chance. How about it?" The voice responds in a very gentle tone.

Though the voice was gentle wan lee understood that this was not a reply but a warning. There was no reason behind it, just instinct.

"Okay but if you want to reincarnate me then please do it after erasing my memories of this life. I don't want to live in a world where i know all dark truths. Its scary beyond thought." He replies after remembering his past.

He was a very curious child from the beginning this led him to know many things that took his ability to feel human emotions except loneliness.

"Very well. Well then, enjoy your life child." The voice goes after saying so and so does the mysterious light around the world.

[ 5000 years into the future]



" ahh what is this noise?" He wakes up to check what is causing the sound.

" lee close that alarm for me please." A sweet voice comes from the next room.

"Ah.. yes mom." The responds in a very lazy tone and shuts the alarm and then goes back to sleep.

This boy is Wan lee. He was reincarnated some 5000 years into the future into a very rich and renowned family. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was lucky to the point of being of being unfair.

" brother get up you have to go for the entrance exam . Brother get up!!" Another sweet but childish voice drops into wan lee's ear.

" ah stop crying Zena i am up okay." Wan replies in an annoyed tone. Well it would be a dream to expect a sweet answer from him after he is forced to get up.

He lazily washes his face and brushes his teeth and goes downstairs for breakfast.

" mommy brother has come." Zena, his little sister runs towards her mom.

"You!!" Wan looks at her with an angry face. He still holds a grudge for morning's incident.

"Mom brother is scaring me" she cries and complains to her mother.

"Stop it lee, she is your little sister. You should play with her and not scare her." Mom says to lee.

" yeah yeah whatever."

Despite being so powerful, the family interacted like any other family which was very hard to see in today's world.

" lee finish your breakfast. We have to leave for your graduation ceremony." This time his father interrupts.

His father looks like someone in his 40s by his face but has a very muscular body and a fierce look at his face.

"Yes dad." There was probably only one person who could force an obedient voice out of lee, his father.

" i am done. lets go dad." He replies and they both leave for his graduation.

"{flight}" they both chant.

"I am finally ready for this. After a good 14 years i will go to where i belong." He says with excitement.

The thoughts of a 14 year old are really easy and simple minded. His dad happens to hear them and smiles and him while making a face of pity for him.

" lee come down we have reached." He says.

Wan tai is a man of few words. Its not due to arrogance but due to the strictness of his father who wanted to make him a responsible person.

" coming dad.....aaahhh" just as he is about to land, he crashes.

" clumsy as ever huh." His dad sighs and goes to him for help.

"Huff... its starting."