
Emiya the swindler..

I walked down to Foosha village after my recent mass destructive weapon field test, and man was that a pleasant walk!

The quiet and pleasant village was to my liking, though the big city was more to my liking in my past world. I prefer excitement over relaxation any day, but I do not dislike a relaxing little village.

I know that my first order of business should be something like getting my hands on a ship for my journey, but honestly, I will just steal one later. I am not like the Strawhats who payed for everything, sue me. And I don't have any money.

My priority is without a doubt, a cold, nice, cup of rum. And some food. Can't forget about food.

I entered the bar, which resulted in me having the eyes of everyone in the barely populated bar turned to me. Scary stuff..

While walking up to the counter, and by extension, Makino, I created a gold coin with the right hand I held on my side.

This should be about 10,000 beli I think. Maybe.

"Welcome, what would you like to order?"

The sweet voice of Makino took my attention away from my thoughts, and I took the reins of my composure instantly.

"A bottle of rum, and something good to eat."

I placed the coin in her hand, and she nodded with a smile before picking out the change.

Almost feels bad to trick her with a fake coin.

Well, it will last for at least a week, with the amount of magic and magical reinforcement it has, so if she hasn't used it to buy anything before then, too bad.

She placed the bottle of rum in front of me, before walking through a door to a back area, probably a kitchen.

I took the liberty of popping open the bottle of rum while I waited. Always wanted to taste this, but I forgot about it.

I took a careful sip…. Heavenly.

Oh My God, what is this!? It's amazing! It's millions of year above the alcohol of my world!

I took three large sips, before placing the bottle back on the counter with a satisfied sigh. Gotta save some for after the food.

I swear fate must be flirting with me, just as I finished my thoughts, Makino came out carrying a plate of some of the most delicious looking food I have seen in my entire life!

Which is weird, as I have dined in restaurants of triple stars chefs, and even theirs didn't look, or smell, this good. Is this perhaps one piece logic? Well, everything in the any anime always looks better than in real life, wouldn't surprise me.

"Please enjoy."

I glanced at Makino's smiling face briefly, muttering thanks before I took a bite.


Heaven on my tongue!

I refuse to let my satisfaction show!!

Luckily, I didn't make some stupid face, and I was able to keep devouring this heavenly cooking.

I would propose if it wasn't for my journey.

I finished eating after a minute, and the plate was wiped clean. I stood up after drinking the last of my rum, and started walking out, but not before mumbling out a few words.

"Thanks, it was delicious."

I left the bar, and walked down towards the port, when I started thinking.

Have I perhaps become antisocial?

No, that can't be, right? Sure, I haven't spoken clear sentences, but does that really matter? I am leaving this island pretty anyways, already having a few plans in mind.

Well, speaking of plans, I have a master plan cooking up in my head right now, but it remains to be seen if it will work.

Anyways, I am not antisocial. Nuh-uh. Nope.

I walked down to a building that I saw when scouting the island with Hawk Eye, a boat builder place. No idea what a boat maker is called, oh right, nevermind, it's called a shipwright.

Opening the door awarded my with a low pinging sound, I secretly made a few beli bills, should be 10 million beli in total.

A muscular middle aged man was standing behind the counter, and I walked up to him before standing still in front of him.

"Welcome, are you here for a custom, or premade ship?"

"I want a custom ship with a captain's cabin, a storage, a shower, a bathroom, 3 fairly large cabins, and a kitchen."

The man seemed to consider some things for a second, before nodding to himself.

"Hmm, if you want an acceptable ship to your specifications, it would cost up to a million beli. The better you want it, the more you need to put into it."

I nodded sagely once, just to seem like I was actually considering it, though I wasn't. The previous specifications was merely a test run to see if he could make a good ship.

"I see, add one more bathroom, 3 canons on each side of the ship, and make it as sturdy as possible. I want the ship to have as high maneuverability as you can make it. And design the crow's nest and sails like this.."

I took a blank paper lying in a pile on the counter, and a pencil before I began sketching the crow's nest, and sails, adding two of them and drawing many platforms so that I can move between them.

"And after that, just upgrade everything as far as you can. The better everything is, well, the better it is."

He nodded with a smirk.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this is a pirate ship."

Hmm, he doesn't know yet?

"Well of course, you're making a ship for the future king of the pirates, so it's not just any pirate ship. This ship is meant to carry my through the grand line."

Whatever the shipwright expected, that was not it. His eyes opened wide in surprise, but soon, they closed with a smirk.

"You got my inspired, brat. This will be my best ship yet, without a doubt, and I will do it for absolutely free."


"Yes, I surprise myself, but I will not accept a single beli for this ship. Got that?!"


Somehow, his stern tone made me respond… damn.

"There is no way I can price the pride of having the king of the pirates sail on a ship that I made!

"Be back in a week, and I will have the greatest ship on the east blue waiting for you, future pirate king…?"

"Emiya. My name is Emiya."

"You got it, Emiya, the name's Takagami, now, it's time for a legend to me made."
