
Destiny can be delayed but not denied

My name is Henry, I was 12 years old when my father died, I was sent to live in Abuja with my uncle Dennis who has 2 children and a wife . At first they showed me love and affection,not long the story changed when my uncle died of a ghastly car accident. My uncle's wife Mrs Victoria took over everything, my life was a hell . She made me to withdraw from school and started a Hawking fruit business for me despite all the wealth the husband left behind,her two children were in the best school in town, when asked by her friends why I stopped schooling she will always reply that she can't send another person's child to school cause it is the family that everything will fall in.

mrs Dennis continue to punish me all through the days of my life until one fateful day when I was selling fruits I was knocked down by a car and when I open my eyes I saw myself in the hospital ,the man that knocked me down was shocked to hear my life story, he agreed to support me throughout my University level I was overjoyed. at last my dream came true I didn't forget my uncle's family because the love I have for my uncle was much but I know that the woman treated me bad .I payed her bad treatment with good one .