

Tang lei stood there some meters away from the medicine shop his cloth dirty staring angrily at a pale handsome youth who was smiling at him. After he left the shop full of spirit and confidence, Tang lei never thought someone would ruin his good mood at such a time.

As he was moving far away from the shop, he got to an area which was dark compared to the other street. Suddenly a tingling sensation that he had never felt before started spreading from his back. Realizing something dangerous can be behind him Tang lei promptly rolled on the floor and jumped up into his fighting stance only to realize it was Tang Fei.

"Aiyo, you know what just give me eighty percent, and I will let you off with just some slight bruises". Tang Fei said.

As Tang lei heard him say that, veins started popping up on his head. showing how angry he has become.

"You scumbag, I will kill you!" Tang lei said through gritted teeth as he pounced on Tang Fei.

Tang Fei and Tang lei have the same age and grew up together. There has always been some sort of competition between them since childhood. This competition slowly turned into enmity as they grew and led to one being trashed today and the other tomorrow. But gradually Tang lei was at the losing end as he had poorer talent thus got left behind by this childhood enemy of his, Tang Fei. As Tang Lei got closer to Tang Fei, he roused his qi which coursed through him. His clenched fist started shimmering with white qi but Tang lei didn't notice that a hint of emerald color has appeared in it. He decided to forgo all cautiousness and clash head on with Tang Fei.

First step, second step..

"hah!" Tang lei swung his fist at Tang Fei aiming for his head. a deadly move.

Tang Fei conjured up his qi , copying Tang lei, he also swung his fist intending to directly crush the arrogant enemy Infront of him.


A bright flash of light that illuminated the place followed by the sound of two people falling down resounded the moment their two fist connected. Tang lei was perplexed, he expected his right hand to feel numb or worse feel the pain of his bone cracking. Oh wait! we have the cultivation now though he is almost at the peak. thought Tang lei

"hahahaa" Tang lei burst out laughing as he saw Tang Fei getting up and rubbing his butt.

He felt so good as he wouldn't get beaten today.

"Do you want some more?" as he said that he once again clenched his fist and swung it at Tang Fei. Tang Fei hurriedly met him with the same force and the same scene was repeated again.

"Again!" Tang lei screamed for the fifth time but this time he met just air as Tang Fei evaded. His expression has already turned into an ugly one . If one observe Tang Fei very well one can see his right fist shaking ever so slightly.

" I guess you've gained a little bit of strength. Well since I don't have much time to play with you then you have to be careful. Don't let me catch you" Tang Fei took to his heels right after saying that. The speed at which he left the place even amazed Tang lei as he had never seen Tang Fei run before. well not that kind of running.

Tang lei shook his head. who is he kidding? thought Tang lei. All those brave words just to run away. This goes a long way to show that empty barrels really make much noise.

Tang Lei felt exhaustion creeping up on him.

" I guess I need to rest, this is too much occurrence for a day".

With that said Tang lei continued his steady steps towards the gat on the Tang clan. only that the lightheadedness has been pushed away.

Replaced with determination to Excell. Yes he is confident about the future but there are some goals he must accomplish and certain people he has to passed them and leave them in the dust. Far away from him...