
A cheat..?

Lights assaulted my eyes the second the darkness left. That damn Deus changed things on his own..

Well, it's fine if he made me into EMIYA, but if it's Shirou Emiya from something like unlimited blade works, I will kill him.

I stood up and opened my eyes, and as I hoped, white hair.

I looked down to see what I was wearing, and to my delight, it's the fate/stay night outfit. Badass.

I closed my eyes, and let my imagination run wild to think of a sword, and the first thing I thought of was the iconic, Byakuya and Kanshou, nothing fit Emiya better than this.

Hmm, yeah, Emiya definitely sounds better. Alright, it's decided. Emiya is my name, my past name means nothing now.

The twin blades materialized in my hands, Kanshou in my right, Byakuya in my left.

As expected, they felt just right.

I swung the swords for a bit, the body felt good, and the swordsmanship I had learnt in my past world didn't need adjusting to my new body.

But in this world, people could cut massive ships, and icebergs in two. Both of which having beautiful examples made by Hawkeye, I think.

That would of course be possible if I used something like Excalibur, but I want to be able to do that using pure swordsmanship.

And as this world is the world of ONE PIECE, my goals also having been made even before I reincarnated, my goals are two, two very big goals.

King of the pirates.

The world's greatest swordsman.

No wait, three..

The world's greatest marksman.

EMIYA himself wasn't that strong, his fights revolved around his battle experience and tactics, and the only magecraft he could use was UBW, his basic stats weren't that high compared to other servants either, but that doesn't matter to me.

He wasn't very talented, and his main talents lie in making weapons, which is what his magecraft revolves around. But that's fine. I am plenty talented on my own, having years of experience in swordsmanship and archery, competing on international level. I will make up for what he lacked, and this body will make up for what I lack.

Now, I am aware that I am stealing the two strongest strawhats' dreams, but I honestly couldn't give a fuck.

My goals are my goals, why would I change them for the sake of someone else?

Now that I was done thinking and reassuring myself of my abilities and goals, I believe it's time to find out where on Dawn island I am.

A forest, obviously, but most of Dawn island is a forest.

Oh right, there was an ability for this, and as I am Emiya, and probably the fate/stay version of him, I should have it.

I looked around for the highest point I could see, and conveniently there was a mount range right next to me. Probably the one surrounding Goa Kingdom.

As a second test for this body, I began sprinting as fast as possible right for the mountain range.

Not breaking a single sweat, huh.

I got to the mountain range before I knew it, and began scaling it with large jumps, making it up top, and not miss stepping a single time.

Is this muscle memory?

Doesn't matter, I got to the top, and looked down over the island, activating the ability.

Hawk Eye.

For a full 4 kilometers, I could see everything. Now that I use it, I realize how much of a cheat this ability is.

The way I came from, I could see the massive wall of Goa Kingdom, and the Gray Terminal, as well as the bandit place where Ace and Luffy lived, and where Luffy still lives.

Hmm, Luffy seems to be 16. So I have a whole year's head start on him? Great.

Foosha village was the other way, I could see Makino rolling a barrel of rum into the bar through the back door, and the villagers doing their business.

Damn, the anime didn't do Makino any justice..

I shook my head and disregarded that, before a good idea came to mind.

"Well, this is just a little island on the east blue, no one will care if their forest goes through a bit of exploding.."

Ugh, why am I making excuses to myself..

Instantly when I thought of it, and utilized my mana, Emiya's bow showed up in my mind and I materialized it in my left hand.

Now it's time for the big part.

Caladbolg II, the spiral sword instantly appeared in my mind, and I pulled enough mana to materialized it.

It materialized, and I began nocking like an arrow as I reinforced it as a broken phantasm.

I opened my gray eyes, and let the sword fly into the center of the vast forest. The sound of the sword cutting through the air turned the heads of plenty of animals who instinctively knew their death was incoming.

Kaboom, and a large part of the center of the forest instantly disappeared, along with all the life that was also instantly extinguished.

That was… much stronger than I thought it would be.

The bow dissolved into magic energy, but I didn't care. That amount of destruction, and I don't feel winded in the slightest.

That unlimited mana wish was a real cheat.
