
Chapter Five

"It rained heavily that night and I was cold, my mum was trying to calm my fever by damping a towel and placing it on my body while my dad was in the sitting room.

Moment later,we heard sound but didn't know where it came from and then we heard voices that's when my mom said she was going to check. I never knew it was going to be the last time I'll see my mom. My mum did not return and everywhere was unusually quiet then I had a strange feeling so I walked down from my room, through the stairs and met my parents body on the floor with their neck broken. I was davasted as tears gathered in my eyes that I didn't notice who else was there.I knelt before my parents corpse sobbing when I felt a hand grab my shoulder from behind and trying to see who it was I was hit by their steel rod and fell unconscious. Waking, I found myself here" he said sobbing.

"That's quite an experience that cannot be forgotten" Ken said looking at Uther.

"And you?" Ken asked Marshall

Marshall looked at Ken for a while, he didn't want to say anything. Ken understood and explained his ordeal instead.

"I never saw my mom, I've been living with my dad, we do everything together and never wanted to be apart from each other" Marshal said sobbing as Ken comfort him

He continued "one day before I went out playing, my dad called me back in a very cool voice, he kissed my head,cheeks and caressed me. I asked if he was okay and he said, he was. He asked me to be careful, practice all that he has taught me and never to talk too much or trust anyone instead I should constantly observe and study people's behaviour before taking action. We stayed together, clinging to ourselves then he asked me to go and play, which I did but when I returned my dad was on the floor lifeless and our house scattered like it was raided.I felt shattered not knowing what to do, I just watched my dad's corpse with tears guzzling down my chins. I knew he was killed but I didn't know the murderer. My dad acted so weird in his last hours as if he knew of his death.

After my dad's burial, I lived with my grandma and that was where the division men took me. One afternoon, I was trying to bounce my football and then it flew from my hands because of the the force I used. It rolled down to a spot where a car was packed as I tried to reach for my ball when a hand held me. I looked up to see a guy with his face covered in beards smiling, he signaled me to stand and get into the car. He wasn't the only one in the car, there were two others;the driver and another dressed like him. They all dressed in black leather, wearing earrings on their left ear. I got into the car and they drove off, along the way, I became unconscious which I don't know how, I woke up and found myself here"

"Wow, every one of us suffered because of the division, what do you think they want from us" Ken asked

Marshall and Uther looking at each other "how should we know unless we ask them" they said together.

"Why should they kill our parents and adopt us? it means our parents were trying to hide something from them, which is us, otherwise they wouldn't come for us, but now the question is what do we have that they are after–" the gate opened and three division men walked in,each man taking one of the boys and walked to a different direction.

Ken was brought to a place where there are a lot of caves and a stream of water running between the caves. Ken wondered why he was there when he was distracted from his thought by the voice of the man that took him.

"Are you ready?" The man asked

"Ready for what?" Ken asked

"For your training"


A young boy who might be a year older than him walked out from one of the caves swinging his sword in a circular motion. Ken being scared tried running but the division man caught him and brought him closer to the boy with an energy that felt like a magnet.

"Save yourself!" The man said

The young boy used the sword to fight Ken, throwing sword at him recklessly. Ken on his part avoided all this tricks. Ken became tired his heart racing like he ran marathon.

He did not believe he could do what he did,he hated the boy for trying to kill him as he watched the boy walk back to the cave while the division man walked to Ken congratulating him for his success in stage zero. He told him to get ready for the stage one and that it will be more intense.

"Mr why am I training?" Ken asked but the division man didn't say a word as they walked quietly to the division.


Uther sat on the ground by the shore of a sea with his guide. He was asked to close his eyes for a moment and then he started seeing scary figures chasing him, he began fidgeting and sweating profusely at a point he couldn't bear it. He opened his eyes and saw the same figures running toward him, he ran as fast as he could screaming but no one would help him. He found a place while running and hid there watching the figure pass him. Moment later, the division man clapped his hands.

"Uther you have ten seconds to step out from your hiding place, the beast is gone!" He said

Uther stepped out,scared and tired, he could not believe all that just happened unless that he experienced it.

"Congratulations, you've passed the first stage, get ready for the second. Let's go" he said

Uther walking while his mind was still reminiscing all that happened. He never believed he can do something like this,he was happy he won.


Marshall was taken to a beach. It was beautiful but then as time went on, the beauty vanished and became a dark, scary place. Marshall felt someone was behind him,he could see the division man before him and turned to look to find a young boy about his age with two sword, one he held with his left hand and the other by his right hand. He threw one at him and began swinging the other as he walked toward him.

Marshall positioned himself and fought back at the boy, the division man was surprised at Marshall's tricks at his tender age. Marshall defeated the boy the division gave to him. He was congratulated and asked to prepare for the next stage, which is stage three, since he performed excellently, he shouldn't partake in the second stage because they knew he will win. He and his guide walked back to the division.